Veterans for Trump Blog Posts
Vets for TrumpHere you will find the latest blog posts. Feel free to share your comments supporting Trump here. If you want to carry on like an idiot feel free to follow and comment on X formerly Twitter.
Voting For Trump No Matter What
I'm voting for Trump even if they end up putting him in prison. As a matter of fact, it looks like many Americans are taking the same view. That wasn't the view several months ago before the kangaroo court show trials began. While he will still lose some voters in...
Dog Eat Dog World
Romney tied a dog to his car roof, Obama ate a dog, Biden's dog bites the Secret Service and Kristi Noem shoots a dog. Trump seems to be the smart one. He doesn't have a dog.
Biden Hit With 22 Lawsuits From Just 1 Source
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has announced an aggressive legal strategy against the Biden administration, indicating that they plan to file at least 22 lawsuits by the end of President Joe Biden's current term. This is a significant increase compared to the three...
Battle for the Soul of America The central thesis of Joe Biden's presidency articulated in the earliest days of his campaignand reiterated just last week, is that we are now engaged in a battle for the soul of our nation. I don't know if...
Lawfare 3 Cases Discussed
It would be indeed ironic if other countries were required to monitor legal abuses in America against President Trump. In the realm of international relations, it is typically expected that countries respect the sovereignty and legal processes of other nations....
If You Voted For Trump You Are The Evil 1
Voted for Trump? Oh yes, because clearly voting for Trump automatically makes you an evil person. Forget about complex political ideologies, personal beliefs, or reasons for choosing a candidate. All that matters is this one simplistic label. After all, everyone who...
Hush Money
So why didn’t the Feds prosecute this?
Simply put: It’s legally OK in a pretty broad swath of situations. It’s legally OK if the information being kept confidential is not about a crime, or if keeping it confidential doesn’t otherwise violate the law. – Tess Wilkinson-Ryan
You can also listen to a fair-minded Democrat Jonathan Turley. While rare, there is such a thing
Yep, Joe Is And Has Been Wrong On Everything
The headlines in Jan 2014 were all about how Sec Def Robert Gates wrote a book stating that: "I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades,” former Defense Secretary Robert Gates says of Vice...
Simple Math
I was talking with a fellow Veteran for Trump the other day explaining how inflation hurts us even if you get a cost of living increase. Maybe it does not dawn on everyone but when you get your increase a year has already gone by. While the rate of inflation was...
Comments Not Getting Approved?
If your comments don't make the cut, fear not! Simply click on the Share icons and blast your brilliant insights across your personal Social Media platform. It seems that comments from those who lean to the left, despise Trump, or just can't seem to stick to the point...
Uncovering the Truth
Don’t believe your lying eyes. That seems to be the mantra of the left, never Trumpers and those who say they are not voting or voting for someone other than Biden or Trump.
The economy is great, but you know better because you get a paycheck, pay bills, buy food, get gas et cetera.
Biden added millions of jobs, but you know they went to foreign born people, are just jobs recovered after COVID or are because people now have to work two jobs.
The border is secure, when the video shows you are lying it is then the fault of Republicans who refuse to play ball. But you know better because the same laws existed under Trump as exist under Biden.
We need to fund the Ukraine War, but you know the Russians would not have dared invade when Trump was President.
Crime is down, but you know better and here is why:
Oregon re-criminalizes small amounts of hard drugs
Another failed progressive experiment that kills people bites the dust. The problem with their 2020 law was they let this out in the open. In most areas of the country, you cannot drink in public. However, in progressive cities they let you shoot up in front of school kids. You cannot smoke a cigarette in New York City without getting harassed but light up a joint and that’s OK.
I don’t drink or do drugs but I really don’t care what you do in the privacy of your own home. As long as what you do doesn’t interfere with the rights of another, have at it. However, the same reasoning behind seat belt laws could be used as an argument against legalized drug use. If you become a waste case and then take tax dollars you are now a burden on everyone doing the right thing. If you are going to legalize all this stuff then you need to remove the support systems the rest of us pay for.
Taxes Going Up?
As April 15 approaches it is either time to get your taxes done or file those extensions. It is also a good time to remind voters that the Trump tax cuts will expire in Dec 2025. For the average American, that means an increase of 3%. Families will also see the child...
