An article from CNBC 13 Feb 2020 explains who did and did not benefit from the Trump tax cuts. It explains how you may think you are paying more and why you are likely wrong. An older article from the New York Times (of all places) is titled “Face it you (probably) got a tax cut” affirms some things in the CNBC article.
When we look at the lowest income bracket it looks bad. If you earned under $30,000 only 32% in that group saw a tax cut. Compared to those $31,000 to over $100,000 per year; 69 to 89% saw a tax cut. So, why is it only 32% saw a tax cut under 30 thousand dollars per year? The answer is easier than you think.
If you earned less than $30,000 before the Trump tax cuts you likely got most if not all the money that was withheld for Federal Tax back. Around 33% of those earners paid a little something in Federal Tax. Therefore, only that 33% could have their taxes lowered and that turned out to be 32.1%. That means almost everyone that paid tax in that bracket got a tax cut!
It is also worth noting perception versus fact:
Household income less than $30,000
Got a tax cut 32.1%
Think they got a tax cut 30.0%Households $30,000 to $50,000
Got a tax cut 69.1%
Think they got a tax cut 36.1
It turns out the more you made the less likely you were to think you got a tax cut. However, those in the lowest income group got it about right. I can’t be sure why that is but I have a thought. Could it be those who earn less pay more attention to their money?
What is the implication of the lowest income people understanding they did receive a tax cut? I’m thinking they might remember and vote for Trump in 2020.
Who really suffered?
Corporate tax versus personal tax
Why were the tax cuts for corporations permanent and not for people? The answer is the Democrats threatened to filibuster the tax cuts in the Senate to prevent it from going through. Trump wanted to get it done before the end of 2017. Due to one of those strange political loopholes corporations did not require a 60 vote majority for permanent tax cuts but income tax did. It will be up to future Congresses to let it expire or renew it. They would be fools to let the tax cuts for individuals expire.
See full Wikipedia article. Excerpt below:
The individual and pass-through tax cuts fade over time and become net tax increases starting in 2027 while the corporate tax cuts are permanent. This enabled the Senate to pass the bill with only 51 votes, without the need to defeat a filibuster, under the budget reconciliation process.
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What an AWESOME post! Thank you so very much MSgt Mike for taking the time to prepare and present this. Granted, there are those out there who neither understand these numbers nor do they care but facts are a BI**H when it comes to people basing their opinions simply on ‘feelings’ alone. It’s so refreshing to know that rationality and logic aren’t dead. I wonder if ‘Jon B’ and/or any other NeverTrumpers perusing this site will have the guts to respond with anything intelligent. If history proves anything, we won’t hear a peep out of them other than something akin to “Orange man bad”.
Thank you again, Michael, for your kind words. I know a lot of people who only read the headlines and never dig into the full details. I suppose that’s my nature, to dig into details. People tell me I’m a skeptic. Some call me a cynic. That’s probably because I spent too many years watching how propaganda works. I learned long ago to disengage my emotions and engage my brain and ask questions.
The one thing I found so compelling in my research was the gap between perception and reality. The old saying is true. “You can fool some of the people some of the time but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.” Jon B appears to be a True Believer in the propaganda. For him, there is another saying. “A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.”
It is amazing to think that people would rather have Bernie or Biden as president. I don’t know if Jon B will see he does not have to agree with Trump on everything to see that he is by far the best person equipped for the job. I do not know him personally.
Jon and many others are in a state of Cognitive Dissonance. They must decide based on what they see as the lesser evil in their minds. Trump is a person they do not like who makes good decisions. The alternative is to vote for someone they like who makes bad decisions or not vote at all. The alternatives have their good points and bad points. The rub is that making a decision cuts off the possibility that they can enjoy the advantages of the unchosen alternative.
I am reminded of Joshua 24:15 “If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve…” Will they serve American interests or the interests of others? It is anyone’s guess. All I know is I will do my best to serve God and Country.
And may he bless you and yours with fulfillment and righteousness. Thanks again, sir.