07 January 2021

By: Kristie T., Press Lead



Washington, D.C. – The Heller Foundation, Latinos for Trump, Veterans for Trump, Blacks for Trump and Virginia Women for Trump Coalitions wholeheartedly and without reservation, condemn the violent acts and destruction that occurred yesterday, 06 January 2021, in the United States Capitol. These criminals endangered the lives of many, including DC and Capitol Police officers- ultimately resulting in needless deaths, serious injury and severe property damage- all preventable. Publicly, as Conservative Organizations, we are taking a stand to formally denounce these unlawful acts and demand a prompt investigation to fully punish all criminal actors, immediately. Dick Heller, of The Heller Foundation, and Veteran’s for Trump Coalition National Spokesman- Thomas Speciale- issued a joint-statement earlier today, stating that: “These bad actors do not ‘speak’ for us. We’ve participated in hundreds of events and rallies throughout the campaign cycle incident-free, safely, peacefully and respectfully. Our great nation is founded on celebrating the God-given right of Americans to express themselves through engaging in peaceful, lawful protests protected by the First Amendment.” We are all fortified on a mission of peace, prayer and empowerment through our community advocacy.

Furthermore, Latinos for Trump Coalition President Bianca Garcia added, “We continue to denounce all such violence because ‘acts of political violence’ do NOT represent Patriotism and what our great country stands for- in any shape or form.” Moreover, the Blacks for Trump Coalition Chairman highlights that, “These violent groups- as separate and distinct from our Joint-Event on a stage five-blocks away, where we all enjoyed music, praying, speakers and shared in peaceful fellowship together-do not respect the Rule of Law. All of our organizations have a long history of completely peaceful prayer marches and we have not, did not, and never will condone destruction nor destruction, whatsoever.” Accordingly, Founder and President of Virginia Women for Trump, Alice Butler-Short, respectfully asks all people of faith to continue to pray for solidarity, tranquility and clarity for our great nation every day at noon: “from wherever you are in the United States, from sea to shining sea. We must all come together in daily prayer.”

Ultimately, The Heller Foundation, Latinos for Trump, Veterans for Trump, Blacks for Trump and Virginia Women for Trump Coalitions’ all come together as a united community to celebrate our shared goals as Americans- to lawfully exercise and righteously pray for our freedoms protected by the U.S. Constitution. Any information to the contrary is defamatory, baseless, and a direct attack on the First Amendment freedoms we enjoy as people of faith. In conclusion, please join us in prayer and reflection as we pray for our country during these challenging times- “My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth (17 John 15-19)”. In conclusion, we all pray that God brings peace, hope and unity across the United States of America.


• Kristie T., [email protected]

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