(May 10, 2021) – ‘Veterans  For America First’ is excited to announce that Official Ambassador, Hon. Mr. Richard ‘Dick’ Heller of the ground-breaking DC v Heller (2008) Supreme Court decision, will be headlining an exclusive fundraiser for the ‘DC Project- NJ’ on Saturday, May 15, 2021 in Moorstown, NJ. For tickets and more information on this special event, please go to: www.cnjinfo.com .Additional keynote speakers (according to the event’s promotional flyer, as attached) for the fundraiser include: Amanda Suffecool, Kelly Pidgeon, Holly Sullivan and Gabby Franco.

  • The DC Project

Nationwide, the ‘DC Project’ is a highly-respected, well sought-after organization within the Second Amendment community. According to the DC Project official website (www.DCProject.info), “The DC Project raises awareness that firearms safety and violence prevention are achieved through education, not legislation; encourages the preservation of America’s gun culture; and highlights the diversity and rising demographic of female gun owners through ongoing advocacy because gun rights are women’s rights.” Ultimately, this organization, founded by President Diana ‘3-Gun’ Mueller, is a grassroots, educational, non-partisan organization dedicated to encouraging women nationwide to develop long-lasting professional relationships with state legislatures, U.S. Congress and the United States Senate. The DC Project raises awareness that firearms safety and violence prevention are achieved through education, not legislation; encourages the preservation of America’s gun culture; and highlights the diversity and rising demographic of female gun owners through ongoing advocacy because gun rights are women’s rights.

  • Dick Heller, The Heller Foundation

Veterans For America First Official Ambassador, Hon. Mr. Richard ‘Dick’ Heller (‘#GunDude) is more commonly known as ‘The Godfather of The Second Amendment’- and for good reason. “if not me, then who?”- Dick Heller. Dick Heller is a highly-decorated United States Army Airborne Veteran, Second Amendment Champion due to the ground-breaking 2008 United States Supreme Court DC v Heller decision, Women’s Rights’ and Self-Defense Advocate based in Washington, DC.

Dick Heller, Hero

Prima facie, Hon. Mr. Richard ‘Dick’ Heller, Founder and Executive Director of The Heller Foundation and Official Ambassador of Veterans For America First, is a nationally renowned Second Amendment advocate. In general, Dick Heller’s most notorious gun case was the first time the United States Supreme Court is entitled D.C. v Heller (2008) and was the first and biggest Second Amendment victory ever (to-date) that overturned the 1976 DC Gun Ban. Since 2008, Justice Scalia’s binding precedent set forth in the DC v Heller (2008) decision ultimately set the stage for over 250 new gun cases nationwide as a direct result of and because of the Heller decision.

Moreover, in his capacity as a private citizen, Mr. Heller has spent decades advocated for gun-rights- and also as DC Armed Special Police Officer.  Ironically,  when the initial, first ‘Heller case’ (that ultimately lead to the 2008 SCOTUS decision years later),  Heller v. DC (I) was filed – formerly known as Parker vs. DC – he was working at the Supreme Court Annex – Thurgood Marshall Federal Judicial Center .According to the official Heller Foundation website (www.HellerFoundation.org),- “In addition to his commitment to 2nd Amendment Freedoms, Heller is actively involved in the DC Community. In 1984, he founded the “Children’s Birthright Trust Fund” – a charity that supports and raises funds for youth projects, such as computer access – and has taught classes on entrepreneurship in both DC public schools and DC housing projects. He has also served as the Treasurer of The DC Libertarian Party from 2004 until 2011 and was actively involved with Dr. Ron Paul’s two Presidential Bids – Libertarian and Republican.”

Before his time as a 2nd Amendment All-Star proponent, Dick Heller had already proven his heroic nature and courage by  voluntarily serving his country  to fight for our American freedoms and system of beliefs- in uniform. Mr. Heller served in the United States Army where he served his country- being deployed overseas in the military on a multitude missions-  for many years as a Paratrooper in the 101st Airborne division. After honorably serving in the United States Army, Dick Heller worked his way through Montgomery College in Silver Spring, MD (earning an AA in Engineering) and completed one year of MBA studies in London’s Kingston Polytech. His previous jobs consisted of: Bank Teller, Data Technician at NASA-Greenbelt, IT Consultant and Investment Banker.

The Heller Foundation, Founder

Dick Heller became interested in 2nd Amendment Liberties when his house was shot up – once through his living room window and once in the front door – in the 1970’s at his residence on Capitol Hill.  He realized that the 1976 DC Gun Ban was disarming good citizens yet criminals were still bearing arms. Heller did not find the situation to be moral, safe, or constitutional and realized that  – –

“Doing nothing was no longer an option !”- Hon. Mr. Richard ‘Dick’ Heller.

The Heller Foundation is a non-partisan educational organization approved by the IRS as a public foundational operating under Section 501©(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code in the United States. As such, please take note that The Heller Foundation does not endorse, support, or oppose candidates or proposed legislation. Contributions to the Heller Foundation by individuals, corporations, and foundations are tax deductible. To learn more about and to support the organization’s life-saving, freedom preserving work, please go online to- www.HellerFoundation.org today!

  • Veterans For America First

Veterans For America First is a social welfare, non-profit organization (to-date, pending IRA 501©(4) pending status) that successfully protects and defends the shared mission of The DC Project and The Heller Foundation– i.e.. to save our God-given, Constitutionally protected (especially Second Amendment) rights by successfully carrying-out an ‘America First’ agenda, in general. According to Veterans For America First Co-Founder and President, Hon. Mr. Vlad Lemets, “America First essentially means taking care of those who have served. This includes, but is not limited to- America’s true heroes, our first ‘line of defense’- our million-member community (read: growing family of) Veterans and First Responders; our ‘brothers and sisters’.” Veterans For America First has been a strong advocate for the Second Amendment since the organization’s inception over five years ago and the overall general ethos of its members is practiced daily, which is echoed in the official Veterans For America Firsts’ general mission-statement: “Law, Order & Justice starts with you – The Citizen. We believe the 2nd Amendment right shall not be infringed upon. A weapon in hand is better then a dispatch on the way. That being said – we fully back the Blue. Citizens should  honor and respect our Police Officers. We don’t need to de-fund Police – we need more Police.”

To learn more about Dick Heller in his highly-distinguished role as Veterans For America First Official Ambassador, and for details on the ground-breaking organization’s grassroots work, and/or to support the ‘Veterans For America First’  mission in enforcing our shared America First agenda and policy initiatives nationwide, please refer to the official Veterans For America First website at: www.VeteransForAmericaFirst.org / -in addition to:  www.VeteransForDonaldTrump.com / www.Vets-For-Trump.com and ‘follow’ Veterans For Trump/America First on all social media platforms- @RealVetsForTrump @OfficialVetsForTrump / @Vets_4_Trump / @VeteransForAmericaFirst today!


Media Contact: Press Secretary, Kristie Tertel,  [email protected]



**ATTACHMENT: ‘DC Project-NJ’ Fundraiser Event- Flyer **


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