This is from a friend and Congressman on the Veterans Affairs Committee, Dan Mueser. I thought I would share it as I’ve been busy helping my clients during this time of crisis. Excerpted for brevity:

First of all, Happy Easter and Happy Passover. Despite these difficult times, we have much to be thankful for as we celebrate our faith, family and friends.

I participated in a member call with the White House Coronavirus Task Force with Vice President Mike Pence, Dr. Birx, Dr. Fauci and Rear Admiral John Polowczyk. President Trump and Vice President Pence are doing an incredible job during this crisis and the team they have assembled is top-notch……

It is imperative that we work to get our country back to work as soon as it is safe to do so. As President Donald Trump has stated, before this outbreak, we had the greatest economy in American history and we will rebuild it again once the coronavirus is over. That was the subject of my recent op-ed in The Morning Call, “How Congress is paving the way for a great American comeback.” Please click here or below to read.

President Trump sharply criticized the inexcusable conduct of the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding the coronavirus pandemic. The WHO is there to provide oversight and work to mitigate health crises, not to paint a fictional picture that somehow they believe is helpful. It was a dereliction of duty and we must demand changes be made at WHO.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivered some welcome news this week as over 50,000 U.S. citizens have been safely returned home from more than 90 countries. This worldwide scale of our repatriation efforts is without parallel in our lifetime.

As we look ahead to November, there was big news this week in the 2020 presidential race as Senator Bernie Sanders officially ended his bid for the Democratic nomination. That sets the presidential match-up for November. President Trump will be facing former Vice President Joe Biden. Biden is attempting to keep an image of appearing moderate while adopting 90% of Bernie Sanders’s far-left policies, including a ban on natural gas. Joe Biden’s efforts to win over Bernie supporters are in high gear as he made it clear he supports a ban on fracking and would kill our nation’s natural gas industry. The natural gas industry currently supports and contributes:

  • 10 million American jobs
  • $714 billion in labor income
  • $1 trillion to our nation’s GDP

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