I received an email from one of our fellow Vets for Trump, Larry. I let him know I would write about this when I found time. Today is the day!
Hi Mike:
I’m not a “Bible banger,” but I did see something interesting on the Story Channel.
Exodus 22:27 (at least in my Bible, but on theirs, it was 22:28): “You shall not revile God, nor curse a prince of your people.”
According to this, we’re not supposed to curse Biden.
The NIV translates to: “Do not blaspheme God e or curse the ruler of your people”. The footnote says Or “Do not revile the judges”
Most translate the word תָאֹֽר׃ in Hebrew as “curse” but a couple versions translate it “speak evil” or “speak ill”. However analyzing the Hebrew text the word is clearly “curse”. See this link. A link to a Jewish website for further thought is listed two paragraphs down.
The word וְנָשִׂ֥יא is translated “prince” in the version above but is also most often translated as “ruler” with some using “leader”. You can read many translations of this passage by clicking here. There is no real difference.
First, cursing someone, anyone, is something Christians and all decent people should avoid. Cursing someone in Jewish tradition is complex and you can read more from a Jewish website at this link if interested.
Whatever the word “curse” means it does not mean we cannot criticize, argue or draw contrast with rulers or leaders. We could end the discussion there but there is more to consider that others have asked in the past related to the Bible.
The Bible also teaches in Romans 13:1
Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. – click here for more translation
Add to that 1 Peter 2
13Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, 14or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. 15For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people. 16Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves. 17Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor.
18Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh.
If we extend that teaching to the world throughout history it would include the most evil people you can think of. Stalin, Mao,Hitler, and so on killed hundreds of millions. What are we to make of that? I found the following answer to align with my Christian faith.
There is only one exception when believers are not to be subject to the governing authorities—when those leaders try to force Christians to contradict the will of God. In Acts 5:22–33, the apostles are arrested for preaching the gospel in Jerusalem and proclaiming the name of Jesus Christ. As they stand trial, the apostle Peter defends their actions with these words: “We must obey God rather than any human authority” (Acts 5:29, NLT; cf. Acts 4:18–19). The Christian has a duty to disobey human authority if the alternative is dishonoring and disobeying God’s law (Exodus 1:17; Daniel 1:8; 3:28; 6:7–10; Hebrews 11:23). When governing authorities attempt to take the place of God by requiring behavior that conflicts with God’s revealed will, then resistance is justified. Source – Got Questions
It does not matter if you live in the times of Kings or an area of the world administered under different styles of government. The Christian is under no obligation to approve of things that God does not approve of. Things like abortion, non-normative sexuality, neglecting our own to help others and the list goes on and on.
The Christian faith also teaches us to first look at ourselves before judging others. We are all sinful creatures in a fallen state. However, we are told to “judge a righteous judgement” and we are told “Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life!” 1 Cor 6:3 If we sincerely see and judge our own sins we can still judge the sins of others but it will certainly not be as harsh. After all, if we are without a particular sin another is burdened with it is by the grace of God.
If you are one of those people who wishes ill to your political adversaries then watch your step. I would like to think I would take a bullet for Joe Biden or any President because that is my duty. As veterans we swore to protect our Constitution ( and I include the nation and our people) from all enemies, foreign and domestic.
None of these things prohibit a Christian or veteran from advocating with a clear conscious for the candidate of their choice or criticizing those they oppose.
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President Trump is doing enormous damage to American Christianity, especially the evangelical community, which is losing followers daily. The best thing Trump has accomplished is to reveal the hypocrisy and cynicism of the GOP and Christian church. King Cyrus- lol.
There were a few stumbles during Donald Trump’s sojourn to Liberty University on Monday.
He mispronounced a book of the Bible. He cursed — twice. And on Martin Luther King Day, the GOP presidential candidate said he was honoring the slain civil-rights leader by dedicating to him the record crowds he says he drew for the school’s opening convocation. (Students are required to attend.)
“We’re going to protect Christianity. I can say that. I don’t have to be politically correct,” he thundered at the beginning of his speech at the conservative evangelical university.
Then he moved on to cite “Two Corinthians 3:17, that’s the whole ballgame. … Is that the one you like?” Trump asked. “Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”
That’s a verse that’s etched on campus buildings, but that verse comes from “Second Corinthians” — not “Two.”
Students in the room snickered and laughed, and advisers to two of Trump’s top rivals, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, were quick to point out the gaffe on Twitter.
Mike Kelly, How can you watch Judges at Trump’s trials, because of his attacks on the judicial system take extraordinary security measures to protect staff, jurors and their families and think this guy is a Christian? How can you read his truth social rants and watch him on TV and not understand he is deranged?
I made no judgment on his Christianity. I answered a question by a fellow veteran about our conduct, not others.
As stated, we (including Trump) are free to criticize. Some want to kill or hurt Trump. Some may want to kill or hurt those who oppose him. I don’t approve of either group. That does not change how I view his policies.
I don’t read or follow him on TS or watch him on TV. I’m not a Trump cultist. His policies are more aligned with mine.
Read https://vets-for-trump.com/veterans_for_trump/things-are-understood-by-contrast/
Yeah, that’s funny. I remember him saying 2 Corinthians rather than 2nd. I used to laugh at my father when he would say 2 Peter, 2 Corinthians et cetera. I’m glad I lost my NYC/Brooklyn accent. When I first moved out of NYC people teased me all the time for my accent. I would just call the country rubes :). Now I have become one of them. Don’t get me started on Boston accents!!
If this comment means you think Trump is unqualified to be President for saying 2 rather than 2nd then what is wrong with that train of thought? As previously stated, this is NOT about Trump but about us.
Again, this post is NOT about Trump.
It is concerning that some may look to a man, whether it be a President, Pope, Priest, or Pastor, for faith in Christ, as this is looking in the wrong direction. Throughout my life as a Christian, I have encountered this misconception numerous times.
I came to believe in Christ during a tumultuous period in relation to Christianity, specifically during the Baker scandal. This experience taught me the importance of not placing my faith in men, but rather in Christ himself. It is crucial to remember that our faith should be rooted in Christ alone, rather than in fallible human beings.
This era is like a bad dream which just goes on and on and on.
None of this seems possible in reality – one criminal monster endlessly spewing hate, ignorance, greed, and stupidity, backed by an army of cretinous henchmen who are bent on destroying our way of life – and nothing and no one can stop him, no matter what horrid things he says or does.
America needs to defeat this horror show once and for all this year.
I just don’t understand what kind of decent person would vote for this evil man? (Trump)
LOL, I promise you, I did not know which direction you were going until the end. Below is an AI re-write of your comment. Enjoy!
The Nightmare Continues: Defeating the Horror Show
This Era of Chaos
A Never-Ending Nightmare
This time feels like a never-ending bad dream that just won’t go away. It’s hard to believe that all of this is actually happening in real life. We have one criminal monster who keeps spreading hate for the middle class, ignorance of foreign affairs, greed for power, and stupidity by letting millions enter our country illegally. And to make matters worse, he has a group of followers who are determined to ruin everything we hold dear. It seems like nothing can stop him, no matter how awful his actions and confusing his words are.
It’s up to us, the people of America, to put an end to this horror show once and for all. This year, we need to come together and make sure that this nightmare comes to an end. We can’t let this evil man (Baby killer Biden) who allows fentanyl to kill, continue to lead our country down a dark path. I just can’t wrap my head around why anyone would support someone like him. It’s time for us to stand up and fight against this madness. Let’s work together to defeat the horror show and bring back decency and integrity to our nation.