I was talking to a buddy and asked if he thought we are really that divided. There is no doubt there is division but is it as great as the time surrounding the Civil War as Joe Biden would have you think? Below are a couple of Joe Biden quotes related to voter integrity:
There is “an unfolding assault taking place in America today, an attempt to suppress and subvert the right to vote,”… “We’re facing the most significant test of our democracy since the Civil War. That’s not hyperbole, since the Civil War.”
Then in typical Joe Biden form, he goes on: “I’m not saying this to alarm you. I’m saying this because you should be alarmed.” You can watch the video at this link.
At least this time he did not threaten to turn fighter jets and nuclear bombs on Americans who disagreed with him on 2nd Amendment issues like he did last month. If you thought that Trump was crazy then you have to admit Biden is Batshit Crazy!
Biden gets away with it because conservatives don’t scream & cry like a bunch of little school girls. That is the modus operandi of the liberals. If you thought you were getting a President that would unite us you were sadly mistaken.
Voter ID is one thing most Americans agree on. Different polls come up with different results but they are all relatively close. You can click here to see the top websites that talk about polls related to this subject. Below is an excerpt from Rasmussen which is more or less in line with others:
Majorities of whites (74%), blacks (69%) and other minorities (82%) say voters should be required to show photo identification before being allowed to vote. Voters under 40 support voter ID laws more than do older voters.
You have probably heard about these polls if you are a conservative. If you are a liberal you likely have not heard that all the polls favor Voter ID. What surprised me was voters under 40 support it more than older voters.
Here is another excerpt:
Eighty-nine percent (89%) of Republicans support voter ID requirements, as do 60% of Democrats and 77% of voters not affiliated with either major party.
There isn’t much surprising in this area at first glance. What it does show is Biden and other Dems are out of touch with a majority of Americans. You cannot unite a country by implying 75 to 80% of us are racists and impugning our character. The Democrats fought against freeing slaves. Many later fought against equal rights for women and minorities. Now they fight against voter integrity. Amazing!
Even if you think there were no Covid related election problems wouldn’t you want to give peace of mind to the majority of the country? Our liberal neighbor to the north and most European countries have voter ID laws. Click here to see.
It’s the economy stupid! ~ James Carville 1992
It’s the integrity of our elections stupid! ~ Mike Kelly 2021
So, what do you think? Is voter ID really akin to slavery, Jim Crow, etc as Biden and the Democrats say? Who is really fighting against integrity?
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Instead of your voter ID question, I will respond to the question in the headline: “Is There A War Coming?”
The “war” is the Culture War and it broke out in 1974. Please watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xf5E0MQC8M0
The Left understands where the Culture War frontline is located!
We are in a war for the hearts, minds, and souls of the precious children of America. No sane military force sends raw recruits to be trained (and mentally maimed) in the boot-camp of the bad guys. Please see “Call to Dunkirk” at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGU-36VwfiI
I continue to call for veterans to man a battle station.
Just ask me for ideas.
There isn’t as big of a divide as people think. It’s the leftists pushing their agenda. Folks believe what the news tells them to believe. This country has turned into a fucking joke. They spit in the face of all veterans who sacrificed and died for a way of life they are now shitting on. I hope to God they are not successfully in hiding the audit results. We need to get this leftist illegitimate Regime out of the White House. They will crash the economy beyond repair if we wait till 2022. You can’t print trillions of dollars for free! WE ARE GONNA HAVE SERIOUS ECONOMIC FALLOUT! Watch your backs fellow patriots. They want nothing more than to silence those that won’t crow their bullshit narrative.
I believe the Mike Kelly quote more than the James Carville quote (today), although both have merit…
As far as a “civil war”, if the President, the traditional media, and social media keeps telling people how racist “white people” are, with zero hope of ever NOT being “racist”, there will e a wedge between whites and people of color that maybe, just maybe, perhaps, lead to a “civil war”.
Preach brotherhood. Find ways to bring us all together, NOT divide us. Do NOT create hatred among Americans of all nationalities, colors,, religions, and creeds. E Pluribus Unum!
You all make good points. I go back and forth between the Christian values that tell me to focus on love, brotherhood, and forgiveness and my frustration over the idiocracy we are living through. I’m reminded of the opening words on the screen to the song Wrong Side of Heaven: The ones that love you the most are the ones willing to fight for you.