by mkelly | Oct 24, 2024 | Veterans for Trump
The media has discredited itself with countless examples of misleading coverage, especially concerning Trump. If both the media and individuals focused on presenting the truth, they would earn more credibility and trust from the public. Here is a link to the latest...
by mkelly | Oct 14, 2024 | Propaganda, Opinion, Psychological Operations
How can we truly trust the media when we see, time and again, clear examples of how stories are shaped to protect political interests? Here’s yet another case of the media carefully crafting narratives to shield a left-leaning candidate from scrutiny. Instead of...
by mkelly | Sep 23, 2024 | Vets for Trump
How does anyone believe a word they say? Let’s review just a handful of the lies. The media lying about Trump since 2017. How does anyone believe a word they say?— Insurrection Barbie (@DefiyantlyFree) September 22,...
by mkelly | Jul 17, 2024 | Fact Check, Fake News - Well Partially, Veterans for Trump
Someone actually emailed us and said Trump did not speak to the widow of the man killed at the rally. This just shows how entrenched the self deceived folks are. Well, click here for the story. Not only did Trump call her his staff has been following up. Helen did...
by mkelly | Jul 13, 2024 | Uncategorized
Mac and I have talked about this before. We are not surprised at someone trying to kill Trump. It was expected. If you are shocked or surprised then you have not been paying attention. It is unreasonable to continuously spread false information about an individual in...