Latinos For America First and Veterans For America First Celebrate Successful ‘Week of Action’ Events, Feed Border Patrol in Rio Grande Valley
(Rio Grande Valley, TX) – Respectfully, please join us in congratulating the joint-efforts of the hard-working members of Latinos For America First and Veterans For America First Grassroots Coalitions upon the successful completion of over 7 events primarily centered around the Rio Grande Valley, Texas as between April 12-14, 2021.
- President Bianca Gracia, Founder of Latinos For America First/Trump: Biography
Hon. Mrs. Bianca Gracia currently serves at the Latinos For America First/ Latinos For Trump Grassroots Coalition President. Gracia, of Houston, Texas, is the co-founder and current President of Latinos For Trump Coalition and Latinos For America First. Bianca graduated with honors from St. Mary’s University where she majored in Public Justice, and has spent the past 12 years serving the community in her beloved home-state of Texas. These multifaceted roles include, but are not limited to- as a Board Member for ‘The Mountains in Motion Ministry, St. Ann’s Catholic Church Eucharistic Minister and Wedding Coordinator, Cub Scout Leader, Parent-Teacher Organization President, Director of her Home Owner’s Association, Team Mom of both soccer and baseball youth clubs, home-school educator, Republican Party of Texas Statewide Hispanic Engagement Director, Faith and Freedom Coalition Texas State Director, Harris County (TX) Precinct Chair, ‘Leaders de la Comunidad’ President, Board of Directors of ‘Christians Engaged’, ‘Blexit: Texas’ State Chair, ‘Americanos Conservatives United’ President and host of ‘La Conservadora Tejana’ on 1440 Keyes Radio. Through Bianca’s vast breadth and depth of experiences have highlighted her unmatched ambition, laser-focused drive and extensive track-record of success- nationwide- to educate and motivate Latino communities on how conservative principles were truly applicable to all Hispanics. In her personal life, Mrs. Gracia is the proud mother of two children and honored to be the wife of a decorated Army Veteran and current Sergeant of Police.
To learn more about the ground-breaking grassroots work being done by Latinos For America First/Latinos For Trump or to donate, please visit our organizations updated websites at: and on the official social media handles of Latinos For America First @OfficialLFT2020.
- Biography of #ThePersistence, Scott Presler
Scott Presler is a world-renowned conservative activist and heavyweight social media influencer. Recipient of the 2021 CPAC Ronald Reagan Award, Presler has dedicated the past four years traveling the country to teach like-minded Conservatives voter registration and has successfully trained 100,000+ volunteers nationwide how to effectively advocate for traditional Republican values- all at no cost. Scott adds, “I’m coming to McAllen and Harlingen, Texas because there’s a crisis at the border and it is clear that the Biden Administration is not making our safety a priority. This visit is also about reaching out to the Hispanic community- which is voting Republican in historic numbers. It’s no secret why Representative Filemon Vela is retiring. We’re laser-focused on flipping TX-34 from blue to red!”
Rear Admiral (ret) Kubic is a qualified Seabee Combat Warfare Specialist, a licensed professional engineer in the Commonwealths of Virginia and Pennsylvania, a certified level-III contracting officer, National Spokesman of Veterans For America First and top Trump Administration Foreign Policy Advisor.
- Top Trump Administration Foreign Policy Advisor and ‘Veterans For America First’ National Spokesman, Rear Admiral (ret) Charles ‘Chuc’k Kubic
Retired (U.S. Navy) Rear Admiral Chuck Kubic , of Virginia Beach, Virginia, is both a political and philanthropic heavyweight- celebrated worldwide- and currently serves as the National Spokesman of Veterans For America First Coalitions. First and foremost, Charles R. ‘Chuck’ Kubic graduated Phi Beta Kappa at the head of his class from Lehigh University in 1972 with a bachelor of science degree in Civil Engineering. Then, after being chosen as a prestigious Chief of Naval Operations Scholar’, Kubic pursued extensive graduate work at Lehigh University and graduated with honoring in 1978 with an M.S. Degree in Civil Engineering. Later, Chuck continued his world-class education at The University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business where he graduated at the top of his class within the Advanced Management Program in 1995. Furthermore, Kubic later received an honorary Doctorate of Engineering Degree from his alma matter, Lehigh University. Immediately following Chuck’s initial college graduation, he was commissioned as an Ensign in the Navy Civil Engineer Corps.
