Elon Musk Said It – Not Me

Elon Musk Said It – Not Me

Dems won’t deport, because every illegal is a highly likely vote at some point. That simple incentive explains what seems to be insane behavior. It has become so brazen that a gang of illegals can beat up police officers on camera in Times Square, get out of jail for...

The Art of the Deal

The other day, my neighbor forwarded me an email containing a quote from Tony Schwartz, the ghostwriter of Donald Trump’s book, The Art of the Deal in 1987. The email was longer but here are the 3 key points it made: Schwartz regrets writing the book. Schwartz,...
Take That You Stupid….

Take That You Stupid….

“Take that, you stupid leftist or Never Trumper!” an angry man might say. However, I am not an angry man. You probably missed this headline proving Trump was right again since the National Media didn’t pick up on the story. Here it is from AP News:...
The Psychology of Advertising

The Psychology of Advertising

I don’t know why I’m posting this on Vets for Trump, but this subject bothers me and I need an outlet. Ignore it if you want to because it has little to nothing to do with politics or veterans specifically. It does have a bit to do with one of my recurring...