I received a comment today from one of our occasional authors, Michael Bogmenko. His email was not long enough for a full post but I thought I would briefly cover some Coronavirus things. My background included teaching Aircrew nuclear, chemical, & biological decontamination as well as SERE refresher training. Many of you who received standard chemical warfare training already know these things. However, it may be worth repeating or sharing with friends that were never trained.
Note: by the time the population knows it is an infected zone it is often too late. While we don’t want people to panic we should prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Those most at risk in these types of cases are often people with current health issues, very young children and the elderly. However, some young healthy people are at risk. Here is a good article from The Guardian in relation to that subject.
Much of this is great advice even for the simple flu season.
- When it comes to chemical versus biological the later is the hardest to deal with. That is what we are up against with Coronavirus COVID-19.
- Regardless of the origin of the virus, humans are now the way it spreads, unlike mosquitoes and ticks that can carry things like West Nile Virus and Lyme Disease.
- Viruses spread from person to person mainly in droplets that fly out when you cough or sneeze. These tiny drops from a sick person move through the air and land on the mouths or noses of others nearby.
- Germs are also passed along when you touch mucus droplets from someone else on a surface like a desk and then touch your own eyes, mouth, or nose before you get a chance to wash your hands.
- Viruses like the flu can live 24 hours or longer on plastic and metal surfaces like cafeteria tables, doorknobs, and cups. Human coronaviruses can remain infectious on inanimate surfaces at room temperature for up to 9 days. At a temperature of 30°C [86°F] or more, the duration of persistence is shorter.
Prevention & Preparedness
- Prevention is mainly common sense but not easy.
- Avoid people especially crowds. When possible a better than six-foot separation is a good first step. This may not be possible as long as you have to go to work or school. Japan was smart to close down their schools.
- Move quickly away from anyone showing signs of a cold, sneezing or coughing.
- Shaking hands is the worst. If you must shake hands carry hand sanitizer. I keep some in my car and use it every time I go into a store and return to my vehicle during cold and flu season.
- Don’t be afraid to fist bump someone and explain you are trying to avoid getting sick.
- Shop at off-peak hours or use online ordering when possible to minimize contact with others.
- Stock up on canned goods and non-perishable food items. Protein & veggies are important so beans and soups with meat and veggies are great.
- Water should not be a problem as long as the power stays on for those on well systems.
- Stock up on your medicines if you can. Pharmacies are where sick people go. Take extra caution if you need to pick up a prescription.
- Don’t forget to stock up on cold and flu medicine and keep some anti-inflammatory meds on hand for you and your children.
Like I said earlier in this post. Most of us already knew these things but they are worth repeating and sharing with younger folks. Your comments and thoughts are very welcome!
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AWESOME post! Thank you Mike for the intel. I most definitely appreciate it.
Thank you, this has very good info. It is hard to find accurate condensed info. It seems like most articles are care mongering or telling everyone that there is no reason to be concerned.
I agree, no need to panic, yet. And hopefully there will be no reason to panic. That is why the President’s contradiction of the experts is very dangerous. He should be projecting a calm, informed demeanor. NOT call this a conspiracy aimed to take him down. His son’s saying the Demos hope 60 million die so Trump loses is asinine.
Hi Jon. Thanks. Regardless of political differences, I would help any veteran, American or person if I were able to do so.
OK, discussions about Trump and politics are unavoidable I suppose. I can see why you think the way you do. I will give you my perspective in relation to the President.
1. The President is trying to calm the country. I believe that is his job. So, if it seems like he is contradicting someone who says a pandemic is inevitable I understand why. We cannot simply shut down the country because of panic. He is in a no-win situation.
2. Trump is a counter puncher. He doesn’t start a fight but he always responds. As I’ve stated before, I grew up a couple of miles from Trump. Many of us from New York City are fighters. It is the nature of the city. Otherwise, you will get eaten alive.
3. Trump did stop travel to America from China. He was immediately criticized by Dems. Turns out he was right to do so. This action will likely not stop it from spreading to the whole country but it will give us more time than if he had done nothing to stop travel.
Try, just for a moment, to see things from his perspective. Anger actually can affect your immune system and put you at risk.
The kind of people we are, is the character we reflect. Yet the leftist liberal media and the do nothing Socialist Democrats are rushing to judgement on the coronavirus, in order to destroy President Trump‘s success to battle this American threat.
We as a people need to be cooperative and open-minded in working with others. Americans need to form its battalions of all its medical experts , ( where all Americans may walk together in liberty and virtue and carry this fight together, to destroy this evil virus . Worry and fear will destroy the United efforts against this Coronavirus. Fake news does not help!
Contentment is not a gift, it is an achievement. Remain calm in crisis situations.
Unfortunately, the President has almost completely dismanteled the Governments ability to respond. The elimination of the ENTIRE Pandemic Respose Team is almost to silly to be believed. Plus his gutting of the CDC’s budget has ot helped. Our Country is more unprepared for a world-wide pandemic than it has been for decades thanks to Trumps sole policy of eliminating everything Obama touched. 7 Mllion more uninsured thanks to Trump’s trahing of the ACA without anything to replace it. If the ACA was so bad, then a replacement shuld have been offered, not just throw people off insurance policies.
Foriegn Policy, not a Liberal Wesite, has a great article showing the trouble we are in now.
Has anyone here looked at Trump’s response to the Ebola outbreak during the Obama terms? It shows the rank hypocrisy of Trump and how little he actually understands. Just look at his comments on the Czar Obama appointed:
“Obama just appointed an Ebola Czar with zero experience in the medical area and zero experience in infectious disease control. A TOTAL JOKE!”
from a 10/17/14 Twitter post.
Exactly how much experience does Pence have? Other than screwing up Indiana’s HIV response? Pence even stated that cigarettes do not cause cancer!
This crisis will show how the Trump admnistration handles a crisis. I hope they are up to it like you-all believe. But nothing so far makes me think so.
Snopes: Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer abruptly departed from his post leading the global health security team on the National Security Council in May 2018 amid a reorganization of the council by then-National Security Advisor John Bolton, and Ziemer’s team was disbanded.
Hmm, just one of many reasons Trump may have fired Bolton.
Trump did not cut the CDC budget. However, The Trump administration’s proposed 2021 budget includes cuts to the CDC’s activities related to chronic disease.
Trump would have replaced ACA but John McCain stood in his way along with all Democrats. Can’t blame Trump for that one. ACA failed all on its own. Obama knew it was unsustainable but also knew that would be a future President’s problem. Shame on him and Dems that didn’t read the bill to know what was in it.
Debbie Birx, a globally recognized expert on HIV and AIDS, would report to Pence as the White House coronavirus coordinator. Trump said he does not believe in Czars. Plenty of staff at the Whitehouse already and plenty of good people involved.
Again, don’t let your anger or fear cloud your vision! Imagine if someone else was President. Trump took the drastic step of stopping flights from China early on. That has significantly slowed the virus spread in the US. Fewer people will get sick and die because of his immediate action. Can you at least admit that much? Please answer yes or no.
Some of us have spent the last few years pretending it doesn’t matter, pretending you could indulge, normalize and make excuses for gross incompetence in the most powerful office in the world and there would be no impact, no price to pay.
It was always a lie.
I and my friends can’t find examples of “gross incompetence” or incompetence in general. I know you and others can’t stand his personality and style. Some of us really want to understand in actual terms that have affected your personal life. Did you lose your job or some tangible thing? What changed for the worse in your life that you can attribute to Trump? Same question to Jon.