Moreover, Hon. RADM (ret) Chuck Kubic’s highly-distinguished 34-year military career spanned contingency operations from Vietnam to multiple countries in the Middle East. Kubic commanded Navy Seabees at the Detachment, Company, Battalion, Regiment, Brigade and Division-levels throughout his lengthy tenure in the United States Navy. For his military service, Chuck was awarded the Legion of Merit, Defense Meritorious and Meritorious Service Medals, the Navy Commendation and Achievement medals, the Armed Forces Expeditionary medal and the National Defense, Vietnam, Armed Forces and Humanitarian Service Medals. He is a ranking-member of the National Society of Professional Engineers, the Society of American Military Engineers and the U.S. Naval Institute, respectively.
Furthermore, Kubic’s impressive career also extended to serving as a White House Fellow in 1985 and Senior Policy Analyst for President Ronald Reagan’s Domestic Policy Council. Years later, Rear Admiral (ret) Kubic served as the Naval Facilities Engineering Command Director of the Strategic Programs Office. Then, he continued his admirable political career and service to our country by serving as Program Coordinator for the Strategic Homeporting and Trident Military Construction Programs’. In 2002, Kubic was appointed Commander of the First Naval Construction Division/Naval Construction Forces Command and, later, was directly responsible for leading the Navy Seabees in support of the Marine Expeditionary Force during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Chuck retired from the United States Navy as a Rear Admiral after serving his country over an impressive 34-year military career. Immediately following Kubic’s retirement from (active-duty) Naval service, he then became President of an international construction company and served in that capacity for seven years. In 2012, Chuck Kubic subsequently founded and serves as President of his own private, family-owned consulting firm- Kubic Engineer Group- which is headquartered in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
- About ‘Veterans For America First’ National Grassroots Coalition
The official ‘Veterans for America First’ National movement was established by U.S. Military Combat Veterans and works in conjunction with veteran service organizations, nonprofits, corporate sponsors and government agencies to provide support and advocacy for Veterans at national and local levels. National Grassroots Organization- [the organization’s] Creed and ‘community service mission objectives’ are primarily [that]- “There are many types of Heroes in the World. While not all adorned the uniform to fight on a foreign shore, we see now the war in front of us. It is on our shores and in the streets of our cities and towns. If we do not intervene and stand together with our Veterans and First Responders it will destroy our Country and all that we hold dear. We are the Warriors that fight side by side with America’s Warriors. We fight to save our Nation from the chains of totalitarian bondage.” (via:
- Latinos For America First Series of Events April 12-14, 2021 in Rio Grande Valley, TX
Finally, “Latinos For America First” formally invites you to ‘Border Patrol Appreciation Day’ benefitting the Border Patrol on April 14, 2021 from 11:00am-1:00pm. Please visit either Upcoming Events | Latinos for Trump ( or for updated information, to become an event sponsor and to sign-up to volunteer online. More information on Rear Admiral (ret) Chuck Kubic and Veterans For America First can be found at the official websites:
April 12, 2021: Bianca Gracia, Admiral Chuck Kubic and Scott Presler #ThePersistence Coming To McAllen, Texas for Day #1 Event!
(McAllen, TX) – ‘Latinos For America First’ is excited to announce Scott Presler as our featured speaker on April 12, 2021 from 6:00-8:30pm at Old Beer House in McAllen, TX. Scott’s training will focus on election integrity, instructing poll watchers and candidate recruitment during this premiere event. More information on this free event can be found at .
Scott Presler is a world-renowned conservative activist and heavyweight social media influencer. Recipient of the 2021 CPAC Ronald Reagan Award, Presler has dedicated the past four years traveling the country to teach like-minded Conservatives voter registration and has successfully trained 100,000+ volunteers nationwide how to effectively advocate for traditional Republican values- all at no cost. Scott adds, “I’m coming to McAllen because there’s a crisis at the border and it is clear that the Biden Administration is not making our safety a priority. This visit is also about reaching out to the Hispanic community- which is voting Republican in historic numbers. It’s no secret why Representative Filemon Vela is retiring. We’re laser-focused on flipping TX-34 from blue to red!”
