Do Far Left Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and others hate their fellow Americans?
A question that was pointedly asked is “how many Americans must die before Democrats act?” That is a rhetorical question, meaning a question asked in order to create a dramatic effect or to make a point rather than to get an answer. That rhetorical question is one of the reasons I fight on.
Getting past personalities and personal preferences to get to the policies that affect Americans is essential. Veterans were and are willing to give our lives to defend our fellow Americans. How could a veteran stand against any policy that seeks to reduce death and harm to Americans? The same can be said for rational thinking Americans. Ignorant and non-thinking Americans are temporarily excused until they read this.
A wall or barrier is not the complete answer but it is important according to Border Patrol. You may also want to keep in mind that the Border Patrol supported Candidate Trump and Trump only in 2016. People can argue numbers till they are blue in the face. There are claims and counter-claims about the accuracy of the numbers. I don’t blame someone for being skeptical of any set of numbers presented by a politician. Let’s settle this.
Here is a link to a PDF with statistics from ICE and Border Patrol. There is a lot of info on the PDF. If you go to page 4 you will see a table of the crimes committed. In Fiscal Year 2018 alone there were over 2,000 illegal alien murderers caught. That is just the ones who were caught and removed! You can look over the list and see the numbers for kidnapping, sexual assault, burglary and other crimes. Over 80,000 DUI’s and 50,000 assaults might not seem like much unless you were hurt. Let’s just stick with the 2.028 Homicides, keeping in mind those are just the ones caught and deported.
The question comes back, “How many must die before Democrats act”? Well, we have a partial answer to that rhetorical question. It is much higher than 2,028 dead.
The leaders of the Democratic Party are not ignorant of these facts. Now that you know the numbers and know that Border Patrol wants the walls or barriers who do you side with? If you can offer a sane reason to side with the Democrats I’m all ears.
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I would like to respond to your essay “Do far left Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and others hate their fellow Americans?
I am offended that it is being implied that I don’t care about American lives. An accusation coming from a person supporting someone who thinks it is a great idea to strand people in the desert without food or water. That actually prosecutes people for conducting life saving operations.
Do you include me in those that hate my fellow Americans? All because I oppose a wall from sea to shining sea that will supposedly cure all of our Immigration and Drug problems? All because I won’t sign off on 100% of his ideas?
I am now a 100% DAV. I served 13 years active duty during peace-time. I HAVE sacrificed for this country, not with my life but with decades of pain. I do not oppose any policies that would reduce harm to the US and its residents, I fully support all valid policies. I oppose policies that either won’t work or have not been proven to work or be required. Almost all of the numbers for the Southern Border belie the President’s claim that there is a National Emergency there.
If there is such an Emergency, if President Trump really wanted the wall. Why hasn’t the he worried about the wall before now? Why didn’t he push it through when the Republicans had control of the House? Why didn’t he shut down the government last year when the Republicans wouldn’t give him his wall?
On Sept 5 2018, President Trump said $3.2B was allocated for the wall. In truth in March 2018, Congress approved $1.6B for the wall. This was to build the samples and provide a design for the wall. The samples were built, but no design was started.
I oppose going ANY more money to President Trump for a “wall”. I oppose it because I won’t buy a pig in a poke. I will gladly change my mind if you can show me the design and justification of the new wall. You don’t really think we should give money to someone to build some vague idea? Do you usually hire contractors without a plan or knowing what they will do? Do Trump supporters support horrible fiscal policy of allotting government money to projects that are not defined? Do you know of any project that was funded with this level of definition?
The Defense Department spends years putting together projects for approval. They intitially get some money for the vague idea, like the $1.6B the President has already received, but then they do the full plans and designs before they apply for the rest of the money! All government agencies work this way. All businesses work this way. Why is Businessman Trump trying to work it differently? Part of the reason he was elected was because of his suppose business acumen. He is not showing it.
I do not oppose a wall. I oppose the “wall” that the President is not defining. Yes, we need additional barriers in spots and we need to rework some existing barriers. But we need to know which is which before we get started! We also need so much more than a wall. And none of this has even been discussed! When was the debate to discuss this?
If this was a normal project, President Trump would have spent the previous two years working out the design and justification for the wall. The only thing he has done since build those examples is whine that the Democrats are not giving him his wall. No complaints were lodged against the Republicans that blocked him for the previous two years.
Your numbers on immigration do not show the trend over the last couple of decades:
Apprehensions at Southern Border
2000 1,643,679
2017 303,916
This is from the Border Patrol Report on
Total Illegal Alien Apprehensions By Fiscal Year (Oct. 1st through Sept. 30th)
I hope this comes through, else it shows how drastically illegal immigration has dropped. From 1.7M to 300thou in less than twenty years. And it is still trending down.
How does the numbers dropping this drastically constitute a National Emergency?
Even if the wall works perfectly and stops anyone from crossing the Southern Border, it will do NOTHING for Terrorism. ALL of the foreign terrorist activity in the USA came in on Visas through Ports of Entry. Funny, they were all also from a Country that President Trump sees no reason to block Muslims from.
Our main terrorism problem is home grown. The vast majority of Domestic Terrorism has been Home Grown. It has been mostly Christians committing them as well. And not one of them was an illegal immigrant.
For the current wall:
From San Diego to the Otay Mountains
When the Border Patrol built the secondary fence, sent more agents and added technology in the mid-’90s as part of Operation Gatekeeper, apprehensions fell from 1,200 a day in 1995 to a low point of about 300 a day in 2001. Not quite down to zero, and this was with a secondary barrier as well.
