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My only complaint is the people that don’t know the meaning of the word “hero ”
or they are trying to change the meaning.. My uncle was a true hero and to put a democrat like McCann in that category is disgusting.
We need to have political affiliation a protected class. I get censored on Twitter for something benign and in the meantime I get nothing but major heat and names. Being a conservative is a natural reaction once you become Christian or at least that’s what happened to me. I saw the government trying to replace God and in fact the government is discriminatory towards religious people. If religion is a protected class, then being a conservative should fall under that protection or at least added to the protected classes. It’s a case to sue Twitter and others.
BTW- Meghan McCain ruined her career on Saturday. I slept well that night.
You give us our own corner so you can just ignore us?
What I meant by:
Not sure what you mean in this line:
“What ONE of the things that has happened to Trump would you be as sanguine about as you are with Trump?”
Would you look the other way like you do for Trump if:
Obama trashed our Intelligence Communities etc
Obama’s National Security Advisor was found to be a Foreign Agent
Hillary got elected and she put Chelsea in the WH as, something
Obama had paid money to porn stars etc to keep quiet about their affair
Obama trashed a Gold Star family on TV
Obama called any woman dog, bitch, fat, ugly etc.
Obama bragged about molesting women
Shall I go on?
OK, I could write a book in reply. Maybe I’ll make a post out of this one. Maybe not.
1. Intel & DOJ: Holy crap! Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok and the list goes on and on. If Obama uncovered the corruption of top intel people trying to stop his Presidency I would have been outraged along with him. I might not care for a Democratic President but these types of things shouldn’t be done to anyone. So, the answer is no, I would not look the other way even if they did it to Obama.
2. Foreign Agent sounds so insidious. The reality is quite different. Flynn worked for Obama too. Like others he failed to file as a “foreign agent” but here is a link to the fuller story. The bottom line is he was fired by Trump. Also, you don’t find any articles here about Diane Feinstein hiring an actual Chinese spy for many years!!
3. No problem if Hilary would have hired Chelsea. I’m sure she would have.
4. After what Bill Clinton, JFK, Ted Kennedy, John Edwards and LBJ (who knows how many others) did we no longer expect proper behavior from Presidents. I know I don’t. I also praised Obama to my friends for being what was apparently a good family man. Give credit where credit is due!
5. I answered the Gold Star family thing long ago. I believe I answered on the BBC, Guardian and some Asian outlets since I was handling all foreign media at the time. Here are just a few points (again). For all we know the deceased son would have supported Trump. The parents used their dead son to push their political views. You can find several archived posts on the Khan question here.
6. Called any woman dog, bitch, fat, ugly etc. We knew all that before we elected President Trump. Not sure what the point is. If Obama had done the same and won the election I guess he would have been the first Billionaire elected but he wasn’t. He was the first mixed race President Elected and few remember his pastor screaming “God damn America!” as well as the whole Bill Ayers thing. That’s the kind of accepted behavior that opened the door for us to elect President Trump. The left never thought anything of it so we think nothing of Trump’s life before he became President. Frankly, many Republicans are sick and tired of trying to take the high ground while Democrats get away with outrageous things and nobody blinks. The gloves are now off and Democrats paved the way in my opinion.
7. Same as above. Kennedy, Jack and Ted, Johnson, Clinton, Edwards and I’m sure others. No big deal to the left has now become no big deal to the right.
The bottom line is Trump is stealing plays from the left and Rules for Radicals. How do you like us now? I just hope to God we don’t go back to playing nice. That’s how we lose.
Last point, none of your comments have anything to do with substance in relation to outcomes. That is why the Democrats will likely lose again. They don’t get that America wants results.
This is the choir talking to the choir and useless. Anyone who wants to earn their stripes of now needs to hop on Twitter and get in the left wing feeds- Scott Dworkin, Brian Krasserman to start. Then you start hurling until they run like babies and report you to Twitter . I took on 30 the other day and then Twitter silenced me for 24 hours . This happened six times to me and I consider that a badge of honor. Get on the offensive and scare these whiney millennials. They literally fold and cry. When the right gets off the defensive and on the OFFENCE we will win this mess .
McCain has more hero in his turds than you will ever have behind that keyboard. McCain was a great man, veteran, husband, father, and Statesman.