Moreover, according to the computer analytics that track the effectiveness and ‘reach’ of particular social media posts, it has been confirmed by IT professionals that Veterans For America First reached over 30 million live views in 18 different countries- as at the time of this press release’s publication (estimated, approximately one week later, inter alia, for all intensive purposes)- from the livestreamed content by the Press Secretary via the official Facebook pages online. This first day’s event was the most-watched, most-clicked Facebook post of all-time for the entire five year tenure of the organization’s existence. However, shortly thereafter, Press Secretary Tertel was banned from live-streaming on Facebook indefinitely, thanks to the #CancelCulture algorithms created by Mark Zuckerberg /Facebook on that specific left-leaning (yet extremely popular, still) social media platform. As such, Tertel recorded all otherwise ‘live’ video and photographic content real-time, uploading all content daily to shared folders that had been originally saved on her private cellular telephone’s hard drive once recorded. Please note that all of this content is still pending ongoing further review by the shared efforts of the Latinos For America First/Trump and Veterans For America First social media teams and IT teams, who have been working around the clock to preserve and edit the mass amount of content submitted after the entire week of events by everyone on both teams, respectively. Please be patient as we continue to work together behind the scenes to collaborate and provide the public- and especially national news outlets (for example, this includes all of our most recent confidential submissions to Project Veritas and similar conservative news outlets) with the best, most clear, concise media content possible.
‘Latinos For America First’ and ‘Veterans For America First’ Joint-Press Conference with National Media Outlet (Caravan) at RGV Border Wall on April 13, 2021 Feat. Scott Presler, Admiral Chuck Kubic, President Bianca Gracia, McAllen District #6 Commissioner Candidate Mayra Gutierrez; Interviewed by Info-Wars (Owen) Team and Associated Press
(Rio Grande Valley, TX) – ‘Latinos For America First/Trump’ and ‘Veterans For America First’ issued a public joint-statement to announce a Media Advisory at a specific pinned location at the Rio Grande Valley, Texas Border Wall that took place on Tuesday, April 13, 2021 from 12:00pm- 2:00pm CST (appx). Immediately prior to the formal Press Conference, the ‘team’ caravanned today with credentialed media outlets and the entire ‘team’- all confidentially- screened beforehand by the Border Patrol- for a private, exclusive tour of four sections of the RGV Border Wall near Edinburg/McAllen areas in four separate and distinct ‘sections’- all with a specific purpose. These details remain confidential.
- President of Latinos For America First/Trump, Mrs. Bianca Gracia’s, speech at the Border Wall Press Conference focus primarily on the growing role and ever-increasing importance of Latinos (Tejanos) directly impacted by the humanitarian crisis at the border. Furthermore, immediately following Bianca’s speech at the Border Wall, five additional members of the Latinos For America First/Trump Executive Board of Directors and local Member-Advisors to the organization- spoke on camera, in both Spanish and English- followed up to Gracia’s initial comments and added relevant commentary to supplement Gracia’s speech. This fascinating endeavor allowed the local Hispanic community to answer questions presented by the media and fill-in gaps not covered by Bianca in her initial speech. Essentially, the team went further in depth, including McAllen City Commissioner Candidate and Board Member- Mayra Gutierrez- in explaining the daily struggles of residing in and raising a family along the RGV Border Wall’s surrounding communities. Joe Biden’s inept leadership whilst in office is making this humanitarian crisis increasingly worse, seemingly daily, and the team provided examples of the dangers they all face directly affected by halting border wall construction and ‘bad policies’ of the current Administration. The Latinos For America First ‘Dream Team’ then provided specific examples of their detriments suffered therein. This was all portrayed so that Latinos For America First/Trump’s President- Bianca Gracia- would not have to ‘circle back’ later for further clarification and/or to follow up as the ‘team’ was ready with the most up-t0-date statistics on the influx of illegals in their hometown, daily RGV Border Patrol Apprehension numbers and offered practical solutions to end this ongoing humanitarian crisis under the Biden Administration.
- Scott Presler focused on the procedural flaws , illegalities and unconstitutional activities committed by Democrats- with particular emphasis on a lot of the most recent ‘wrong doings’ of the entire Biden Administration. Scott offered practical solutions on how to ‘fix’ what is broken in America by effectively running for office successfully, maintaining the integrity of elections, preventing future voter fraud, how to hold elected officials already in office accountable, teaches (free) voter registration drives, travels nationwide (with no speaking fee) to recruit and train new candidates running for (especially local, including but not limited to- school board, sheriff, county commissioner, judge of election, etc.), etc.- to assure ‘America First’ policies are not only prioritized- but at the forefront of every single State’s election cycle in 2022 and 2024.
- Admiral Chuck Kubic highlighted the importance of collaborating as between the veteran community, police, first responders and border patrol to share resources, prevent veteran/first responder suicides, offered homes to the underserved areas with subsidiary VSO’s, NGO’s and non-profits in his speech at the Border Wall. Kubic exclaimed that we all #BackTheGreen and dually, we all, hand-in-hand, #HoldTheThinGreenLine in his professional capacity as the National Spokesman of Veterans For America First as the Border Patrol shares similar demographics and issues faced at ‘home’ by veterans. In fact, Admiral Kubic shared that at least 60% of Border Patrol Special Agents are also Veterans and emphasized that we all have ‘each other’s six’ and are all one big extended family of brothers and sisters in arms.
