OK, folks, I’m pissed as all get out. It is absolutely insane that we will allow illegal immigrants to flood our southern border and spend billions on them. At the same time, we will not allow Zalmay Niazy who has shown loyalty to the United States to be sent back to near-certain death. Hell, he even took a bullet for helping us. Read the full article or watch the video here and start calling your representatives in D.C. Find your Congressman here. Find your Senator here. Call the Whitehouse here.
We who served our nation cannot let this injustice go. Hell, I’d be happy to provide shelter for the man and his family if they are with him. Frankly, we need to get all of those who helped us out of Afghanistan.
Call for Niazy. Call for them all!
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Good post.
Just like the Cambodians that served with the 5th Special Forces in Viet Nam – why do we allow this to happen?
Amen brother. It is embarrassing when we do not protect those who helped us. A man and a country is only as good as his word. We must voice our opinion with our government.
Just like the Kurd’s, three times!
This sounds different from how you responded when Trump abandoned the Kurt’s in Syria.
Stupid autocorrect!
It’s not Kurt’s, its suppose to be Kurds.
The Kurds (great people and fierce fighters) have their own region that is well defined. Their biggest enemy now is Turkey, a supposed NATO ally. That all gets very complicated. They have been at odds a very long time.
My previous comments on the Kurds have to do with the entire region. We cannot expect to bring all Kurds from Iraq to the U.S.A. Just like we cannot bring all Afghanis to the U.S.A. However, those who worked with us as interpreters, etc., and are at risk should be given asylum.
Sometimes I think your dislike for Trump inhibits your ability to see nuance. It is true with people on the Right as well so don’t take that personally. I simply want you to consider that possibility. Life is often nuanced. Understanding that can help bring us personal peace.
The Kurds couldnt have anything more than air support as ISIS had bounties on American Heads so the Kurds did not want to be a payday target and as for Trump pulling our troops that was on the Border as they were in the crossfire.
I am sorry about my dislike for someone who instigated an insurrection because he was embarrassed about losing the election, again.
Maybe my dislike blinds me to some of Trump’s accomplishments. But your devotion blinds you to his multitude of faults. Starting with over 600k deaths.
The GOP complains that Biden didn’t correct Putin when he criticized the US, yet they supported Trump’s trashing the USA intelligence services in Helsinki and other places/times.
LOL, there is that word “insurrection” that is used by the left. Think about that. Was anyone trying to overthrow the government? Where were the armed people? They did not even have pitchforks or torches let alone guns. It was a mostly peaceful insurrection if you use the same logic as the left does when reporting on the attacks against federal buildings by extreme letists. I am Not approving of what happened but let’s be fair about this. Trump said to protest peacefully. I won’t blame Biden for Antifa (even though their domain name http://antifa.com/ still points to Biden’s Whitehouse website). Don’t blame Trump for what others do. Especially when he specifically said “peacefully”.
I’m not blinded by a cult of personality. I point to policy, not personality. I’ll be posting on that again soon. I know there are those who follow a cult of personality but that’s not me or most of those who are Vets for Trump. It should really be Vets for Trump Policy. AKA America First. We will support anyone who truly puts America first over special interests and Globalism. Lip service will no longer cut it. You can’t pin the China Flu deaths on Trump. That’s ridiculous.
One thing Trump did was expose the Intel services. They have all become corrupt and you know it. It is a double-edged sword. We can’t seem to live with or without them. Horns of dilemma and all. I used to work with some of these guys and I can’t believe how corrupt some of them at the top have become. Amazing that you still support them without question.
I don’t say any of this in anger towards you. I know you are a victim of many things that you had no control over that led you to where you are. “There but for the Grace of God go I.” I am simply humbled that God did not see fit to have me walk the path of delusion. All I can do is pray for you and those like you. If you never read my post on understanding each other now would be a good time. Here is the link. It is a 2-minute read.
This quick post was just for you and your fellow gullible friends.