Trans Day of Visibility
We have a so-called Pride month and this Trans Day of Visibility. I’m not sure why we call it a “Trans Day of Visibility” considering this is one of the most visible segments of our population while comprising a very, very small part of society. The last survey that I could find taken by the National Institutes of Health had it at less than 0.0045% identifying themselves as such. That was in 2015 and those numbers do climb every year by 0.0002% or thereabouts. Around 7% of living Americans have served in the military and we get a day for our dead and a day for the living. Does anyone else see a problem with this?
I’m still wondering why all this attention is paid to such a small group of folks who either have a birth defect or a psychological problem. I don’t make fun of them, but I don’t know why they get celebrated. Let alone more than those who sacrifice for the betterment of our nation like cops, EMTs, doctors, nurses, and veterans.
Hypocrisy – Sexual Misconduct
Whatever Trump did or didn’t do before he was President it doesn’t even compare. Trump was never accused of anything like this while in office. That is why any comment about Trump’s sexual conduct goes right in the trash
The point of hypocrisy is leftists and Never Trumpers always complain about Trump the Playboy. For those of you under 50, you may need to read up on who Bill Clinton was when it came to sexual conduct. He was way worse than Trump and even did it while in office as President and Governor. Clinton not only won a second term, but his popularity remains to this day within liberal and Never Trump communities. So much so he was a headliner at the fundraiser.
Exodus 22:28
I received an email from one of our fellow Vets for Trump, Larry. I let him know I would write about this when I found time. Today is the day! Hi Mike: I'm not a "Bible banger," but I did see something interesting on the Story Channel. Exodus 22:27 (at least in my...
The Impact of the Election on Gas and Energy Prices: What Trumps Win Means for Consumers
I pulled up my records because my electric bills are much higher. I wanted to make sure I got the numbers right. I am on the budget system in an all-electric home. The bill is relatively the same every month until the end when the account is balanced for the year. In January 2016 it was $244 per month under Obama. In December 2020 it was $193 per month. It has risen steadily since Biden took office and is now at $349 per month! $1,872 extra per year so far.
When the left complains to me about Trump I must remind myself that these people are likely either wealthy or living off of someone else’s hard earned money.
Y2K – Remembering When
When Y2K approached, I was in the Air Force juggling teaching survival skills in the woods one day and providing technical support for a computer program tracking survival gear the next. The program was used by all branches of the military and NASA, leading to concerns about the Y2K bug. After testing the program, I reassured the Chief at the Pentagon that all would be fine by demonstrating how changing the computer date to 31 Dec 1999 and 31 Dec 2000 had no negative effects. All turned out well in the end.
At this point, I’m guessing you are wondering why I am bringing this up. Good question. You see, we have to run experiments to see what works and what does not. America has run this experiment before but maybe it was before you were born or paying attention. It was the election of Jimmy Carter, a Democrat. He was a nice guy from all appearances and even taught Sunday School classes. He came on the heels of the Watergate Scandal brought to us by “Tricky Dick” Nixon.
Things are Understood by Contrast
There is a huge contrast between Trump and traditional politicians. As I write this it strikes me that I am only stating the obvious. However, it is so apparent many people do not take the time to analyze it. Could Trump’s policies be achieved apart from his non-traditional approach?
I do not think so. The typical political rhetoric is just that. It does not get anybody’s attention. Let’s contrast some main issues.
Understanding Trump from Philippians
People are amazed by President Trump’s increasing popularity despite facing numerous lawsuits. If you are familiar with your Bible and especially Paul there is a similarity. Paul was frequently imprisoned throughout his ministry, and it seemed like no matter where he went, there were always people trying to put him behind bars. If you want to know more about why Paul was imprisoned here is a good article. To put it in a nutshell, Paul’s accusers did not want to hear the message of salvation, so they imprisoned and eventually killed the messenger. Jesus warned us that we should not be surprised when the world hates Christians because it hated Him first.
“There is no God”
Long ago I heard a pastor explain proof texting. It’s just like the “Fine people hoax” used by the media and Joe Biden. Stop and think about this. James Comey, former Director of the FBI, fired from the FBI writing books and having a Showtime documentary. Normally someone like this would quietly retire in disgrace. James Clapper, scandalized Former Director of National Intelligence works for CNN, his primary job to criticize Trump. Andrew McCabe, Former deputy director of the FBI also fired from the FBI also works for CNN. John Brennan, Former Director of the CIA works for MSNBC. Peter Strzok, Former special agent of the FBI, also fired from the FBI works for MSNBC. Lisa Page, who served as an FBI lawyer and close adviser to former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe resigned in disgrace hired by NBC. James A. Baker, the former general counsel for the FBI and one of former FBI Director James Comey’s closest advisers, and later served as deputy general counsel at Twitter, Inc. before being fired by Elon Musk in December 2022.