Ultimately, every single participant of this Press Conference at the Border Wall shared the same logical sentiment- President Trump’s Border Wall MUST BE completed as soon as possible and that construction must begin effective immediately in order to save and protect whatever is left of the American Dream. At the finality of the Press Conference, which lasted approximat4ely 2 hours, that President Biden, Vice-President Kamala Harris and the entire Administration should not only come down to visit the Border Wall to experience the current humanitarian crisis first-hand, but, more importantly, they needed to #FinishTheWall! As such- finally, in unison- the entire caravan shouted “FINISH THE WALL!” on camera to close the press conference (emphasis added).
(Please take note, for all additional media inquiries, to schedule future interviews on this subject-matter- both in-person and remotely, specific location coordinates and more information on speakers, please contact Latinos For America First and Veterans For America First Press Secretary, Kristie Tertel, via email at- [email protected] at your earliest business convenience.)
April 13, 2021: Scott’ #ThePersistence’ Presler, ‘Veterans For America First’ National Spokesman- Admiral Chuck Kubic and ‘Latinos For America First’ President Bianca Gracia Event in Harlingen, TX!
(Harlingen, TX) – Later that evening, at a non-denominational ‘church’ public venue, ‘Latinos For America First’ and ‘Veterans For America First’ co-hosted the second day’s last ‘kick-off event’, jointly sponsored by and co-hosted with Top Foreign Policy Advisor to President Trump and National Spokesman of Veterans For America First Rear Admiral (ret.) Chuck Kubic; Latinos For America First/Trump Founder and President, Bianca Gracia; and, Activist/Social Media Influencer, Scott Presler (aka ‘#ThePersistence’), as the first big event of the week. All three VIP’s were featured speakers on April 13, 2021 from 6:00-8:30pm at City Church Harlingen in Harlingen, TX. Scott’s training will focus on election integrity, instructing poll watchers and candidate recruitment during this premiere event. More information on this free training/event and additional content can be found online at any and all of these official websites: , and ; alongside the corresponding social media platforms (which can be found on each co-hosts/co-sponsors website [ three of which are listed above, supra] – all of which are updated ‘live’ daily.
Scott Presler is a world-renowned conservative activist and heavyweight social media influencer. Recipient of the 2021 CPAC Ronald Reagan Award, Presler has dedicated the past four years traveling the country to teach like-minded Conservatives voter registration and has successfully trained 100,000+ volunteers nationwide how to effectively advocate for traditional Republican values- all at no cost. Scott adds, “I’m coming to Harlingen because there’s a crisis at the border and it is clear that the Biden Administration is not making our safety a priority. This visit is also about reaching out to the Hispanic community- which is voting Republican in historic numbers. It’s no secret why Representative Filemon Vela is retiring. We’re laser-focused on flipping TX-34 from blue to red!”
Immediately following the conclusion of Bianca, Admiral and Scott’s presentation in Harlingen, the Latinos For America First/Trump and Veterans For America First Press Secretary received an urgent phone call from a credible, conservative national media outlet that a lawsuit was filed by the Texas GOP (filed jointly with Missouri) because of the entire team’s efforts exposing the humanitarian crisis, explosive intel and media coverage putting it all on full display. Essentially, the team worked SO WELL together in Texas that it inspired a two-state lawsuit over the halting of Border Wall construction, particularly evidenced by our events, efforts and public candor on-camera- all before the end of Day #2 in our ‘three-day-series ‘week of action’ in Rio Grande Valley, Texas. (read: WE DID IT!) #FinishTheWall
April 13, 2021 (22:00 CST) : PRESS RELEASE– Texas GOP Sues Biden Administration Over Incomplete Border Wall Inspired By ‘Latinos For America First’ and ‘Veterans For America First’ First Two Days of Grassroots Activism in Rio Grande Valley (April 12-13, 2021)
(Alamo, TX) – ‘Latinos For America First/Trump’ and ‘Veterans For America First’ issues a joint-statement congratulating the Texas GOP for filing suit on April 13, 2021 against the Bident Administration. Primarily, the lawsuit focuses on the unlawful and unconstitutional executive order issued by President Biden that halted the construction of Trump’s Border Wall- effective immediately, by the simple stroke of a pen. Before the ink even dried, President Joe Biden and Vice-President halted the construction of the Border Wall, allowing human traffickers and smugglers to take full advantage of the immediate lapse in border enforcement of the United States’ territorial and in personal jurisdiction. According to the federal lawsuit, Texas and Missouri argue that Federal Law was violated by failing to consider alternatives to the plan and its impact on states when the Department of Homeland Security suspended President Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy earlier this year in January, it forced thousands of illegal immigrants bound for the United States to remain in Mexico throughout their immigration proceedings.
