The reason I got started in Vets for Trump was to help veterans and their families. My friend who got me to join the Air Force committed suicide many years ago. Two years ago the love of my life took her own life. I have often wondered if newer treatments could have saved them both.
Running this website has put me in touch with countless veterans who are suffering in various ways. Please share this information and help me to do more research on the latest treatments.
There is some very good news on the horizon. Over the past year or more, I have been following breakthrough treatments for PTSD, depression, etc. Drugs like Psilocybin aka Magic Mushrooms, MDMA aka Ecstacy, and Eskatimine aka Special K are in trials.
These useful drugs were banned decades ago. The error we made was banning them because people abused them. That is completely illogical and we are starting to wake up. You don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater, do you?
These drugs are being used to treat a wide range of problems. Among them are PTSD, depression, addiction (even smoking) as well as dealing with end of life anxiety. The good news is there is a much higher success rate compared to conventional treatments. Another benefit is some of the treatments are short term. Psilocybin aka Magic Mushrooms can be administered one time with lifelong benefits.
There is a newer technique, Microdosing with Psilocybin. The benefit is it does not cause you to go on a psychedelic trip. Psilocybin for depression has recently been given its second ‘Breakthrough Therapy’ designation by the FDA. Note: both these articles linked above are from December 2019, just a few weeks ago.
An article in Scientific America from August 2019 shows surprising results from MDMA trials conducted in 2017.
After the Phase 2 trials of MDMA-assisted treatments concluded in 2017, researchers found that 54% of the 72 patients who took MDMA had improved to the point that they no longer fit the diagnosis for PTSD
Esketamine is currently being used to treat severe depression. The kind that does not respond to normal anti-depressant drugs. However, there are side effects that cause people to stop using it in around 7% of cases. Nevertheless, it shows great promise.
The history of using psychedelic drugs to help various problems is long. Many veterans are in AA. Interestingly, the co-founder of Alcoholics Annonymous Bill Wilson was likely cured using Belladonna in 1934. Note: Belladonna can be poisonous but is used in medicine today. Bill Wilson even experimented with LSD in 1956 to help treat his crippling depression.
Since President Trump signed the “Right to Try Act” I am hopeful this will extend to other treatments. If you know someone who is suffering from PTSD, addictions and severe depression and pain Google “clinical trials” then add the problem to the search. If you find something useful share it with a friend. If you find something new please use the Contact form on this website and let me know so I can share it with others.
We may differ in our political views but we are all brothers and sisters in arms. We need to work for the mutual benefit of each other and our nation. Happy New Year to all! God bless the President and these United States.
Here are some additional links:
Ecstasy’ Study Results Promising for PTSD
Magic Mushroom Drug Has an ‘Anti-Aging Effect’ on Personality
Long-term follow-up of psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy for psychiatric and existential distress in patients with life-threatening cancer
Clinical potential of psilocybin as a treatment for mental health conditions
Treating Depression With Magic Mushrooms
Discover more from Veterans for Trump
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I am in FULL AGREEMENT with ALL you said in your comment. For far too long, our government has outlawed plant based materials that could’ve (with the proper testing and research) possibly enhanced or even SAVED lives. I’ve heard of ‘micro-dosing’ and it’s effects, all of which are POSITIVE. I must offer my condolences to you for the profound losses you experienced via suicide. I’ve had several members of my own family commit that terrible act and miss them very, VERY much. Granted they were in extreme emotional and mental duress but nevertheless I would do practically anything to bring them back regardless of any harm it might inflict upon me.
Thanks, Michael. Yes, only those of us who have lost loved ones in this way know the sorrow it causes. Many of us share in this grief and not all by suicide. We should always advocate for the reduction of pain and suffering in this life. We also need to look at HIPAA laws which are responsible for many deaths in America.