This letter is an urgent call for America’s 20 million military veterans and veterans organizations to actively speak out against the people and organizations, i. e. the “forces”, wanting to change America into a Marxist, communist-like state. As explained below, this is a significant national security issue where America’s veterans need to become very actively involved.
The “forces” are nothing less than domestic enemies of America’s cherished Constitution, republic, and treasured individual freedoms such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and 2nd Amendment rights to own and bear firearms. If the forces are left undefeated, future recruitments of young Americans into the nation’s armed forces will undoubtedly suffer, perhaps greatly suffer.
Today, the weapon of choice of the forces is critical race theory (CRT). Simply stated, CRT is nothing more than a derivation of Marxist, communist ideology where a person’s race rather than a person’s class, i. e., working class versus managerial/owner class, is the basis for struggle and conflict. Rather than unite Americans of all races into a strong, vibrant nation, CRT strives to divide Americans and keep them divided into different racial groups in conflict with one another.
One of the most onerous situations today involves substantial numbers of America’s elementary/secondary school children and university students. These young people are being fed a steady diet of what amounts to communist propaganda and ideology couched in terms of CRT, cancel culture, and other anti-American ideologies. Teachers refusing to teach these “doctrines” to school children frequently lose their jobs or otherwise suffer some kind of retribution.
Irrespective of parental and teacher opposition, a growing number of America’s local school boards and administrators are mandating that CRT theory be taught to students. The CRT curriculum of some school districts extends even to kindergarten and first-grade students!
America’s military veterans swore a lifelong oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Hence, the domestic enemies described herein need to be called out and effectively defeated with the help of America’s 20 million veterans and numerous veterans organizations.
A very important and needed action for veterans and veterans organizations is to attend local school board meetings as a group of concerned veterans. As a show of force, their spokesperson would ask his/her fellow veterans to briefly stand (sitting together if possible).
The spokesperson would then explain how the teachings of CRT will undoubtedly have detrimental effects on future recruitment efforts for America’s Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard. Among other reasons, fewer young people will be willing to serve in the military (and put their lives at risk) for a nation that they have been indoctrinated to believe is overly racist where oppressors (white people) are constantly oppressing the oppressed (black people/other minorities), etc. The spokesperson should say that such indoctrination must stop and if it does not stop, then America has a significant national security issue.
It is truly time for America’s military veterans to once again serve their great nation and be instrumental in defending our treasured freedoms and liberty!
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Well written. Identifies issues and challenges veterans to respond ~ just as we were asked to respond to foreign thrests during time of war. Our Oath reads “defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic” … Thank You Paul!
Thank you Lieutenant Colonel Gardiner. You have said exactly what I have wanted to say to all veterans and veteran organizations. Knowing these organizations have always tried to be a-political, they have stayed out of the fray of the goings on in American government. I say it is time to no longer be silent and stand up for America once again. My husband was a Vietnam veteran and I know he would be furious with what is happening now. I lost him 2 years ago to Agent Orange illnesses. It is time we all stand up for America, our children, and the sacrifices all veterans made for America (BEFORE WE LOSE HER). Hopefully, your letter will reach the powers that be in these organizations and they will listen.
With respect:
As a retired public school teacher I know–for sure–that public schools cannot be fixed. It is a waste of valuable time and money to try. We must RESCUE our children!
We are in a war for the hearts, minds, and souls of the precious children of America. No sane military force sends raw recruits to be trained (and mentally maimed) in the boot-camp of the bad guys. Please see “Call to Dunkirk” at
Veterans’ time would be better spent helping to set up and man alternative education centers. The plans are already set up. Just ask me.
Hi Karl,
Send me more information and I’ll post it on this website. I see the video is 11 years old. Has there been any success with this issue? A friend runs this website
Paul is working with the woman who runs this website which will have a new release in July
We need to connect these various groups so they can all work together towards the goal of saving our children.
Well said. We need organization!
You are absolutely right, that we need to unite to save our children.
