You may not like what I am about to say. That all depends on where the reader is on the spectrum. It is OK to want answers on the failure of the Secret Service. It is another thing to start making things out to be what they are not.

My buddy Mac sent me X posts and other items this morning with various conspiracies being cited. Some from people who you would not know and one from the famous Candice Owens who I like. I will use just a few as examples. By the way, here is a link to Mac’s thoughts on

Below is one conspiracy theorist from Rumble that was linked to from the same guys X account (Matt Wallace). This guy lost my vote of confidence in the first minutes. Notice when this guy talks about Unit 3. Is he serious? When Thomas Crooks was in school in 2022 nobody knew Trump would be speaking in Butler back then. You can disregard everything else he says afterwards. Build a story line on a false premise and you should not be listened to. It is a waste of time.

The same guy that posted the video above on Rumble posted the item below on X. This video is showing the opposite point he is trying to make. Am I the only one who sees that? The guy who wanted a photo obviously sought permission from Secret Service to move around to get a photo from the right side of Trump. Trump got shot in the right ear so if it was an inside job why would Secret Service point someone in that direction? OMG!!

Then there is this video from a former Green Beret Sniper. Simply put he is just offering his opinion which is no better than anyone else’s, including mine. I’ve got respect for all my fellow Special Ops vets but we are just people. We have differing views just like everyone else.

Then there is Candice Owens, in this video, who I also like. However, it is just another opinion.

I see most of these people as a bit unhinged at the moment. Their emotions get the better of them. Others may be motivated by money for clicks.

Why do I take a balanced and unemotional position? Maybe it is the attention to detail that was forged over my 23 years of service. Mistakes and assumptions were not tolerated as it was life or death. Maybe it was partially due to the accident investigation school I attended. That teaches you a lot about avoiding assumptions.

Again, we need to get answers. Why was this rooftop overlooked? Somebody better at minimum lose their job. As for this being a government planned operation against Trump I do not give it much credence. Too many people would have to be in on it. I can tell you from experience that people cannot keep their mouths shut.

Also, who in the Secret Service at the agent level would violate their oath? I can see it at higher levels but the agents themselves are good and honorable people for the most part. There are always a few bad apples in any large group of people. Not enough to pull this off in my opinion. Yes, I know it is just my opinion but there you have it for whatever it is worth.

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