It looks like we will be coming back online with a new name or focus if you like. We have always been about helping veterans first. However, with our fellow law enforcement and first responders falling into the same front-line workers we have decided to add them in.
We will be leaving this website up under the domain name because President Trump is the only President who really followed through with his promises to veterans. Of course, we give him the highest marks of any President on the handling of the economy, foreign trade/relations, immigration, China Flu vaccines, and especially his work to improve the lives of minorities.
We do not know for sure, at this time, if he will be the nominee in 2024. If he is we stand ready to get behind him once again.
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Lookin’ good.
I look forward to your renewed presence; although I rarely comment, I try to read regularly. Thank you.
Welcome back. We need to keep up the fight irregardless of the web name. We will follow Trump or one who he supports!
Right on dude! There is a World War I prayer, modified over the years and now includes military, law enforcement, and emergency services personnel. The prayer is for those in harm’s way, injured in the line of duty, or killed in the line of duty; plus prayers for the friends and families of those categories. So press on with this vets blessing — they are our brothers and sisters in arms!
The ONLY President I recognize is POTUS 45, Donald J. Trump; the new guy is just like Carter—the temporary occupant of the White House!
Mac and I discussed acts 77 in Pennsylvania in the video on this page.
Let me know if you like to do a zoom with us sometime.