Effective immediately, local Texas communities along with neighboring-states along the Border Wall are at high-risk. In the joint-lawsuit, Texas and Missouri allege that the Biden Administration’s halting of the Trump program’s border wall construction requiring review by the Department of Homeland Security is in direct violation of the Administrative Procedure Act because it was an ‘arbitrary and capricious’ agency action. Additionally, in the suit filed in Federal Court in Amarillo, Texas on April 13, 2021, jointly by Conservative-led states include Texas Attorney-General Ken Paxton and Missouri Attorney-General Eric Schmitt. Latinos For America First concurs with the co-plaintiffs’ arguments addressed in the complaint regarding the fact that President Trump’s Migrant Protection Protocols were put in place to “address the migration crisis by diminishing incentives for illegal immigration, weakening cartels and human smugglers and enabling DHS [Department of Homeland Security] to better focus its resources on legitimate asylum claims.”
Accordingly, Latinos For America First and Veterans For America First applaud Texas and Missouri for supporting the America First Agenda. The Biden Administration’s unlawful and unconstitutional termination of Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy regarding asylum-seekers is making the situation at the border increasingly worse and allowing violent criminals to slip in and out of the United States undetected. As such, our message is clear- Joe Biden, finish the Wall!
April 14, 2021: ‘Latinos For America First’ and ‘Veterans For America First’ Celebrate ‘Border Patrol Appreciation Day’ in Rio Grande Valley, Texas
(Rio Grande Valley, TX) – ‘Latinos For America First/Trump’ and ‘Veterans For America First’ celebrated our bi-annual ‘Border Patrol Appreciation Day’ on April 14, 2021 from 11:00am-2:00pm where we surprised over 700 Border Patrol Agents with a fresh, free hot lunch delivered by our caravan of volunteers from local, conservative restaurants, and then sequentially hand-delivered by our team and VIP’s to eight different sub-station facilities throughout the Rio Grande Valley, Texas throughout the afternoon. (Please be advised that more information on this free, exclusive event can be found at .)
Logistically, our team was well-prepared and organized different sub-groups within our teams so that some volunteer stayed back at the restaurant to help assemble, pack the meals and cold drinks into To-Go containers that were waiting for them inside two local restaurants, where our brilliant team formed an assembly-line to assure the meals were delivered expeditiously and remained warm up until delivered to the Border Patrol. Partnering with major sponsor Veterans For America First, the team at Latinos For America First hosted this special event (again) for Border Patrol Agents who have been continuously working long hours, seemingly tirelessly and overburdened with the increasingly overwhelming responsibility of processing the influx of illegals crossing our Southern Border. Whilst some charitable groups and non-profit organizations have relentlessly hyper-focused their efforts solely on welcoming illegals being transported in-State (and also nationwide), instead, Latinos For America First is ‘doing something’ specifically aimed to extend our gratitude towards the brave members of the Texas Border Patrol during ‘Border Patrol Appreciation Day’- and we need your help! On April 14, 2021 from 11:00am-2:00pm, the team at Latinos For America First, President and Founder Hon. Mrs. Bianca Gracia; Veterans For America First team and National Spokesman- Rear Admiral (ret.) Chuck Kubic; and #ThePersistence- Scott Presler-hosted this successful, exclusive event on the final day, Day #3 of our joint ‘Week of Action’ in Rio Grande Valley, TX- by honoring the sacrifice and commitment of the Border Patrol- by saying ‘thank you’ throughout acts of service and openly, objectively expressing our gratitude for all that they do to keep our beautiful country safe in extremely dangerous conditions along the US-Mexico Border, respectively. Our mission- in saying ‘thanks’ through acts of service- was successfully completed by all members of our team on April 14, 2021 and we are already pre-planning the next ‘Border Patrol Appreciation Day’ for this summer! #BackTheGreen
Essentially, through acts of service, our teams flew in from all over the country- Pennsylvania, Florida, Virginia, etc.- at their own expense and volunteered throughout the day on April 14, 2021 by providing complete lunch meals to the agents working throughout the entire Rio Grande Valley, Texas- completely free of charge. Two local (conservative-supporting) Rio Grande Valley restaurants – El Matador Taqueria Mexican Restaurant in McAllen, TX; and, El Torito Mexican Restaurant in Brownsville. TX- were contracted by the Latinos For America First planning team weeks in advance to negotiate over 700 individual meals; this included a complete hot, fresh lunch (3-5 fresh tacos with smoked brisket, 2 homemade sides) and cold drink (with ice on the side), along with all utensils and condiments individually-packed to accompany the meal at a good price. Over 100 participants of all ages, ethnicities, backgrounds, religions and experience-levels (plus our traveling caravan of credentialed, conservative media that traveled with us all