The “Call to Dunkirk” ( video was is just as pertinent today as it was when it was posted. You asked, “Has there been any success with this issue?” The answer is that progress has been slow because our side has not faced this fact: PUBLIC SCHOOLS CANNOT BE FIXED. Thankfully, due to COVID, multiple thousands have left the public schools. We need to build on this and stress that parents should not return their children to the enemy (Leftists). FYI: The man who posted “Call to Dunkirk” is E. Ray Moore (Chaplain, Lt. Col. USAR Ret.) and his website it:
PUBLIC SCHOOLS CANNOT BE FIXED. Whatever victories gained (including winning school board seats, even if we could take over all of a local board) trying to fix public schools will need to be monitored beyond the capacity of hundreds of volunteers. The teacher unions and their allies such as the ACLU own government schools. They will quickly take back any lost ground and they will not hesitate to do it in an under-handed manner while your group operates honestly and ethically.
Saying we should not abandon public schools is like saying the passengers of the Titanic should have stayed aboard because the band was playing good music and the captain was a good man.
We (Constitutionalists, conservatives, and Christians) are in a Culture War and the front line is for the hearts and minds of our children. The enemy (Leftists) clearly understand. Here is proof:
I enlisted to fight in this war in 1974 and have seen all efforts to fix public schools fail, because PUBLIC SCHOOLS CANNOT BE FIXED.
Here is one of a series of videos that provide all the proof needed to show PUBLIC SCHOOLS CANNOT BE FIXED: Links to other videos are in the Video Description. A little over 25 years later, this amazing incident occurred in the same board of education room:
There are plenty of resources on my website on how we can “git er dun” such as:
My focus is from a Christian perspective. Here is a site that anyone who wants to save America can use:
Critical Race Theory is GRADUATE level University topic that is taught in very few Universities. There is not one EiHi school that was even planning on teaching it.
You say that the Dems want to take away your rights, but you are one of the ones who is trying to limit the Right to Vote. Just because Trump lost the election, again, the GOP is willing to sacrifice our country to appease Trump.
GOP Politicians seem willIng to do anything in order to avoid being targeted by Trump with his trade-marked victim-hood and insults. Even though he actually tried to overturn our government.
Hi Jon, what is EiHi school?
That is lying..enshrined in propaganda….or..shows just how brainwashed the left is. But..we all fought our share of communists at one time. Here is just another..
Well Jon, you haven’t told us what “EiHi school” is so I won’t try to guess. However, if someone says the tenets of CRT are not being taught in any schools then I would say, “You won’t mind if we ban it then, will you?” There is no cause for the left to get their panties in a bunch. Teachers and parents standing up against this must be a figment of Conservative imagination, right?
Your comment about voting is off subject. I’m guessing you just needed to get that off your chest. Here is my general answer: Securing the elections is simply trying to reduce the probability of a Second Civil War. Therefore, those who fight against secure free and fair elections are promoting the probability of a Second Civil War. Don’t be that guy Jon.
Sorry, typo. It was suppose to be ELHi, Elementary to High School.
I apologize for not responding immediately, but I only check this site once a week or so. Your site doesn’t update that much so I didn’t see the need.
If you use the Subscribe feature you will get an email when we post or someone replies to your comment. That way you don’t have to check here.
Well Jon, what do you know?! The country’s largest teachers union has moved to undermine the left-wing talking point (that is your talking point Jon) that critical race theory is not taught to children — by voting to promote it and arguing it is “reasonable and appropriate” to use CRT in social studies classes.
The National Education Association has approved a plan to “publicize” critical race theory and dedicate a “team of staffers” to assist union members looking to “fight back against anti-CRT rhetoric.”
Full article click here.
If you don’t like the truth because it comes from Fox News here is the direct web link to the part of the NEA website talking about it.
Very well done. Im in the process of moving to another state and i am already speaking up to the governor and plan on getting involved in school board meetings. Its time brothers and sisters in arms we rise again..
What might help is if anyone knows of vet groups across the US that we can jump into to help fight.
Its not that a veterans time is wasted on the fight and so we should just walk away and come join u… its that there is an importance in all fight no matter where its at as long as its for America and to make her string again!!!