I’ll try to make my point succinctly so those with short attention spans can digest this.
This is the left-wing media on 2 Jun 20.
It says peaceably in the 1st Amendment of the Constitution. I will not be defending violent protests like those on the left do and have done. Idiots like Chris Cuomo are examples of the biggest parts of the problem. Imagine how many numbskulls heard what Cuomo said and thought he had any credibility.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
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Their are many examples like this. The Left is, and there is no better word, EVIL.
How many insurrectionist do you kniw?
Have you called the FBI yet? If you know any.
Everyone who stormed the Capital needs to be charge. Everyone who stormed the Capital is NOT a patriot. They even flew the Confederate Battle Flag! The flag of traitors!!!
Jon, the point of this post is the hypocrisy of those in your camp defending the riots, looting, arson, and etc over the summer. If you watch the video, there is Cuomo defending violence and asking where it says protests are supposed to be peaceful. I then link to the Constitution where it says exactly that.
When I titled it “Mostly Peaceful Protest” it is because that is what CNN called it while the buildings and cars burned in the background.
Short version: https://youtu.be/_NwmKq4irMI?t=13
We on the Right were laughing our asses off at that one. Since you are not watching what CNN, MSNBC, and others say closely I’m sure you missed the fact of it and the irony. There were dozens of these types of things over the summer. Here is a longer video on just that one incident in Minneapolis, let alone Portland, Seattle, LA, New York, DC, Atlanta and etc.
Nobody I know is defending breaking windows and smashing things. Simply standing outside a building is not violent. Breaking in and destroying things is criminal and should be prosecuted.
Your other comment was too long and off the mark so I’m not posting or responding. How does it feel to have your speech controlled? LOL
Lighten up and watch some JP Sears https://vets-for-trump.com/psychological-operations/nothing-stings-like-comedic-truth/
Who publicly supported the rioting?
Who on “your” side supports the insurrection?
Which is worse?
Which is more hypocritical?
Why is it that you think two wrongs make a right? Its OK fo white nationalists toriot because BLM did? Where I come from, we learned way back in kindergarten that two wrongs do not make a right?
To answer your first two questions, Nobody I know. That makes your last two questions moot.
Please show me how pointing out hypocrisy is suggesting I think two wrongs make a right?
Because your using the Dems/Libs/.. idiocies to say Trump doing the same is OK.
I have not seen any response as to why you trust Trump over EVERY Election Official? Over Every Court? Over EVERY State Legislature? Over the House of Reps? Over the Senate? Over the Supreme Court? Over all of the Trump appointees?
If Trump is Right, there is no more USA. If Trump is right, EVERY Democratic Institution in the USA is broken.
You are taking the word of someone you KNOW lies to you over those who have no reason to lie.
Why has Trump’s own appointees claimd no Fraud?
Why did none of the lawsuits about the election mention fraud?
Jon, I never said it was OK. Please copy and paste where I say or even imply it is OK to be a hypocrite. LOL, I know you are just trolling but your the only troll I like 🙂
Jon, all I have to say about your questions were posted at this link back on December 18th.
I apologize, I tend to lose track during hospital visits.
But upon review, I didn’t buy your theory then or now. The only way Trump could of lost by fraud would require widespread systematic fraud. There would have to be hundreds, if not thousands involved. More than half would have been Republicans.
Why did William Barr say there was no fraud?
Why did Trump’s Appointee for Election Security say there was no fraud?
Are they involved too?
Why did none of the lawsuits by Trump and Co. mention fraud? A lot of the affidavits did, but the lawsuit filings didn’t. Which is why some affidavits were rejected.
I see a lot of Veteran Outfits are ejecting the insurrectionists. Good!
Where is your denunciation of the insurrection and insurrectionists?
Have you checked your followers?
Hi Jon, sorry to hear about your hospital visits. I started this site in order to help veterans and that includes those who do not agree with President Trumpp’s policies. I do hope you are well now. I do not wish ill on any person.
That’s OK that you don’t buy the theory. I wouldn’t expect anything else from you. I stand by the fact that throwing an election neither has to be “widespread” or “involve thousands”. I’m basing the fact on history and techniques used by political campaigns. Here is just one historic example. There are others.
