I need your help thinking about the China Flu Vaccine. Last week I heard a newscaster say countries with the highest percentage of vaccinated people are seeing numbers of cases and deaths equal to or worse than last year at the same time. Being a natural skeptic I looked into the numbers. Apparently, it is true.

I’m not a doctor or scientist but logic and data are an area of interest to me. Since the above is true it can only mean a few things as far as I can tell.

  1. The vaccine is of little to no benefit.
  2. The vaccine is not right for the version of the virus it is supposed to be fighting.
  3. I am missing something.

This last one is where I need your help. If you can think of anything please put it in the comments.

Full disclosure: I have had 2 shots of the Moderna vaccine. I am not skeptical that there is a virus that originated in China killing people. I’m also convinced it came from the Wuhan lab (where else?). I’m also persuaded that Dr. Fauci was involved in the gain of function research funding. In the end, we cannot morally hold Chinese officials accountable if we do not hold our own accountable.

The Evidence:

I am using the numbers based on Johns Hopkins for a percentage of a country vaccinated and this link for current new cases and deaths.

I am only going to cover the top countries and then include the United States as it would take too long to go over the entire list. The following are the top vaccinated countries by percentage followed by cases and deaths last year in the same time frame and this year. I’m using the 7-day average based on 12 Sep which is the latest data.

Malta – 82.82% fully vaccinated.
New Cases: 40 a day. Last year same time frame 37 new cases a day.
Deaths 1 a day this year and 0 per day last year.
Little to no change.

United Arab Emirates 80.07% fully vaccinated.
New Cases: 803 a day. Last year same time frame 768.
Deaths 2 a day this year and 2 per day last year.
Little to no change.

Portugal 79.47% fully vaccinated.
New Cases: 1,220 a day. Last year same time frame 481.
Deaths 9 a day this year and 3 per day last year.
New cases are much higher and deaths are 3 times higher.

Singapore 78.98% fully vaccinated.
New Cases: 432 a day. Last year same time frame 54.
Deaths 0 a day this year and 0 per day last year.
New cases are much higher and deaths are the same at zero.

Qatar 78.33% fully vaccinated.
New Cases: 154 a day. Last year same time frame 237.
Deaths 0 a day this year and 0 per day last year.
New cases are lower and deaths are the same at zero

Spain 74.5% fully vaccinated.
New Cases: 4,244 a day. Last year same time frame 9,620 new cases a day.
Deaths 71 a day this year and 47 per day last year.
New cases are much lower but deaths are much higher this year.

Other Countries of Interest

United States 54.44% fully vaccinated.
New Cases: 146,066 a day. Last year same time frame 34,596 new cases a day.
Deaths 1,654 a day this year and 736 per day last year.
New cases are much higher and so are deaths.

Australia 34.34% fully vaccinated. Australia is notable because of heavy lockdowns for a westernized country.
New Cases: 1,714 a day. Last year same time frame 57 new cases a day.
Deaths 7 a day this year and 8 per day last year.
New cases are much higher and deaths are about the same.

New Zealand 30.17% fully vaccinated. New Zealand is notable because of heavy lockdowns for a westernized country.
New Cases: 22 a day. Last year same time frame 4 new cases a day.
Deaths 0 a day this year and 0 per day last year.
New cases are much higher and deaths are about the same at zero.

Sweden 59.62% fully vaccinated. Sweden is notable because it never locked down.
New Cases: 1,070 a day. Last year same time frame 217 new cases a day.
Deaths 2 a day this year and 2 per day last year.
New cases are much higher and deaths are low at 2 per day.


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