I have a complaint about this whole impeachment thing. How is it Comey was recommended for prosecution by the I.G. and the DOJ refused to prosecute? The excuse was that Comey, the top of the FBI may not have known he was in violation of the law. The DOJ (Bill Barr) said it all goes to intent. Did Comey knowingly or intentionally intend to break the law? I
If you believe the top guy at the FBI did not know what he was doing that may be worse. So, he is either an idiot that should never have been in charge of the FBI or he is guilty as sin.
Shouldn’t the same thing be said about Trump? Did President Trump think he was breaking the law by asking the newly elected Ukraine President to investigate corruption? Remember, Trump is not a creature of Washington Swamp. He is a business guy with no legal training. Shouldn’t he be given more of a benefit of the doubt than Comey?
Is it right to say we cannot investigate Biden’s corruption because he is a candidate for President? If you hold that position then it is wrong to have investigated Trump on Russian collusion before and after the election. What kind of sense does any of this make? I just can’t square this circle, can you?

Email received by an anonymous sender and posted by Vets for Trump website administrator and spokesman Mike Kelly.
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Ignorance of the law is never an excuse. Intent is not a factor in if a law id]s broken or not.
Of course Biden should be investigated, but not at the business end of a gun. My understnding of the complaint is not that Trump is having Biden’s son investigated but because he is extorting the investigation by withholding the foriegn aid Ukraine needs. Now the President is asking other countries if the have any dirt on Biden!
But President Trump is abusing his power of office by asking for other countries to dig up dirt on his political opponents. If the investigation of Biden’s son is purely about corruption, why wait until now? Wasn’t it a crime two years ago?
As far a Comey, why didn’t the DOJ investigate the complaints? It wasn’t because the Dems stopped it, the DOJ is under the President.
Yes, if Comey did not know he was doing something wrong, then his boss should have educated him.
Why did the President use his personal lawyer? If it was an official investigation, then Gulliani shold never have been near it.
Is it your opinion that “The Chosen One” is immune from all prosecution? (His words)
Why worry about it anyway. McConnell will put the impeachment’s priority below the 300 bills he is already sitting on. Its the Senate that is doing nothing.
Note: This was sent in and I posted it. There is (as usual) a lot to unpack from your comment.
1. No, ignorance is not an excuse under the law. It can be a mitigating consideration. However, they let Comey off because they could not prove intent. Shouldn’t the same be given to Trump?
2. Your understanding is not correct on the purpose of withholding foreign aid. It is contradicted by the President of Ukraine, Trump and others. However, you are correct that some in Trump’s administration were also confused about this issue. Not blaming you, just pointing out that there is confusion.
3. While it may be unorthodox for a President to openly ask for help from other countries in rooting out corruption, it is not uncommon to not only ask but to leverage other countries into doing the right thing. That is what Biden says he was doing. Now that smells and I’ll grant you the DOJ should be the one openly talking about it rather than the President.
4. The timing is because Ukraine got a new President that ran on a platform of anti-corruption. Asking the previous corrupt President for help investigating corruption would have been useless.
5. President Trump did not ask anyone to “dig up dirt” on a political opponent. He asked them to investigate corruption relating to a former Vice President. What, we cannot investigate someone running for President??? That means Trump and his team should never have been investigated. Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
6. Comey’s boss (Trump) fired him. Yep, Trump’s AG let Comey off the hook for prosecution. At least we agree on that.
7. Guliani was investigating on behalf of Trump during the Mueller investigation. That is the proper thing. See Media Buzz for this past Sunday’s interview with Rudy.
8. Good golly Jon!!! Chosen One was a freaking joke. Watch the video!!
9. A President must be impeached and removed from office before being indicted and prosecuted.
10. You are right. The Senate will never convict Trump. Clearly, if a President should be impeached it would not be a matter of opinion but a clear cut reason.
11. When Republicans run the House and not the Senate the same number of bills would be sent to the Senate with no action taken. This is a matter of America not understanding how important their vote is. If the House and Senate do not have a majority needed to pass something the bills are moot. Add to that the complexity of a Presidential veto and the majority needed to override it. A house divided will not stand and will also never get a major bill passed. We either go all Republican and win for America or all Democrat and become a Socialist nation. Don’t believe me? Are you old enough to remember the 1990’s view on Abortion? It was legal, rare and safe with no use of taxpayer money. Now, legal, done frequently and up to the point of birth and beyond with taxpayer money.
Finally, once you have been around and paying attention for as long as I have you will see my point about the slippery slope is true and evident in history. Choose wisely Jon!