Bill Bar did not say there was no fraud. Again, it is terms like “widespread” and that would be from the DOJ perspective or “enough to overturn the results” which is only being looked at narrowly from a Federal level. It gets complicated but DOJ does not get involved in local law. Therefore, from his perspective, there was nothing for Bill Barr to pursue. There is Federal Law, State Law and Local Law. However, none of this is my point exactly. It just goes to show that it is non-sequitur to suggest that our very complicated legal system determines truth. It does not. It determines legal outcomes based on specifics brought forth in a very complicated way. If it were clear cut we would not call them “legal opinions.” You know what they say about opinions, right?
By Trump’s Appointee for Election Security, I suppose you mean Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (Cisa) chief Chris Krebs. If you watched the testimony (and I did) you may have noticed that he did not contradict the Trump attorney who pointed out all the problems and numbers of dead people voting, no addresses, vacant lots, people who had moved and more votes than there were people. Krebs was asked that question directly and he answered that he could not speak to it. Krebs could only speak for Cybersecurity. Krebs’s job was to look for foreign interference in the Cybersecurity world, not the irregularities affirmed by the attorney.
Affidavits include sworn testimony by an individual about what they saw. Affidavits are given under penalty of perjury. Usually, months of investigation would have to go into looking into the testimony in an affidavit. There was no time for a thorough investigation and hence the rejections. It might be good to ask ourselves if the affidavits were false, why was nobody brought up on charges of perjury?
You may have also skimmed over this quote from my article.
Where is my denunciation? You may have missed it on this post.
I will not be a hypocrite like Cuomo and many others. Even Trump denounced violence on the right. The thing is we are consistent. We denounce violence on both the left and the right. At the same time, I and countless others also point to the hypocrisy of many on the left for only denouncing the violence from the right and not the left.
I know you probably cannot stomach too much from our political point of view. It might be entertaining for you to try and watch The Greg Gutfeld Show on FOX News. It is on Saturday night at 10PM EST. If you have a DVR and you are not up late or feeling well record it. That will answer many of your questions in an often humorous way. Laughter does the heart good like a medicine and I do wish you good health.
Here is a sample of Gregg Gutfeld on the subject of the last week.
If you are correct, please let me know where I can find it. The only facts I can find disproves Trump’s claims.
In Georgia Trump claimed more than 10,000 dead people voted. It was two. Georgia did what they do every election and audited the votes. They check the names of the voters against the recent deaths.
Excuse me if I missed it but I don’t understand.
Why do you trust someone who you know lies to you regularly over dozens of others who you have no reason to suspect of lying? Well no reason except the word of the person who you know lies.
Sorry Jon, I get busy in January for some reason. I’m referring to the sworn testimony of Krebs and others before the Senate. A quick note. Krebs didn’t catch the huge SolarWinds hack that happened so I’m not sure of the veracity of his testimony on election cybersecurity.
As for the Trump attorney testimony that Krebs did not deny, that was in the Senate testimony under oath about Arizona, not Georgia. I have a tendency to give more credit to under oath testimony versus what is simply said to the press.
There are many other issues like all the states that changed their election rules without going through their legislatures. Hopefully, you agree that Jim Jordan is not a nut. Here is what he had to say. Manipulation by Big Tech and the national MSM. Add to that it would take years to properly investigate all the affidavits. Look how long any investigation takes and you will quickly see it takes years, not a few weeks or a couple of months.
All I’m saying is we have got to investigate and correct these things to rest or Americans will never be happy with election results in the future. That is a recipe for civil war. I don’t think either you or I want that. I could be wrong since I don’t know you well.
Jon, first I don’t believe Trump lies any more than most politicians. Much of what you and others call lies are hyperbole, an exaggeration to make a point. Compare Trump to Biden and Biden makes Trump look like a saint when it comes to honesty. I’m sure that will flabbergast you but that is how I see it. I’m not saying Trump isn’t over the top or even what many would consider a nut job of some sort. However, he was right about so many things that I once thought were conspiracy theories. PS I don’t listen to that Qanon crap. I’m talking Deep State, Russian Collusion, the Biden’s in China and Ukraine. It’s all out in the open now and Trump (regardless of his personality flaws) was correct and vindicated.
I also reflect on the “intel agencies” that said the Biden thing was Russian disinformation. What was that number, 50? All of them lied. I’m also thinking about all the Democrat politicians and former intel people who said one thing to the cameras and another under oath. If Grennell had not declassified the testimony under oath many would still believe the lies they told on camera.
I guess you never see this if you watch MSM. Again, try doing something light-hearted at first. I still recommend the Greg Gutfeld Show. PS He is not going to be in tonight due to a death in the family. However, he should be back next week.