You should read carefully. He was a hero. However Heroes do not have a right to be jerks and not be called on it. I will add that Trump can be a jerk to but so what? A lot of great people can be jerks. Please don’t tell me you’re a snowflake. I don’t like to make assumptions. I was a AF special ops master sergeant. I’m sure people thought I was a jerk too from time to time. They would not have been wrong.
Sorry. I’m not seeing any of his accomplishments. The gift of speech many times begins and ends there. He put words together that said nothing and did nothing.Its called eloquent jibber jabber. Stop falling in love with a fantasy. You have no idea who I am or what I’ve accomplished. He left a daughter who is a leftist. That in and of itself shows he was a failure. She speaks leftist Ideas because they’re popular and has not grasped the conservative movement . I honestly don’t think she understands the differences- collectivism vs. individualism, etc. You probably don’t either by the vulgarity of your post.The fact that one of the boldest freedom fighters of all, Sarah Palin,was snubbed at the funeral shows he wasn’t successful at communicating to his own family about the ideals of our constitution. Go cry in your soup about somebody you actually know and I’ll take you seriously.
Nothing says “respect for vets” like cancelling plans to honour The Fallen because of light rain. Shake your damn heads.
Let’s see, did President Obama go in 2009? No. 2010? No. 2011? No. 2012? No. 2013? No. 2014? No 2015? No. 2016? Nope!
Yeah exactly!! Why didnt Obama go to the 100th anniversary of Armistice on those years!!? This site is a joke …lol im gonna go make a site called now …
Just pointing out he never went there, 100th anniversary or not. However, since this is all past you know Trump went to other events so no big deal, right? I’m guessing you just hate Trump and that’s why I put up Haters Corner. My only question is how long did you serve? I know it is anecdotal but I’m starting to see a correlation between those of us who served 20 years or more and Conservative values. There are two types of Leftist vets I have encountered. It seems some high ranking officers are more leftists and vets who did not serve very long. I do wish they would do a survey on this subject. So, how long did you serve?
Your correlation could have more to do with age than years of service. I served 6 years in the USAF. Also served this country as a defense contractor for many many years.. I dont hate Trump…hate connotes some sort of personal feeling..I abhor his policies, i detest the hatred he espouses and represents. I will not bother to belabor all of the poor decisions i feel he has made nor his flaws in character. Suffice it to say that what I personally learned in the military is that integrity matters. He has ZERO. I respect your right to support what you want…but please dont claim that your opinion has any relation to the military or being a veteran or length of service. That is patently ludicrous. Take care!
Hmm, re-read what you just said. I will copy the important part so you can see. “but please dont claim that your opinion has any relation to the military or being a veteran or length of service. That is patently ludicrous.”
Do you really stand by this? Everyone has different experiences in life. These experiences obviously have a relationship to formed opinions. It is also true that the length of exposure to something helps to reinforce those formed opinions.
I’m originally from Queens NY. My father was a conservative. A rare thing in New York City. He had a saying that states the reverse of what you are saying. Here it is: “The conservative in New York is the liberal who was mugged on the subway yesterday.”
You may want to rephrase what you said because I just don’t believe you are that illogical. Here is something else that might help to keep in mind. I learned this truth in the military. “Emotions eradicate skills.” You may be so emotionally upset with Trump that your ability to think clearly is negatively influenced.
I think I have a subject for my next Post. Thanks!
So Trump is OK to do stuff like this because he is Trump????
The behavior I listed above is not acceptable in anyone!.
Now Trump has gone too far. He has now ruined our military reputation overseas! Pulling out of Syria against everyone’s recommendations? Everyone except Putin apparently.
With this, the threats to NATO, unilateral actions in theaters we share, etc.! Now our allies can not trust our country to keep its word!
Hi Jon B, I hope to soon move to a Forum under a new Domain Name i.e. website. This is more than a pro-Trump website. It is a MAGA website so I’m going to broaden our reach, Lord willing. I will then direct people to the new site with a forum and topics. That will remove the “isolation” of “Haters Corner” as I do appreciate open dialogue. One reason for doing this is Facebook compromises our privacy. I will not share or sell information.
On the troop withdraw… You and others may be correct that this is a mistake. However, when we compare pulling 35 to 50 thousand troops from Iraq to pulling 2,000 troops from Syria it is a different beast. Spec Ops was always part of our rapid deployment forces. We were able to appear anywhere in the world in 48 hours and be ready to fight. Of course, with our Navy and nearby bases in the middle east, we can launch attacks much faster if need be.