week to the events- usually split amongst the carpools) from both Latinos For America First and Veterans For America First, National Spokesman Admiral Kubic, President Bianca Gracia and Scott Presler partnered with our dedicated team of volunteers to both prepare and deliver these lunches to the Border Patrol Agents stationed throughout the Rio Grande Valley, Texas region of the Border Wall. Weeks in advance, leadership from Latinos For America First teamed up with designated representatives from the RGV Border Patrol (and local BP Union) leadership to get a final head-count and identify where and when to drop-off lunches throughout the BP Appreciation Day Event so that everyone was surprised by our gesture of gratitude on the day of the event, we had the numbers for each sub-station requiring delivery, assigning the appropriate team for each pinpoint and assuring it coordinated with both of the restaurant’s food pick-up time for each, verifying each other’s headcounts, and as a matter of logistics- assuring every single member of the Border Patrol on our ‘roster’ on event day not only ate, but had a WARM, fresh meal and ice-cold drink to accompany it. In turn, Admiral Kubic and Scott Presler went to two separate facilities for delivery with members of our team assigned to deliver food there so they could help us ‘shake hands’ and thank every single Border Patrol Agent at working between our designated, assigned ‘chow times’ on April 14, 2021- individually, in-person and face-to-face whilst still abiding by their COVID-19 regulations mandated by the Federal Facility’s rules and regulations.
Admiral Kubic and two members of the Veterans For America First Team was assigned to the Donna Facility, which meant exactly 200 complete-meals needed to be delivered on-time and warm in order to achieve our goal. The Donna Facility Team, included our two premiere VIP’s for the ‘Week of Action’- Admiral Kubic and later Scott Presler- in addition to the organized caravan of eight separate delivery drivers, was the largest group of volunteers- which consisted of approximately 30-35 Patriots total from across the country. Admiral’s delivery was the first to leave the restaurant, as we were forced to stagger food delivery because the El Matador Taqueria staffers were overwhelmed by the sheer volume of food and strict time constraints. As such, at least 12 members of our team stayed at the restaurant most of the day to help prepare, pack and organize the requisite 200-meal count before days end. Everyone worked together extremely well, were enthusiastic and upbeat in helping wherever needed. Latinos For America First President Bianca Gracia and other critical members of the Executive Board , approximately 10-15 ‘logistics’ volunteers and a small handful of local media stayed-back at our ‘RGV BP Appreciation Day’ designated headquarters (Union offices) where we were all briefed earlier that morning in order to maintain contact with everyone already out in the field (as well as to maintain constant communications throughout the event with all team members and VIPs to be prepared in the worst- case-scenario of an automobile accident or other emergency [please note : that we are happy to report that all events from April 12-14, 2021 occurred successfully, without incident]).
Admiral Kubic, Carla Spalding and Kristie Tertel were the first team to deliver lunch at the Donna Facility. Our first delivery included 70 out of the requisite 200 meals and accompanying drinks- two XL cases of soda and a case of bottled water. The car in-line behind us at the restaurant was instructed to follow behind us with bags of ice in order to cool the drinks on-scene once we arrived at the Donna Facility. Admiral took lead and executed a perfectly organized mission, from Lunch #1 all the way to Lunch #200 within approximately 90-minutes start-to-finish. We all thoroughly enjoyed handing-off the meals, one-by-one, making eye contact as we thanked each member of the Donna Facility Border Patrol. Telephones and cameras were allowed inside the facility, so none of our team members have any direct footage once inside the Donna Facility. However, there were at least 25-30 members of the Border Patrol who recognized our VIP’s- more notably Admiral Kubic, as he was President Trump’s top foreign policy advisor during the previous Administration- and to say that the Agents were not only SURPRISED about free lunch that day, they were in tear, then digressed into a state of complete shock upon realizing Admiral was the ‘man behind the mask’ handing them their meal. Overall, the general reaction from Donna Facility Agents was one of shock, joy, gratitude and perhaps ,ore importantly- a sense of relief knowing that other members of the community #BackTheGreen and support them. All of the team members (and VIP’s) from Latinos For America First and Veterans For America First had taken the day off of work and flew in from all corners of the United States in order to ‘pull-off’ this ‘secret’ event to surprise and thank the Border Patrol. Yet although team members were unable to record video or take pictures from inside the facility, it was a blessing in disguise as it required us all to simply just ‘live in the missions’ and enjoy our short period of time inside the Donna Facility, one-on-one with the everyday heroes of the Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol.
