If you don’t know by now I’m a BIG fan of JP Sears. Here is the latest video about the Biden Administration becoming “Big Brother” and violating the Constitution. JP Sears points out the 2nd Amendment is there just in case the 1st Amendment is “abridged”.
As JP says: “We know they’re lying, they know they’re lying, they know that we know they’re lying, we also know that they know that we know they’re lying, but they still lie.” Funny, sad, and true, all at the same time. The mask is off. They are and have been saying the quiet part out loud.
Consider the words of George Washington.
“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” – President George Washington
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The Constitution is a wonderful document, but never would it have been accepted/ratified by the various states without the promise of the soon-to-be included Amendments to the Constitution that guaranteed our individual rights.
The 1st ten Amendments, collectively known as the “Bill of Rights”, list the freedom of speech as the “1st right”, that’s how important they felt about the freedom to speak freely.
Lies, lies, and lies. Can America trust its government any longer? I pray so …
Mac, this relates to our discussions on integrity. Mistakes can be forgiven. A person better admit to a mistake quickly. Otherwise, people will no longer trust them. Lies are a whole other ball game. I’ve previously suggested the reason politicians lie is partially the voting public’s fault. We allow them to do it without consequence. People forget politicians work for us, and only we can hold them accountable through the vote.
As you said about Rachel Maddow “she looks right into the camera and lies to you”. Too many of our politicians can do the same thing without remorse. Can we trust the government? No. It is made up of politicians and the deep state. Even our once prestigious Intel Agencies have lost their integrity.