Congress, especially the Democrats are deliberately overlooking the crisis at our southern borders. They talk a lot and do nothing. All common sense is beyond logic because without borders we are losing our country. There has to be a turning point, a compromise to fix our dumb immigration laws. Is Legal immigration becoming a thing of the past? Yet when you go into another country illegally you will be arrested and follow their rule of law.
It is incredible that we circumvent our laws dealing with the crime of entering our country illegally. We have monies designated for legal immigration, yet thousands of illegal immigrates are taking away that funding using it for their medical, housing, schools, food stamps and jobs which was designated for legal entry candidates. Let’s sit down and work together and civilly change these laws that entice these migrants to break our laws to come here.
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“The Marines’ top general allowed memorandums to leak out of the Pentagon to bring attention to service families living among hurricane ravished military installations as the Trump administration tries to bankroll the southwest border with defense funds at the expense of combat readiness.”
This is exactly what I was afraid of. Lets screw the Enlisted Men, again! They are living in substandard housing and he stole the money from that budget? Lets eliminate the $600 plane toilet seats and use that money for the border. Lets take the money from the Officers’ budgets.
The Dems DO NOT want open borders. Yes, some are calling for it, same as the Tea Party calling for outrages in the other direction.
Most of the refugees can come into this Country! They are Asylum seekers, they are entering legally no matter where they enter from. Trump is manufacturing this Border Crisis! He is reusing to let the Asylum Seekers enter, he is allowing to pile up on the border, letting conditions to deteriorate and then act like it is the other countries fault!
If he really wanted to do something about the immigrants, why did he cancel aid to three countries? That money was helping them improve their lives so they would want to stay down there. Do you think they want to take this hike? They are desperate, mainly from our interference in their economy and government.
If the National Emergency is real, why did he say the is no hurry? Why did he wait for two years before he threw his hissy fit? Why is he golfing during the crisis? Why did ALL of the Intelligence Agencies NOT talk about it when they briefed Congress on the main threats our country faces? Where is his plan? Where is the report detailing the crisis? You can find them for other National Emergencies.
Stealing the money from the Military Construction Budgets is doing nothing but screwing over our troops, again! Most of the areas the Military added too, has been removed by the Border Patrol and Immigration. They were not needed and actually interfered with some operations.
Immigration, which Laws do you think need changing? Maybe the laws that allowed OUR ancestors to immigrate here? Trump is calling for the elimination of the Family & Marriage Sponsorship Visas. This would have prevented his wife from bringing her family over. Actually, it would have prevented most of our ancestors from immigrating.
Good things we committed Genocide on the American Natives so they could not call for Immigration reform.