In the report:
Obstructing Human Rights: the Texas-Mexico Border Wall
By Denise Gilman, June 2008
Over 9000 penetrations of wall in San Diego in 2017
“According to official reports of the United States Government, prior experiments with the border wall have proven ineffective (for stopping illegal immigration). The original segment of border wall built in the San Diego area did not have a discernible impact on the influx of unauthorized aliens coming across the border” pg 10
Footnote of (See CRS Barriers Report, at 3)
The report goes on to say that the crossings only decreased after additional agents and other resources were allocated.
This study did show that unauthorized immigrants were more likely to be convicted of “gambling, smuggling, vagrancy and kidnapping” but those crimes account for 0.18 percent of all convictions in Texas in 2015.
Immigration Research and Policy Brief No. 4, CATO Institute
Another study published in the journal Criminology last year suggested there was less crime in areas with higher populations of unauthorized immigrants.
The wall is not something I fight because I hate Trump, it is not because of any personal animosity. I supported him initially and still want him to succeed. No one sane person wants him to fail! Why would any sane person want the President of the United States to fail? Shit, then we’d be stuck with Pence!!!!
I supported President Trump until his trashing of the military and the intelligence agencies happened too many times. His taking the word of foreign despots over our Intelligence Agencies is unconscionable. Lying to the troops and turning his one visit into a political event shows exactly what he thinks of the Military. The President’s trashing of our reputation overseas is unforgivable. Not one of our allies trust us to keep our word any longer. How I am suppose to support this?
Is Trump even serious about the Presidency?
One of his major achievements, the new NAFTA deal, still has not been presented to Congress! The President needs to submit it to Congress in order to get it approved. President Trump doesn’t seem to care about the follow through. He got it negotiated, so its a done deal right? Not quite.
His actions with regard to the wall also shows his lack of commitment. Otherwise, the damn thing would already have started building when the Republicans were in charge!
Does the question comes down to how many must die? Yes it does, how many must die because the President can’t be bothered to allocate FEMA funds where needed!
How many must die until the President decides to do all of his job, even the boring stuff. How many must die until he decides to be a leader, not just whine about people being unfair!
How many must die until he respects those working for him? He trashes the Justice Department! He is in charge if it!!!! Does that mean he is a lousy boss? Overall, he seems to have only employed complete morons in the past. Everyone who has left his employ is a complete idiot with the mental capacity of a newt. Most smart bosses hire intelligent people.
How many must die until we stop putting up with his hypocrisy, with hypocrisy no matter who shows it. How many people who worked for President Trump are heading to jail? How many have resigned in disgrace? Wasn’t he suppose to eliminate this? He did not drain the swamp, he dammed it up and filled it deeper!
The President needs to be all he can be! We deserve it!
So how many Americans must die before Democrats will act? That’s the question John. Most of what you’re saying is off subject. Stick to the facts and answer the question. Fact :border patrol says they need it. Is the acceptable number of American Dead 10000, 5000 50,000?
“I do not oppose any policies that would reduce harm to the US and its residents, I fully support all valid policies. I oppose policies that either won’t work or have not been proven to work or be required.”
Hi John. Glad to hear your support Border Patrol and the barriers they want! Every rational human being should oppose things that do not work. Since walls work and are proven we should all agree on that.
I suppose you would also like to see the laws changed like I would. Here are a couple no-brainer laws we should immediately pass to save us billions of dollars per year. We should be more like Australia.
1. The law that says putting a foot on American soil entitles you to due process meaning you are caught and released must be repealed. Immediate return to country of origin must be enforced.
2. Having a child on American soil, giving that child U.S. citizenship needs to be repealed. (Known as Birthright Citizenship.)
3. Claiming asylum at the first country you enter should be enforced without exception. In other words, nobody coming from the south of Mexico can claim asylum in the U.S. if they first go through Mexico.
The law repatriating illegal immigrants is proceeding t the fastest pace it is capable of. President Trump has starved it for money in order to increase the humanitarian crisis. He wanted to point out how bad it is.
Why do we “need” to repeal the Birthright Citizenship? That is how our ancestors became US citizens. Now that we have ours, lets lock everyone else out?
I don’t really understand changing the asylum laws. They are applying for asylum in the USA, not in other countries. Almost all of the countries in Central America have the same problems with violence.
Do you also think it is a great idea to traumatize and punish children for the sins of the parents?
Hi Jon. As you can see I updated the comments area to make it a bit nicer.
Can’t find anything on that. Not sure what you mean. We will never get rid of the millions of illegal immigrants. It is a physical impossibility.
Many other countries have gotten rid of it or have restrictions. For example, why in the world would we allow an illegal immigrant to obtain citizenship for their child? If a person is a legal immigrant like a permanent resident then no problem. If the person has an American spouse, no problem. Otherwise, you draw the thousands of illegals here. Not smart and I’m sure reasonable people agree. Australia and others use some form of this rule.
. On the central American countries, they should legally apply for asylum in Mexico, the first country they enter. We also know it is a ploy since 90% of those seeking asylum are not granted asylum. This backlogs our courts and costs us serious money to adjudicate. Follow the law and have them seek asylum in Mexico. PS Mexico is also overwhelmed. They should secure their border as well. They will learn the hard way.
Children are punished for the sins of the parents by nature. Our upbringing and choices our parents make certainly affect us. They did for me. I ended up in a boys home for kids from broken homes at 12 years of age. Not sure what you are trying to say. Let’s put American kids first. There are plenty of them in need. Why put others before our own? Is that how you treat your children? Do you put your neighbors’ children before your own? Of course, if my kids are good I will help my neighbor. However, if my children and grandchildren need something why would I give to the stranger instead of them? I am a Christian so maybe this does not make sense to you. I’m all for giving to him who asks as long as we have it to give. We cannot let our people suffer and take care of others and remain in right standing with God. 1 Timothy 5:8 ESV
But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.