Earlier this year, at the direction of President Donald Trump, the Defense Department formally established the U.S. Space Command. Many Veterans, indeed, many Americans may not see this as a big deal. But those who understand how America conducts military operations see it as a very big deal, indeed.
That’s because the four military services — Army, Air Force, Marines and Navy — don’t command forces in wartime. Since World War II the United States has almost always placed combat forces under the operational control of a unified commander. The military’s 11th unified combatant command (Space Command being the 11th), “Space Command” now takes its place alongside commands like Special Operations Command and Central Command.
Over the years, the U.S. military, all branches, have come to rely on space-based assets. Spy satellites provide intelligence; global positioning satellites provide navigation capabilities needed for precision-guided munitions; and communications satellites provide world-wide communications for our globally stationed military forces. These space-based capabilities now define how the U.S. military fights, and represents the US strategic military advantage. Protecting our space assets to guarantee their access and use, is absolutely essential for our nation’s military success.
Earlier this year, the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency issued a report about military expansion in space, especially focusing on the increasing “weaponization of space” by China and Russia. In this report, the Defense Intelligence Agency explains in detail key concepts of military counterspace necessities, including, Cyberspace threats, “directed energy weapons,” and threats to satellites and other orbital space systems. Both China and Russia, according to the intelligence report, are developing these capabilities – from laser weapons to ground-based anti-satellite missiles.
Russia and China have closely monitored our military capabilities of our space based assets and they have reflexively developed their own military capabilities that can challenge the United States in space. China has tested an anti-satellite weapon and continues to explore similar methods. Indeed, space must now be considered a full war-fighting domain.
Specifically, China’s space activities indicate that it is developing anti-satellite systems to target U.S. space assets. These anti-satellite systems consist of a satellite “armed with a weapon such as an explosive charge, fragmentation device, kinetic energy weapon, laser, radio frequency weapon, jammer, or robotic arm.” Besides the “hard-kill” methods, it is believed that China is also testing soft-kill methods to incapacitate US satellites.
So how may we effectively protect and defend our Space assets? Space Command!
Before Space Command was created, U.S. Strategic Command was responsible for space operations. But STRATCOM has responsibility for America’s nuclear deterrent, among many other strategic responsibilities. So all of these space matters and concerns had to compete for attention and resources among all these other important responsibilities within STRATCOM.
In August 2018 a Congressional Bi-Partisan study group studied these efforts by our global competitors released its report, titled the “Final Report on Organizational and Management Structure for the National Security Space Components of the Department of Defense.” One of its key recommendations was to establish a combatant command for space.
Heeding that recommendation, President Donald Trump signed a Presidential Space Memorandum directing the establishment of the U.S. Space Command. Just as Central Command handles military operations in the Middle East, Space Command will be charged with those responsibilities in space.
With the creation of Space Command, America now has a commander and command focused specifically on the needs of, and the unique responsibility to advocate for, the resources the US needs to ensure we retain military superiority in space, and to guarantee the safety and security of those assets we have and that we have such a dramatic need to employ to conduct our military operations.
Is “Space Command” a wise move? Or would we be better served by allowing STRATCOM to continue to manage our space assets? So, what do YOU think?
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Personally, I think this qualifies as a ‘no brainer’. Of course we need a Space Command. With the introduction of ballistics, warfare was taken to a new level. Being able to ‘reach out and touch’ someone is no longer a fantasy. Taking the battle to an enemy on the other side of the world has become a very real and troubling possibility. He who holds ‘the high ground’ has the advantage. What’s higher ground than the stratosphere? We as a free nation, MUST be able to eliminate threats at any location on this globe and Space Force will ensure a greater ability to do just that.
STRATCOM can only handle so much of a workload before sub-par results become the norm. They need to be able to focus on a small handful of obligations. Otherwise, this nation’s security will be jeopardized and I (for one) would NOT like to see that happen. If we as a nation plan to maintain our position as the beacon of freedom and prosperity for the rest of the impoverished world then we are going to NEED to be as strong as we can possibly be. Too many nations hold this country’s demise as their ‘centerpiece’ of world domination and are more than willing to make it happen by actively undermining us. We neglect the fact that we need a Space Command at our own peril.
Excellent work DOD and President Trump! Our capabilities to defend the ever more expansive need for satellite imaging and targeting need to be protected and counter abilities tightly focused on by an agency whose business it is to do so, exclusively.