A murderer stood before a judge waiting to be sentenced. The judge asked if he had anything to say before he ruled. The man said:
“Your honor, you know my life story. You know I had no real control over the things that made me what and who I am. I had no real choice but to murder those people.”
That’s the way the left sees it
The judge responded:
“You are correct. I too am a man who has no real choice. Therefore, I regrettably have to sentence you to hang by the neck until dead.”
That’s the way the right sees it
Frankly, both views are true.. Does that about sum it up? Just trying to keep it brief for our friends on the left 🙂
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They both had choice but neither was brave enough to take it.
All I’m saying is many on the left have more sympathy for the criminal than they do for the victim and justice.
It is a matter of acting on what is rather than theory.
Really? Liberals support criminals more than victims? Sort of like if a minor took a gun to a rally and kills a couple of people? How much sympathy did you exhibit towards the murder victims? How much sympathy do you give to the Capital Police rather than the insurgents?
Both sides of the aisle express sympathy towards victims only if they have a beef with the aggressor
Yes, obviously! I recall my father saying “A conservative in New York City is the liberal who was mugged on the subway yesterday.” Independents and even some Democrats are waking up. 80% see crime as a top issue. When was the last time you saw a conservative support criminals? Yet liberal DA’s let criminals go by the hundreds every day in the U.S.
You should really educate yourself on the Rittenhouse case. I wrote this before the trial was over. As you know it was ruled self-defense. Too much obvious video to rule otherwise. As for sympathy towards the two criminals with illegal weapons that shot at or tried to shoot at Kyle, no I have no sympathy. If you are going to shoot at someone with a gun don’t miss. As for the guy who tried to kill Kyle with a skateboard, no I have no sympathy. Again, do not attack a guy with a deadly weapon unless you are sure you can kill him before he kills you. Even then they were the aggressors. Kyle had a legal weapon. Again, read up on this if you are sincere.
Like I said Jon, nobody is buying your point of view any longer. The Christmas Day massacre helped to clarify that in many American minds. Most have also seen the statistics of leftist violence compared to Ashli Babbitt Day. If I had been there I would have defended the police but not to the point of murdering an unarmed woman.
Troll on!
Well, Conservatives support Trump.
Rittenhouse was found innocent because of Judicial Misconduct! Not being able to refer to the victims as victims? That among other things is the reason for the verdict. He probably would have been found innocent in a fair trial.
But still, why was he there in the first place? He wasn’t from that town. How many times have Conservatives complained about BLM protesters going to different towns? But it’s OK if Conservatives travel?
Ashley Babbitt? The woman rebelling against her Country, that’s who you sympathize with? She was trying to break into the Speaker’s Lobby. She probably wasn’t intending to engage in calm peaceful political discourse. Should the police have let her invade the Speaker’s Lobby? Should the police stood aside for the rest of the mob? The ones chanting “Hang Pence”?
If Rittenhouse was justified, then the Police Officer defending our elected officials sure as hell should be!
There was Prosecutorial misconduct for sure. The judge had to set the prosecutor straight a couple of times. This entire thing was on video if you cared to watch. Here is a clip of one example where the judge is mad as hell at the Prosecutor for misconduct.
Either way, at least you admit Kyle would have been found innocent in a fair trial. Good for you Jon!
The distance from Antioch IL to Kenosha WI where Kyle worked and where his father, grandmother, aunt, uncle and a cousin lived was 21 miles. That is the same distance I used to drive to work every day. Many people especially in the middle of the country drive that far to work.
Drawing a comparison between Kyle and Ashli is ridiculous. She did not shoot at anyone and had no weapon. The men Kyle shot either shot at him first or tried to kill him. That was completely clear in the video shown in court. They also all three had criminal records. Kyle did not. You are better off trying to draw a comparison between George Floyd and Ashli Babbit. Both broke the law, both were unarmed and both were murdered by law enforcement. One officer went to prison for life and the other got a promotion. How sick!
Notice that all three people Kyle shot had criminal records. The jury was not allowed to hear that fact except for the one guy who got shot in the arm and took the stand. I saw that live on TV. Frankly, it was the guy who got shot in the arm that I think cleared Kyle the most. You could see that he pointed his gun at Kyle’s head before Kyle shot him. The guy who got shot even admitted as much. Here is the video of him on the stand admitting he did not get shot until he pointed his illegal handgun at Kyle https://youtu.be/5yg-Y6s1BEo?t=82
Again, nice try trolling this. I let this stuff go online because it only reinforces how crazy the leftists are and live in an alternate reality. I’m Not saying there are no crazies on the right. Yep, I know them too. I keep thinking “I can’t be that smart, I’m a regular guy.” But, it looks like I am that smart and just have to get used to the idea.