The blatant corruption of the media, Stalinist government agencies, and politicians is evident for all to witness. Now you know why Trump must win.
I Don’t Care About Age & More
As I observe the discussions surrounding Joe Biden’s age, I am concerned that pro-America voters may be losing sight of the true issue at hand. It is irrelevant to me whether Joe can climb stairs, ride a bike, or walk without assistance. I would have no qualms if a President required a stair lift to board Air Force One. In all honesty, I am not bothered by his mumbling or lapses in thought without a teleprompter except for the international embarrassment it causes. I would support a President with speech impediments or physical limitations if their policies were sound and beneficial. Let us not be distracted by superficial concerns
Contrasting Never Trumpers, Leftists & MAGA
There are two distinct groups of individuals who frequently leave comments aside from Trump supporters: Never Trumpers and Leftists. These individuals often base their comments on their perceptions of Trump as portrayed by leftist news sources and social media echo...
Biden Lies & Distortions SOTU Address
Biden Lie: Trump, in relation to Russia doing what they want, was speaking past tense when he was asked if the USA would defend a NATO country that did not pay as they promised. Biden Lie: Republicans will discuss funding Ukraine if Biden restores policies he knows he...
State Of The Union Address – 30,000 Lies
Wouldn't it be a hoot to see a President take the podium at the State of the Union Address and start by saying: "The State of the Union is, well, it could be worse." That would be the most honest thing Joe Biden could say. After all the nuclear bombs have not fallen...
Two Dem Policies That Bother Most Americans
After Trump's big 9-0 Supreme Court win we await the announcement of who will be running against President Trump. I thought it an opportune time to mention two issues most Americans agree on besides the border and the economy: Student Loan Forgiveness and Reparations....
Where Candidates Stand on Various Issues
Our friend and fellow veteran Larry Nizimek sent me an email with a voter guide. I divided into two PDF's. One contains where the Presidential candidates fall on the issues for all states. The other contains that and the state of Illinois candidates for our brothers...
Ask A Question
I've decided to open a blog post where you can ask a question. Then I or hopefully others will give a response. This is not an area for stupid comments and they will still be deleted or marked as spam. Many are auto deleted or auto spamed. That goes for both sides. If...
Elon Musk Said It – Not Me
Dems won’t deport, because every illegal is a highly likely vote at some point. That simple incentive explains what seems to be insane behavior. It has become so brazen that a gang of illegals can beat up police officers on camera in Times Square, get out of jail for...
The Art of the Deal
The other day, my neighbor forwarded me an email containing a quote from Tony Schwartz, the ghostwriter of Donald Trump's book, The Art of the Deal in 1987. The email was longer but here are the 3 key points it made: Schwartz regrets writing the book. Schwartz, along...
Who Will Destroy America First?
Who Will Destroy America First, that is the question. For a long time we have seen foreign adversaries as the number 1 threat to our way of life. Maybe it is already too late. The left cannot get past their hatred of Trump's personality. Thankfully many on the left...
Feb 18 – Week in Review – It’s been a busy one!
‘A Huge Blow’: Decline In White Recruits Fueling The Military’s Worst-Ever Recruiting Crisis, Data Shows Evidence suggests our intelligence agencies launched the Russia-collusion hoax months before the Clinton campaign joined in full force. Journalist reports that a...
Take That You Stupid….
"Take that, you stupid leftist or Never Trumper!" an angry man might say. However, I am not an angry man. You probably missed this headline proving Trump was right again since the National Media didn't pick up on the story. Here it is from AP News: "NATO chief says...
The Psychology of Advertising
I don't know why I'm posting this on Vets for Trump, but this subject bothers me and I need an outlet. Ignore it if you want to because it has little to nothing to do with politics or veterans specifically. It does have a bit to do with one of my recurring themes on...
Illegal Immigration Top Issue In Swing States
I know there is a lot of controversy about the number of illegal immigrants that entered the US during the past 3 years of the Biden administration. Therefore, I will use the government's statistics from the US Customs & Border Protection website. 8,913,064...