Consequently, by the successful completion of Border Patrol Appreciation Day on April 14, 2021 delivering the FINAL 200th meal to the Donna Facility- it was blatantly obvious that the team members and VIP’s blessed with the opportunity to be stationed INSIDE and able to communicate our message of ‘thanks’ (and that we all had traveled hours, at our own expense) going out-of-our way, from 12 different States in order to have the privilege of relaying that exact #HoldTheThinGreenLine we-have-your-six and #BackTheGreen message live, in-person.. was truly an honor and a privilege.
This mission accomplished our event’s ‘goal’ by reaching out to a typically ‘forgotten’ demographic- the Border Patrol- and using our own resources to acknowledge and thank them. Too many NGO’s and non-profits (unfortunately, the biggest offender being RGV Catholic Charities) forget about the men and women in uniform and instead, allocate a large majority of- if not all- of their resources and fiscal support to (at least in our views) the WRONG community- i.e. the herds of pregnant illegals we all directly witnessed in McAllen, TX crossing the border every single night (averaging approximately 100/hour). Prima facie, to coincide with President Trump’s Policies, our Latinos For America First and Veterans For America First all-star team leads by example in both mission and ideology- we need to put ‘America First’ and support our own, first and foremost- the Border Patrol. We accomplished this as individuals- and as a team- by personalizing our individual messages of gratitude on Border Patrol Appreciation Day. By feeding nearly 1,000 Agents lunch on April 14, 2021 at specifically designated sub-stations and throughout the various check-points- to publicly display our attitude of gratitude to the Border Patrol.
Jointly, Latinos For America First and Veterans For America First are excited to ‘give back’ to the community through service- i.e. our general ethos is that by handing agents a freshly-prepared, hot meal with a smile of gratitude can really help boost their morale during this serious humanitarian crisis occurring at our Southern US-Mexico Border. Every single volunteer from the April 12-14, 2021 ‘week of action’ has already re-committed to attending the next ‘Border Patrol Appreciation Day’ event (tentatively) scheduled for Summer 2021 in a neighboring town along the Border Wall. Accordingly, we formally invite YOU to help our next mission on ‘Border Patrol Appreciation Day’ in the upcoming months! Please visit the official Latinos For America First website at to learn more about our ground-breaking organization and to donate or volunteer at the ‘Border Patrol Appreciation Day’ special event. For up-to-date event information, please go online to Upcoming Events | Latinos for Trump ( and also check-out our partner organization Veterans For America First online at:; and/or #ThePersistence- Scott Presler’s- official website at: .
April 14, 2021: Special ‘Grassroots’ Event in McAllen Neighborhoods Supporting Mayra Gutierrez for City Commissioner, Featuring Scott Presler!
(McAllen, TX) – Immediately following a second private tour of credentialed team members (this time, without media), members of the ‘team’ were given a private tour of a different section of the Border Wall that ran parallel with the notorious Rio Grande River where border construction was halted mid-shift months ago by the Biden Administration’s stoke of a pen.
‘Latinos For America First’ and the ‘Mayra Gutierrez for City Commissioner, District 6’ official campaign participated (in a group of approximately 10-15 volunteer door-knockers) in a special ‘boots-on-the-ground’, Grassroots event to make voter contact within specifically targeted neighborhoods from Mayra’s campaign. The grassroots efforts featured Conservative activist and world-renowned social media influencer Scott Presler on April 14, 2021 from 5:00pm-9:00pm in small neighborhoods throughout the future Commissioner’s constituency in the town of McAllen, Texas. The purpose of this premiere grassroots event was for in-person voter outreach, meet and greet new potential voters within the community and discuss Mayra’s stance on four specific policy points, actively and directly engage McAllen voters in the field by conversation, literature drops, tracking the team’s success ‘live’ via GoTV Blockwalking software, acquiring new volunteers and donors, door-knocking and by making direct voter-contact- as one big effort in support of Mayra’s candidacy for District #6 City Commissioner in McAllen. The team of about ten volunteers compassed four different neighborhoods in the surrounding communities to help assure our preferred candidate, Mayra, not only stand-out amongst an incredibly over-crowded field.. but also WIN.
