To my independent and still persuadable voters and friends:

Many of us have known people in abusive relationships or have been there ourselves. When the abuser sees their partner slipping away, they promise to change. Smart people know it is just a ploy and the abuser will never change.

Then there are the people who are in love with the idea of the person. They fantasize and may try to rekindle the honeymoon phase of a relationship. However, it wears off and the abuse starts all over again. Typically, the subsequent round is worse than the first.

Next, there is the gaslighter. They try to say you are the one with the problem. You are simply imagining things or you just don’t understand reality. Don’t believe what you see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears. They use your vulnerability and trust to drive you out of your mind.

That is exactly the position America finds itself in right now.

Often times, the person being abused finds themselves in a similar relationship with a new person. The problem isn’t solely with the abuser. It is who and what the abused is attracted to. Maybe it is someone who likes to party. Who doesn’t like a good time? Maybe it is someone who is very attractive or flirtatious. They will soon be with someone new and abuse you before they move on.

I do not need to reiterate all the failings of the current administration. You know it all too well when you go to the store, fill up with gas, try to rent an apartment, or buy a home. If you live in certain areas, you see illegal immigrants being housed and fed while half a million of our fellow Americans sleep on the street. Many are veterans.

And if you happen to believe that Harris is the superior choice to Biden, well, good luck with paying your bills. No, you have simply moved on to another abusive relationship.

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