Of course, the latest news on the withdrawal debacle from Afghanistan is no surprise either. That is unless you are part of the Biden administration. What did we expect? You may recall that Robert Gates said in his book:
Biden had been “wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”
One can argue Trump would have completely withdrawn as well. However, do you think it would have been this embarrassing? I doubt it but nobody can prove it. Miranda Devine said she spoke with President Trump and asked him if he had a plan. According to the NY Post reporter Trump said they would have gotten all the people out before withdrawing all the troops. Dah, that is a no-brainer. But not for Sleepy Joe. It was a brain teaser. Trump also said he would have destroyed American equipment before letting the Taliban seize it. Another no-brainer that Joe just couldn’t figure out. Joe and his Pentagon Staff were too busy getting his military on board with CRT and special pronouns.
Didn’t Biden, in his off-script remark say it would not be like Vietnam? Can you tell me which image is Saigon and which image is Kabul?
C’mon man! Would you hire Joe to run a candy store? No, of course not!
Even honest Democrats question his fitness for office. Biden’s excuse was it was Trump who put this withdraw in place and he couldn’t reverse it. Really? Didn’t Biden undo all the other great policies Trump had put in place in record time? Yes, good old Joe lied to you again, or maybe he didn’t remember.
I’m not the only one that thinks Biden is unfit for office. Remember all the admirals and generals who signed a letter questioning his fitness back in May 2021:
On May 11, a group of 124 retired U.S. military admirals and generals signed a letter questioning Biden’s fitness for office and seemingly challenging the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.
The “Constitutional Republic is lost” without “fair and honest elections that accurately reflect the ‘will of the people,'” the retired flag officers wrote. “The FBI and Supreme Court must act swiftly when election irregularities are surfaced and not ignore them as was done in 2020.” ~ Source
You may not have liked “Orange Man” but it sure beats the hell out of what we have today. Do you miss him yet?
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I could have sworn that Trump forced Biden to withdraw like this. At least that’s what he wanted.
“I started the process, all the troops are coming home,” Trump told rallygoers in Ohio on June 26. “[The Biden administration] couldn’t stop the process—they wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process.”
Pompeo helped plenty as well.
On Sept. 12, 2020, then-Sec. Pompeo tweeted a picture of himself and Taliban Political Deputy Mullah Baradar in Doha, Qatar. “The Taliban must seize this opportunity to forge a political settlement and reach a comprehensive and permanent ceasefire to end 40 years of war,” Pompeo wrote. The next day, Pompeo tweeted that he was “proud to visit Doha at this truly historic time for the Afghan people.”
But oops!
But over the weekend, Pompeo—who thinks he’s primed for a 2024 GOP presidential bid—had a change of heart.
“The Taliban are butchers,” he wrote
On Saturday, President Joe Biden released a statement blaming the Trump-Pompeo deal for saddling him with no good choices in Afghanistan when he took office.
“When I came to office, I inherited a deal cut by my predecessor—which he invited the Taliban to discuss at Camp David on the eve of 9/11 of 2019—that left the Taliban in the strongest position militarily since 2001 and imposed a May 1, 2021 deadline on U.S. Forces,” Biden said, noting that Trump drew down U.S. forces in the country to just 2,500 before leaving office. “When I became President, I faced a choice—follow through on the deal, with a brief extension to get our Forces and our allies’ Forces out safely, or ramp up our presence and send more American troops to fight once again in another country’s civil conflict.”
At least Biden has not legitimize the Taliban. Nor did he give them the green light to take over. Trump did both.
You make me laugh Jon. I’m just not accustomed to people who are so easily influenced by their own confirmation bias. It is probably because I came out of a PsyOps Special Ops unit. I know that’s not the only reason I see through things so clearly. God graced me with a reasonable mind when it comes to propaganda. I can’t take credit for any of it.
So, yes, Trump was also going to pull out. Both left and right agreed. It isn’t that we pulled out. It is how we pulled out. Admittedly, that is always tricky. It is much harder than an invasion. Personally, I would never have stayed longer than it took to make the Taliban think twice about harboring Al Qaeda. I was in theater before the month of September was out in 2001. By Christmas, we had spanked them very hard. The Taliban government fell on 17 Dec 2001. Nevertheless, we did stay.
We can go back to GW Bush and I do lay a lot of responsibility there. I also think invading Iraq was a huge mistake. I was there for The First Gulf War. We had Iraq controlled in the North and South. No need to invade at all. Bill Clinton even massed Special Forces on the Southern border of Iraq but did not pull the trigger. I was there as well. Literally, as I was driving off base for my retirement in November 2002 our unit was launching planes for the build-up to Gulf War II. I was muttering to myself as I waved goodbye. Ours was simply to do our duty, like it or not.
Again, you cannot argue that Biden was locked in. He could have changed any agreement Trump made. Biden did that with most of Trump’s great policies. The border crisis, our energy difficulties, the Paris Climate Accord, Inflation, the Russian pipeline, and a host of other things were caused by Biden overturning Trump-era policies.
The Taliban feared Trump. Who wouldn’t? Even you and other leftists think he is crazy! That my friend is all part of his schtick. Like him or not, his talent was being unpredictable in war and political negotiations.
Frankly, I don’t think you or anyone really believes Trump would have done a worse job than Biden on this issue. You may deny that publicly. In your less emotional times, I’m guessing even you must realize the truth. Nobody here is asking you to like Trump’s personality. However, his policies were rock solid most of the time.