OK, so the “outrage machine” is at work once again. It does not really matter which side of the issue you are on. Both sides are ginned up over the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and how we should proceed. This is not an overly interesting topic. However, I’m posting on the subject for archive. Here it is in a simple nutshell.
It is said that RBG wanted to wait for a new President as a death bed wish. OK, that’s fine. As a person having free speech that is or was her right. RBG never tried to hide her disdain for President Trump and most things conservative. However, a death bed wish is not a legal argument, is it?
In a July 2016 interview, RBG was asked if the Senate had an obligation to assess Judge Garland’s qualifications, her answer was immediate.
“That’s their job,” she said. “There’s nothing in the Constitution that says the president stops being president in his last year.”
While leftists in the media and politicians will cry and moan about the injustice of it all the facts are the facts. RBG was correct. The President is the President until the next one swears in. People may not see this as fair or nice but it is the way it is.
Additionally, it is telling that Nancy Pelosi is not ruling out another impeachment. What would they impeach Trump for? The same thing that Obama did back in 2016? Americans who are fed up with the actions of Democrats for the past 4 years will only be hardened against them if they try another impeachment over nothing.
Lastly, I’m sure our veteran community and others have thoughts and feelings about all this. The bottom line is the rules are the rules. Maybe the Senate will not vote until after election day. Either way, they all retain the powers of their offices right up until the swearing-in of a new Congress on 3 January and the President on 20 January. Everything else is just part of the outrage machine.
PS Don’t forget to post the Flag on your social media and put one outside your house or apartment if you can. The US Flag now stands for being pro-Trump.
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YES! A major front of the war against America is who sits on the Supreme Court.
You bet Trump should nominate and the Senate should immediately confirm his nomination.
Liberals are rioting and burning stuff NOW so I doubt that it could be much worse for the law abiding citizen should Trump nominate a replacement.
Besides, to leave that seat open for the slim possibility of a Biden nomination would be absolutely insane.
It is his obligation by the Constitution to nominate a judge. The Democrats will use every sleazy tactic possible to stop the nomination, and regardless of whether President Trump gets his justice, the despicable Democrats will add seats to the Supreme Court if they get the Presidency and Senate.
Wow. I see you quoted Gainsbourg on her statement about the 2016 SCOTUS nomination. She said it should occurring away. Where are the quotes from McConnell about the SCOTUS confirmation hearings in 2016? What about Graham?
It seems like Hypocrisy has become totally acceptable in the GOP.
Yes, the Dems are hypocritical too. But they at least try to hide it away. They don’t shouted from the rooftops.
Jon, I agree there is hypocrisy on both sides for sure. The argument isn’t, is it fair? The argument boils down to, is it legal? See the post on Chris Coons, Senate Dem. I’ll give him points for being honest that if Hillary was President he would advise her to fill the seat. I’m going to post on the differences we experience by Blue Collar Logic. Great video.
I wasn’t talking about it being fair, of even legal. I was talking about the way the GOP is embracing its hypocrisy. None of them even bother to try and deny or explain. That’s just the way its going.
OK, so the subject is “embracing hypocrisy”. Just so you understand the way I (and likely most of us regular folks that have been paying attention for years.) see it, that started long ago and I found it more notable on the Democrat side. To me, it simply appears that some in the GOP are starting to embrace the tactics of the DNC. I mean, we saw all these top Senators and Representatives get on TV day after day for 3 years and say Russian collusion and then the secret testimony comes out in hearings. We see that none of them believed this when they were under oath. That is just one of many examples of the Dems embracing hypocrisy. Talk about hypocrisy! Yep, it sucks when the same rules apply to both sides, doesn’t it?