I was pleased to run into Dan Meuser at a veterans fundraiser today. We had previously endorsed Dan on our archived website when he was in the 11th District. Due to redistricting, he is now in the 9th District. Dan is going to make a great Congressman and wholeheartedly supports veterans. I have seen him at many veteran events. Along with supporting President Trump’s agenda Dan Meuser is a must have Congressman if we want to keep our tax cuts. Remember, not a single Democrat voted to cut our taxes. In addition, Dan will be working harder to cut taxes for the middle class even further in phase 2 of the Trump tax cut plan. Michael J. Kelly
National Vets for Trump Spokesman and Administrator
Dan Meuser was a very strong supporter of President Trump during both the primary and general election cycle, generating support and fundraising for the campaign.
Dan Meuser is running on an America First Agenda. He believes we need people in Congress to help the President enact his agenda, rather than people who are obstructionists who will get in the way of Making America Great Again.
Supporting Our Veterans:
“Veterans are American patriots and they deserve honor and respect. Supporting our veterans must be a top priority for our government. As your congressman, I will fight to continue reforming the VA and for greater access to private healthcare to ensure our veterans get the services they earned and deserve.” —Dan Meuser
Below please find Dan’s priorities as related to veterans (this information can also be downloaded from the policy section of our campaign website www.meuserforcongress.com
Supporting Our Veterans
Our veterans stepped up to serve us, some have done so in combat, and they deserve a Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) system that will not fail them.
Veterans Choice Act
Veterans should not have to wait for healthcare services, they should be at the front of the line every time for their healthcare needs. Dan Meuser supports the Veterans Choice Act that was recently extended by President Trump and allows vets facing lengthy wait times at VA facilities or living over 40 miles from the nearest VA to seek care in the private sector. In Congress, Dan will fight to continue to expand this program and allow more access to private care for veterans.
We must end the bureaucracy at the VA and, importantly, implement systems that are more user-friendly for veterans and/or caregivers using the latest technologies. Dan also supports the ability to fire underperforming, corrupt and/or incompetent VA employees and putting an end to waste, fraud, and abuse.
Increase Mental Health Support/Suicide Prevention Services
Recent VA reports indicate nearly one veteran commits suicide an hour. Dan Meuser believes we need to allocate stronger resources towards mental health, veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and from Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) and that we should support beneficial combat veteran peer-to-peer programs and ensure expedited mental health care accessibility.
Veteran Employment Opportunities
Veterans are not looking for handouts, they are looking for hand ups; job opportunities. We owe it to them to do everything we can to help them get on a path to success as they leave active duty, whether corporate positions or in the trades. We must support existing programs that work or replace them with ones that are more effective.
Reduce Disability Backlog
Veterans should not be waiting in a backlog for years for their disability ratings. We must reduce the backlog, and get claims right the first time in order to prevent veterans from having to appeal cases, and, a key part of the reductions, also work to link the branch of service computer systems with the VA’s systems in order to expedite the processing of medical history records wherever possible and to reduce the burden on the veteran
We would like to direct you to our website to learn more about him, his additional policy positions and his priorities (including a “Government for the People Plan” Dan wrote which addresses areas he will focus upon when in the US Congress).
Additionally, you can view Dan’s endorsements to date on the website (which include that of PA Trump surrogates and Trump Delegates and you can go to our campaign Facebook page to see a video message of support for Dan Meuser from John “Tig” Tiegen, a veteran and hero who fought as a contractor in Benghazi). The website can be found at www.meuserforcongress.com
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