Battle for the Soul of America

Battle for the Soul of America

The central thesis of Joe Biden’s presidency articulated in the earliest days of his campaignand reiterated just last week, is that we are now engaged in a battle for the soul of our nation. I don’t know if you’ve looked at some of his appointees...
Lawfare 3 Cases Discussed

Lawfare 3 Cases Discussed

It would be indeed ironic if other countries were required to monitor legal abuses in America against President Trump. In the realm of international relations, it is typically expected that countries respect the sovereignty and legal processes of other nations....
If You Voted For Trump You Are The Evil 1

If You Voted For Trump You Are The Evil 1

Voted for Trump? Oh yes, because clearly voting for Trump automatically makes you an evil person. Forget about complex political ideologies, personal beliefs, or reasons for choosing a candidate. All that matters is this one simplistic label. After all, everyone who...
Hush Money

Hush Money

So why didn’t the Feds prosecute this? Simply put: It’s legally OK in a pretty broad swath of situations. It’s legally OK if the information being kept confidential is not about a crime, or if keeping it confidential doesn’t otherwise violate the law. –...
Yep, Joe Is And Has Been Wrong On Everything

Yep, Joe Is And Has Been Wrong On Everything

The headlines in Jan 2014 were all about how Sec Def Robert Gates wrote a book stating that: “I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades,” former Defense Secretary Robert Gates says of...