- Mayra Gutierrez(R) is an active Board Member of Latinos For America First and is currently the preferred candidate for McAllen City Commissioner, District 6. Scott’s training will focus on voter registration, election integrity, instructing poll watchers and candidate recruitment during this premiere event supporting Mayra Gutierrez for McAllen District 6 City Commissioner’s local campaign in McAllen, Texas. Please be advised that more information on this free, exclusive event content and supplemental links for donations can be found at and (Mayra’s Campaign Donations via)…/mayra4district6donate, and all corresponding social media platforms, respectively.
Hon. Mr. Scott Presler is a world-renowned conservative activist and heavyweight social media influencer. Recipient of the 2021 CPAC Ronald Reagan Award, Presler has dedicated the past four years traveling the country to teach like-minded Conservatives voter registration and has successfully trained 100,000+ volunteers nationwide how to effectively advocate for traditional Republican values- all at no cost. Scott adds, “I’m coming to McAllen because there’s a crisis at the border and it is clear that the Biden Administration is not making our safety a priority. This visit is also about reaching out to the Hispanic community- which is voting Republican in historic numbers. It’s no secret why Representative Filemon Vela is retiring. We’re laser-focused on flipping TX-34 from blue to red!”
In conclusion, this final event on Day #3 of ‘Week of Action’ in the Rio Grande Valley, Texas co-hosted by both Latinos For America First/Trump and Veterans For America First Grassroots Coalitions, was extremely successful and met all mission objectives. There was a grand total of 15 volunteer door-knockers who came out from across the country in Mayra’s home district who voluntarily went door-knocking by foot after an already exhausting past 72-hours of back-to-back events. Over 800 new voter contacts were made, 12 new volunteers registered and nearly $4,000 in donations pledged to Mayra’s campaign by9:00pm CST at the close of this wonderful event- and learning experience! Additionally, new media content was recorded by the team of photographers who accompanied the entire team whilst going door-to-door- entirely by foot. Mayra also achieved the great honor of a formal endorsement for public office from both Scott Presler and Admiral Chuck Kubic by proving how much of a ‘fighter’ she is for the McAllen community- most noticeably during and throughout this (nearly 3+-hour-long) event in support of Latinos For America First Board Member (and most importantly, our dear friend) Ms. Mayra Gutierrez’s, candidacy for McAllen District #6 City Commissioner on April 14, 2021.
For Ms. Mayra Gutierrez’s personal biography, professional accolades, list of awards and accomplishments, collection of both local and nationally-renowned endorsements supporting her candidacy, additional content, contact information and to donate, please refer to the official ‘Mayra Gutierrez Candidate For McAllen City Commissioner District 6’ Facebook page at: and Latinos For America First official website at: , in addition to the corresponding Latinos For America First/Trump social media accounts @OfficialLFT2020 (Instagram/Twitter/Facebook)/ @OfficialLatinosForTrump (Parler); including, but not limited to, the formal endorsement by Scott Presler @ScottPresler / ; and Veterans For America First and National Spokesman Admiral Chuck Kubic’s endorsement updated soon on the organization’s official website: / and social media accounts respectively.
- Content Advisory
Please take note, that more information, pictures, video, livestream and media publications covering any and all of these free events, is updated daily online at the official Latinos For America First website: and also the official Veterans For America First website: and their Vets for Trump Club’s website at In addition, exclusive content from all past events from both ground-breaking organizations can be found on: Latinos For America First social media handles: @OfficialLFT2020 (Twitter/Instagram/Facebook) and on Parler: @OfficialLatinosForTrump; Veterans For America First and their social media vets-for-Trump club handles: @RealVetsForTrump (Parler/Instagram/YouTube) @Vets_4_Trump (Twitter) and on Facebook at: @VeteransForDonaldTrump & @trumpvet.
Moreover, additional ‘live stream’ links, exclusive content and exclusive behind-the-scenes footage from April 12-14, 2021 in the Rio Grande Valley can also be found on (our VIP all week) Scott Presler’s official professional ‘#ThePersistence’ Website at: ; and, all of Scott’s #ThePersistence social media handles: @ScottPresler (Twitter/Instagram/YouTube/Parler) / and on Facebook: @ScottRyanPresler.
Media Contact: Press Secretary, Kristie Tertel, [email protected]
The post Supporting our Border Patrol appeared first on Veterans for America First.
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