Though federal officials have arrested more than 570 alleged participants, the FBI at this point believes the violence was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump… ~ Reuters
This is not news to those of us who are rational human beings. You can call what happened on January 6th a protest outside the Capitol, maybe even a small riot inside where an unarmed Air Force veteran was shot and killed. That was the only act of violence resulting in death on that day. Still, the unnamed guy that killed Ashley Babbit has been exonerated!
We (rational humans) all knew January 6th paled in comparison to the BLM and Antifa riots. That doesn’t mean there won’t be political prosecutions and political prisoners continuing to be held. After all, Democrat politicians and their deep state allies are in charge. They are like a lot of third-world corrupt leaders I’ve seen in my life. They pretend to be benevolent by giving you things as they remove your freedoms. Once your freedom is diminished you cannot take care of yourself without their help. It is a trap!
Why did the FBI admit the truth? Maybe the FBI doesn’t want to expose itself to an investigation about its own corrupt conduct. The FBI was recently exposed as the culprit behind the attempted kidnapping of the Governor of Michigan. What a fiasco! I’m sure that is a tough nut for lefties to swallow. I should not limit it to the left. There are corrupt self-serving people disguising themselves on the right, Neocons and Globalists who are just as bad as the Communists and Socialists on the left.
What the corrupt left does not want to admit is the people that were there that day (January 6th) thought the election was stolen. Why do they think that? Because the way that we vote was changed at the last minute. The left used COVID as a pretext. Because the Tech Companies worked alongside the Democrat National Committee to shut down opposition online to benefit Biden. Because the Main Stream Media did the same thing and lied to the public calling the truth a lie. Talk about election interference!
If you don’t have Fox Nation you should get it. It is free for veterans for the first year and half-price in the future. Below is an excerpt from Tucker Carlson Tonight where he talks about these things. He will be doing a special about this subject next week on Fox Nation.
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Duh! I have a feeling they knew that all along. So, they should release all those patriots they locked up.
Excellent summation of the pertinent facts of the events of January 6th at the Capitol. Interesting that the FBI official report of that day has virtually been ignored by the mainstream media.
Research things for yourself brothers. As this post reports, all is NOT what the mainstream portends!
You are absolutely right cheriewhite! Miranda Devine did a great article on this in the NY Post
Great point MAC. The lies from what once was considered “news reporters” are destroying our country.
Me and my wife decided at the last minute to go, we never went to nothing like this but we knew after all the fraud and evidence that people would go to court and every case dismissed without even being looked at. People catch fraud on video and nothing. But we wanted to go because we wanted them to know we were watching if they choose to certify the fraudulent votes but it was a joke, we were able to get about 50 feet back in front of March to Capital and barrier at back was already tore down with 2 guys in militia gear saying come on, keep moving up, come on everyone keep moving forward, it’s our house, everyone come on through, but no Capital police or officers were there at barriers but those guys speaking with mega phones but it was close to a million American People that all were concerned about the fraudulent election, from every race, every party and as we piled in around Capital peacefully I told the wife with all Capital police up on balcony that something was really off, I’m not a expert but through the years God has given me much wisdom through the Holy Spirit but they were not professional in any manner, no crowd control or nothing, just people chanting but nothing violent. And no warning or anything and they shot those flash bangs in the crowd of men, women, and children of all ages and about the 3rd one, their was a man in his 50’s that it went off right close to his head about 20 feet in front of us and he instantly fell over dead with a heart attack and people all around him was hollowing for paramedics, but just like a day before the mayor was not letting any portable restrooms be put out, making hotels cancel any reservations and not allowing any hotels accept any reservations for a few days. But after the man died tensions really started rising but just like the wife had told me it’s time to go for nothing good was coming out of this big sham America show. On the way back to the car BLM people were trying to catch people by themselves and attack them, we seen one boy getting attacked and I started heading to help him and seen a cop ride right by him looking straight at him driving slow and just kept on going but by the time I got to him about 4 or 5 others had got there and they ran but the really weird part was there was 4 secret service cars with lights and sirens but not marked racing through the streets but was driving the same path threw multiple blocks just over and over, on our way back to car I know I seen them racing around and around the same pattern atleast 20 times but I hate to say how many people about got ran over and accidents at stop lights they had about got into. I knew our government was corrupt but I never realized just to how extreme it was and ignorant they were and always just get media and secret service to cover it up. But I tried to contact every branch of government demanding answers to the concerns of the American People and no one has ever returned calls or emails. Truthfully if the Lord don’t return in a very short time We The People really need to abolish this government and replace them with people that actually care about America and it’s People and hold the original constitution sacred and respect it and that doesn’t feel that it’s something they need to keep rewriting so they can keep getting richer and richer and focusing on what’s best for them and never acknowledging we exist but for taxes and to keep raising them every time they overspend themselves and keep adding additional jobs for their families and friends that don’t accomplish one thing for the good of the American People who pay for everything. I could have went more into it but it just gets long but I got pictures and some videos to back what I’m saying but feel free to ask questions or comments but people really need to know just how out of control this fraudulent government is and if something isn’t done soon I really feel that it’s going to be about impossible to turn it around. For real, any business let me take complete control of the business and financial actions with complete control over it and I beat I could completely destroy it in 6 months beyond repairable to where it be easier to start over.