How Trump Reinvented NATO
Recent remarks about NATO by President Trump have some pedantic people upset. Let's see what he said and then revisit history and facts versus emotional distortions. Here is a link to what he said. It is a short 1 minute 22-second YouTube video but it puts things in...
Super Bowl – Sports and Why We Watch
Sports are inherently merit-based rather than involved in equity because they prioritize excellence and performance above all else. The essence of sports lies in the cultivation of individual talent and dedication, where those who demonstrate exceptional skill,...
H.R. 815
If you have been paying attention you have heard all the back and forth about H.R. 815 (click to view) which contains some items about the border. Republicans cannot agree and that is no surprise to me. If you spent any time in the military you are familiar with...
Why Donald Trumps Tax Reforms Were a Win for Middle-Class Families Part 5
Simplified Tax Filing: The Positive Effects of Tax Reforms on the Ease of Filing Taxes for Middle-Class Families Complexity of the Tax System Before the Reforms April 15th, a date that struck fear into the hearts of many middle-class families. The tax system...
Why Donald Trumps Tax Reforms Were a Win for Middle-Class Families Part 4
Jobs and Economic Growth: How Tax Reforms Stimulated the Economy and Created Opportunities for Middle-Class Workers Overview of the Job Market and Economic Conditions Before the Tax Reforms Picture this: a job market that felt stagnant, economic growth that seemed to...
Why Donald Trumps Tax Reforms Were a Win for Middle-Class Families Part 3
Child Tax Credit Expansion: The Impact of Trump's Tax Reforms on Families with Children Overview of the Child Tax Credit Expansion Recognizing the financial challenges faced by families with children, Trump's tax reforms expanded the child tax credit. This...
Why Donald Trumps Tax Reforms Were a Win for Middle-Class Families Part 2
Increased Standard Deduction: How the Increased Standard Deduction Benefited Middle-Class Families The expansion of the child tax credit resulted in a higher credit amount per child, making it more accessible and beneficial for middle-class families. This allowed...
Why Donald Trumps Tax Reforms Were a Win for Middle-Class Families Part 1
Overview of Donald Trump's Tax Reforms and Their Impact on Middle-Class Families - A Five-Part Series Over the Next Several Days Background on Trump's Tax Reform Agenda Donald Trump's tax reforms, enacted during his presidency, marked a significant shift in the...
The Positive Impact of Trump’s Tightened Border Controls
In recent years, the issue of border security has taken center stage in political discussions, with a particular focus on the United States. The Trump administration's efforts to tighten border controls have sparked both support and opposition. In this article, we aim...
I’m Not Holding My Breath
So far there have been 159 attacks against American troops in the middle east and now at least 3 are dead and 25 wounded. I'm not holding my breath expecting an action like Ronald Reagan did in the 1980s, destroying half of Iran's navy. I'll keep my opinion brief. We...
FBI Arrests Babylon Bee Actor Siaka Massaquoi
The Babylon Bee sits down with Siaka Massaquoi to talk about how the FBI recently separated him from his pregnant wife at the airport and arrested him over charges related to January 6th. What really happened on January 6th and what was Siaka doing at the Capitol...
Did Biden Cause The Border Crisis?
Yes, Joe Biden directly caused the border crisis. Here it is on YouTube from the Democrat Primary Debate. [00:00:00.08 --> 00:00:03.68] i would in fact make sure that there is [00:00:02.72 --> 00:00:05.92] we immediately [00:00:03.68 --> 00:00:06.96] surge to...
Why Is The Border A Top Issue?
In Sep 2020 Biden promised to "Dismantle Trump's Sweeping Immigration Changes", see NPR. We'll give him credit for being a man of his word on this subject. As soon as Biden got into office he dismantled everything Trump did to secure our border. This led to the deaths...
MABA – Make America Ballsy Again
Cambridge Dictionary defines "Ballsy" as brave and determined. A negative commentor (who like many others is voting for Trump over Biden) recently questioned if Trump had the "balls" to testify in court. I...
Breaking Liberal Brains – Tomorrow’s NH Primary
Everyone, including NBC News, called the night for Trump only 30 minutes into the Iowa caucuses. That is when the meltdowns began. The liberals and Never Trumpers could not contain their emotions. Here is just one 40-second clip example. That short video shows the...