It seems curious that some people get upset about the pullout but don’t care about our southern border. A wall will not fix everything but it will surely help. It will save us billions and Mexico will have to pay for more of their own people and drugs staying there. In that sense, Mexico will be paying for it. I’m not taking into account the new agreement with Canada and Mexico either.
As for the outrage over President Trump calling out our Deep State, I am all for it. It is about time that people like Clapper, Brennan, Comey, Hayden, McCabe etc. are held accountable or exposed. There are over 25 top-level FBI and DOJ people who have been fired or forced to resign. Most should be investigated and prosecuted for crimes much worse than those who participated in the Trump Campaign.
This does not mean some people on Trump’s team are not guilty of something. Most of these people like Manafort and Flynn worked for Democrats too. Not only that, the things Manafort is in trouble for date way back to when he was working with the Dems. Hmmm, guilt by association?
If there had been a Special Counsel for any previous administration there is no telling what it would have turned up. I mean, wow, we have zero evidence out Russian Collusion. We now know the whole thing was started by these same Deep State FBI and DOJ officials. NSA, CIA and other alphabet groups were also involved. Do you defend these people?
Hey Mike,
I’m really worried. The PsyOps specialist, that hate Trump and America, are making deep inroads into our government agencies and departments. The DOJ, HHS, NSA, HUD, VA, Education, etc are all infected with these deep state saboteurs.
Look how they set up and framed Mannafort, Flynn, Gates, Stone, Corsi, Zinke, Price, Pruitt and Preibus. These men are all Patriots of the highest degree and don’t deserve this fate. The shut down of the Trump Foundation was another scheme hatched by these deep state moles. That our corrupt Justice System has expelled some, convicted others and is pressing charges against many others is unjust and Un American.
What we must do is stay strong, keep the faith and tell the truth about these threats against President Trump and about the tremendous achievements he and his loyal team have made
We will keep telling the truth and defending President Trump’s policies! Thanks for the comment!
What events did Trump go to that other Presidents didn’t? I don’t recall any.
Folks ..youre wasting your time ..Mike here is ATE UP with the defend Trump’s ass backwards behavior at all costs disease! Blaming all of the people HE put in positions, blaming “the Dems!”,etc etc
Someone this ate up can defend anyyyything Trump does..i mean for all we know Mike here is also a flat earther..thats the level of logic he applies to his defense of Capt Bone Spurs.
Plain and simple there is no justifying the abandonment of allies on the battlefield of Syria and our position in that region.
There is no justifying Trumps obvious criminal behavior…and we most certainly do not need a huge expensive physical border wall AKA a monument to forever remember our train wreck of a president. Notice i didnt say we dont need border security? We do…only an individual(1) of Trumps IQ would think that a huge 50 billion dollar wall is sufficient or cost effective…
PJ? really? Show us your proof of how all of these Trump “patriots” were set up and framed? you must be a serious kook…
Thanks for the chuckle Trump! I suppose I will write a new post clarifying who I am and what & why I believe as I do. It seems to me many on the left and Trump haters are only good at Ad Hominem attacks. Let me clarify that for you: Ad hominem, short for argumentum ad hominem, is a fallacious argumentative strategy whereby genuine discussion of the topic at hand is avoided by instead attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.
As soon as you said “deep state” you played yourself…people with no actual facts always resort to this hidden thing we cant see or the classic trumpanzee tactic of whataboutism…what about the clintons? what about obama? what about…
A deep state may certainly exist but lets deal in facts. The facts are Trump surrounds himself with criminals and has been caught in multiple illegal activities and used teams of sleazy lawyers to skirt around the law. He isnt honorable or forthcoming with things like his tax returns(whats he hiding there Mike?). Avoided military service by paying doctors to lie and using his family’s power and influence and has insulted the military institution in many ways, He(and his family of criminals) has made obvious moves to benefit big business over the common American (the forgotten man?) and the environment…keep lying to yourself I guess…makes no difference to me. I pray he is voted out..and I would be fine if the republican party opposed him in 2020 and put forth a candidate that wasnt horrible…unlike most people I deal in facts not party allegiance or propaganda.
Anyways I respect your decision to do what you want..hope you have a happy new year!