Democrats will certainly turn America back to a time before law and order prevailed. How do I know this? Only 1 Democrat Senator voted for Brett Kavanaugh. They want to abolish ICE and allow criminals to roam the streets. I’m sure this is just the beginning of their plans relating to law and order.
47 Democrats and one Republican that no longer believe innocent until proven guilty voted against an innocent man. We have all learned that there was a plot to get Christine Blasey Ford’s best friend to falsify her testimony.
According to the Wall Street Journal, Keyser informed investigators that Ford’s friend, former FBI agent Monica McLean, had pressured her to change the original statement.
If the name Monica McLean sounds familiar, you may recall she was part of another falsehood that came out of Ford’s testimony. Under questioning by sex crimes prosecutor Rachel Mitchell, Ford claimed she had never offered tips on how to pass a polygraph.
An ex-boyfriend of Ford, however, claimed she’d helped a friend prepare for a polygraph exam once upon a time. That friend was McLean. McLean the FBI agent.
There are many other problems with the Ford accusation. However, these three things alone were known by all Senate Democrats who had access to the FBI reports! When they voted against Kavanaugh they were doing so in the face of facts that totally disproved the accusations by Ford. Disgusting!
While not a court of law the Senate (mostly lawyers) should be aware that a sense of fairness requires belief in innocent until proven guilty. Heck, I used that as a father and now as a grandfather when hearing tattle tales from the 7, 6 and 5-year-olds.
The bottom line is adults are little better than children when it comes to telling the truth. You never know who to believe unless you have seen it and even then you may have not seen it in context or correctly. That is why we live by this innocent till proven guilty principle.
OK, I’m not going to rant about this any longer. There is only one thing left to do. That is to vote out every last Democrat and 1 Republican from the Senate. Not all of them are up for re-election in 2018 but make a note if your Senator is in this group.
As Veterans, we have a duty and responsibility to defend the 6th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Now let’s get ourselves out there and get to work!
Here are the Senators that need to go in 2018.
Baldwin, Tammy (D-WI)
Brown, Sherrod (D-OH)
Cantwell, Maria (D-WA)
Cardin, Benjamin L. (D-MD)
Carper, Thomas R. (D-DE)
Casey, Robert P., Jr. (D-PA)
Donnelly, Joe (D-IN)
Feinstein, Dianne (D-CA)
Gillibrand, Kirsten E. (D-NY)
Heinrich, Martin (D-NM)
Heitkamp, Heidi (D-ND)
Hirono, Mazie K. (D-HI)
Kaine, Tim (D-VA)
Klobuchar, Amy (D-MN)
Manchin, Joe, III (D-WV)
McCaskill, Claire (D-MO)
Menendez, Robert (D-NJ)
Murphy, Christopher (D-CT)
Nelson, Bill (D-FL)
Stabenow, Debbie (D-MI)
Tester, Jon (D-MT)
Warren, Elizabeth (D-MA)
Whitehouse, Sheldon (D-RI)
Here is a list of the entire bunch that needs to go.
Tammy Baldwin Wis.
Michael Bennet Colo.
Richard Blumenthal Conn.
Cory Booker N.J.
Sherrod Brown Ohio
Maria Cantwell Wash.
Benjamin L. Cardin Md.
Thomas R. Carper Del.
Bob Casey Pa.
Chris Coons Del.
Catherine Cortez Masto Nev.
Joe Donnelly Ind.
Tammy Duckworth Ill.
Richard J. Durbin Ill.
Dianne Feinstein Calif.
Kirsten Gillibrand N.Y.
Kamala Harris Calif.
Maggie Hassan N.H.
Martin Heinrich N.M.
Heidi Heitkamp N.D.
Mazie K. Hirono Hawaii
Doug Jones Ala.
Tim Kaine Va.
Angus King Me.
Amy Klobuchar Minn.
Patrick J. Leahy Vt.
Edward J. Markey Mass.
Claire McCaskill Mo.
Robert Menendez N.J.
Jeff Merkley Ore.
Christopher S. Murphy Conn.
Patty Murray Wash.
Bill Nelson Fla.
Gary Peters Mich.
Jack Reed R.I.
Bernie Sanders Vt.
Brian Schatz Hawaii
Chuck Schumer N.Y.
Jeanne Shaheen N.H.
Tina Smith Minn.
Debbie Stabenow Mich.
Jon Tester Mont.
Tom Udall N.M.
Chris Van Hollen Md.
Mark Warner Va.
Elizabeth Warren Mass.
Sheldon Whitehouse R.I.
Ron Wyden Ore.
Lisa Murkowski Alaska who voted Present having the same impact as a No vote needs to go as well.
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