Simple Math

Simple Math

I was talking with a fellow Veteran for Trump the other day explaining how inflation hurts us even if you get a cost of living increase. Maybe it does not dawn on everyone but when you get your increase a year has already gone by. While the rate of inflation was...
Comments Not Getting Approved?

Comments Not Getting Approved?

If your comments don’t make the cut, fear not! Simply click on the Share icons and blast your brilliant insights across your personal Social Media platform. It seems that comments from those who lean to the left, despise Trump, or just can’t seem to stick...
Uncovering the Truth

Uncovering the Truth

Don’t believe your lying eyes. That seems to be the mantra of the left, never Trumpers and those who say they are not voting or voting for someone other than Biden or Trump. The economy is great, but you know better because you get a paycheck, pay bills, buy...
Taxes Going Up?

Taxes Going Up?

As April 15 approaches it is either time to get your taxes done or file those extensions. It is also a good time to remind voters that the Trump tax cuts will expire in Dec 2025. For the average American, that means an increase of 3%. Families will also see the child...