An FBI lawyer is under criminal investigation for allegedly altering a document related to the surveillance of onetime Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.
“If there was an FBI agent sworn to uphold the Constitution who can be proven to have altered the document in connection with a legal proceeding, including the obtaining of a FISA warrant, that’s really serious. It doesn’t get a lot more serious than that,” former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara
I have a friend who is what I would normally view as a conspiracy theorist. The reason I say this is because he thinks (or in his words knows) there will be executions for treason. I’ve taken the position that is unlikely since we haven’t executed anyone for treason since the 1950s. At this point, I am thinking we need to make an example of someone. Execution might just be the solution to future deep state people trying to overthrow our Representative Republic. If executions happen I owe my buddy a free all-expense paid trip to Florida. I would gladly pay it to protect our country from future assaults by deep state operatives.
Many of you know me or at least my writings. I’m not a right-wing crazy. As a veteran who served 23 years to protect this country, I take no joy in suggesting executions should happen. However, after seeing fellow veterans in foreign wars pay in blood it only seems fair the deep state operatives pay with blood if treason is proven.
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No argument here. An act of treason, if unpunished or punished too lightly, leads to MORE acts of treason. It’s beyond time that those who commit these insidious crimes of treason pay the FULL measure they deserve. I also do NOT suggest this lightly. Still, I consider myself a pragmatist and the pragmatic method of dealing with an act of treason (due to its covert nature) is execution.
I don’t want to jump the gun until we know for sure exactly what happened and the nature of the crime. I fear my frustration and rage is coming out. I honestly don’t know how President Trump stays as cool as he does. Normally I have very good control of my emotions. Nor do I take things personally. I just can’t imagine what the president and his family and close friends are going through. Every Christian ought to lift them up in prayer every moment of every day.
Well, let’s look at it this way. As many times as the dumbocrats have tried to oust this President with NOTHING to prove any wrongdoing on his behalf, there MUST be some shenanigans happening SOMEWHERE. This has been going on for THREE YEARS now (maybe even longer) and honestly, I don’t see anything getting better until a culprit is found and ‘terminated’. While I would be the LAST one to want someone put to death over a political matter, I would also be the LAST one to let someone ‘off the hook’ were they found BEYOND A DOUBT to be guilty of a crime as covert and damaging as treason. That is a felony of the most intense sort as so many people are affected by it. I don’t mean to downplay crimes of person or property (they’re still crimes and alter lives in so many different ways) but an individual that commits treason murders the trust of thousands (maybe even MILLIONS) of citizens and causes us ALL to second guess our system of government.
I am a Christian. Though I sin everyday and am unworthy of God’s grace, I still believe in His Son and that He died for my transgressions. That being said, I also believe in the rule of law and that the fracture of some of these rules is deserving of an ‘ultimate penalty’. God will judge us all in His time. If someone is willing to circumvent the laws of this land then they must be willing to pay the price, in full. Just my opinion.
It’s unlikely that we will execute anyone for Treason. It would be hard to do since you can not commit Treason unless we are at war. You can commit Treasonous Acts, but not Treason.
Personally, I would settle for life in prison.
The last American citizens executed were in 1953 and we were not at war with the Soviet Union whom they were accused of spying for. Somehow they linked the two to the Korean conflict.
Constitutionally, citizens of the United States owe allegiance to at least two sovereigns. One is the United States, and the other is their state. They can therefore potentially commit treason against either, or against both. At least fourteen people have been charged with treason against various states; at least six were convicted, five of whom were executed.
Prosecutor Roy Cohn later claimed that his influence led to both Kaufman and Saypol being appointed to the Rosenberg case, and that Kaufman imposed the death penalty based on Cohn’s personal recommendation.
“I consider your crime worse than murder … I believe your conduct in putting into the hands of the Russians the A-bomb years before our best scientists predicted Russia would perfect the bomb has already caused, in my opinion, the Communist aggression in Korea, with the resultant casualties exceeding 50,000 and who knows but that millions more of innocent people may pay the price of your treason. Indeed, by your betrayal, you undoubtedly have altered the course of history to the disadvantage of our country. No one can say that we do not live in a constant state of tension. ”
We shall see. I doubt they will execute anyone as well. I know my emotions have the better of me. I have to learn to not care as much as I do about our country. When you give so much of your life to the country you love you want to defend it from those who would try to overthrow a Constitutionally elected President.
I also believe the FISA courts have too much authority. I don’t mind them spying on foreigners but when it comes to Americans there should at least be a court-appointed defense attorney or advocate for the accused.
I wonder how we can call it a justice system, if we do not mete out Justice in a fitting manner. If treason is proven, execution is a just and earned reward.