What is a useful idiot? Here is the definition from Wikipedia:
In political jargon, a useful idiot is a derogatory term for a person perceived as propagandizing for a cause without fully comprehending the cause’s goals, and who is cynically used by the cause’s leaders. The term was originally used during the Cold War to describe non-communists regarded as susceptible to communist propaganda and manipulation.
For the past 3 years, foreign meddlers along with their American “useful idiots” have achieved a great psychological victory. The useful idiots have accomplished everything Vladimir Putin & others could not achieve alone. Let’s review:
As we all know, the Russian hoax was “compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele on behalf of Fusion GPS, an opposition-research firm working for the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee—fed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the media the principal allegations of the “collusion” narrative.” See article by Kimberly Strassel who I had the pleasure of meeting this past summer thanks to an invitation from fellow Vet for Trump Allen McCormack.
Kimberly goes on: “Given that the dossier is largely based on Russian sources, some supposedly connected to the Kremlin, did the Kremlin know about this arrangement and see an opportunity to spoon-feed the U.S. government disinformation?”
Here is our cast of useful idiots, Hillary Clinton, the Democratic National Committee, Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele, the United States Intelligence and Law Enforcement agencies, that soaked up the propaganda, nearly every Democrat in the House and Senate, the mainstream media and you, my dear fellow citizen who hates President Trump.
I want everyone to take note that I am being very gracious here. I’m calling them the cast of useful idiots, not the cast of treasonous bastards. Some well-meaning fellow veterans may prefer the latter term.
You are all being used by a foreign power to promote the causes and goals of those who hate America! I do not care if you are a veteran, CIA, NSA, FBI or belong to any other alphabet group. I don’t care if you are a politician, Democrat, Republican or Independent. You are being used!
Who is the person who ran on a platform of and achieved:
- Putting America first
- Taking care of veterans
- Supporting police
- Rebuilding our military
- Growing our GDP
- Bringing back manufacturing
- Lower unemployment to historic levels
- Give dying people the right to try
- Lowering taxes
Who is the person that wants to but cannot because of Democrat resistance:
- Fix immigration
- Save foreign children from traffickers
- Save foreign women from rape
- Secure our borders
- Finalize trade deals with foreign countries
- Fix America’s infrastructure
- Investigate American politicians corruption
- Lower medical costs and insurance
- Continue to grow the American economy
The answer is clear. It is not a single person running on the Democratic ticket to become our next President. It is only President Trump.
Do you want to be a useful idiot and go along with Vlad and Impeach President Trump!? Are you a useful idiot?
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Why would anyone support this morally bankrupt conman with his life of fraud? Fear of the other, ignorance of the corruption that Spanky represents, hatred of a political party, believe that Spanky was “Chosen by God”, financial or political gain
or their anger has suppressed their ability to reason. Or they get paid to profess their “support” for the “great” job Spanky is doing.
Who is spanky? Biden or Schiff? LOL never heard either one of them called that but it’s a good moniker for Schiff.
LOL, Yes, I guess we have all heard the rumor that Schiff swiped the Speakers gavel and used it to insert somewhere unmentionable while being spaned and looking at a photo of Trump. OK, this is all fun but I want to address PJ’s suggestion that Vets for Trump National has financial backing or political gain in mind and etc.
First, this is completely self funded. There is no PAC behind this website or those who write articles. Also, we have not taken a penny from anyone. Some have suggested we start doing so and that might be a future consideration as this all takes a lot of time. There is nothing immoral about paying people for their time. However, anyone paying would have to just let us be who we are. Anyone know any rich donors?
As for political gain, nobody here at Vets for Trump National is running for political office. It has been suggested that I do so along with others. However, we are have no desire to run for office. I personally have ZERO interest. I served my country for 23 years and retired 17 years ago in 2002 from an Air Force Special Operations Wing that broadcasted propaganda and PsyOps. I am not looking to work harder, I’m looking to retire for good. The next phase of my life, Lord willing, will be helping my fellow veterans regardless of their political beliefs.
I should also mention two of my best friends call themselves Democrats. There is no hatred of persons. I loved my brother before he passed. However, there were times he was a complete idiot and a looney leftist. That never kept me from loving the person and disdaining the idea or action. Like most leftists, he felt the world owed him. He would even say those very words out loud. This idea of being owed something, along with all the other things that spring from that idea are what I hold in contempt.
Lastly, that whole “Chosen by God” thing was a joke. Everyone got it if you watch the video. I guess if you repeat a lie often enough people will believe it. #UsefulIdiots
You’re right on all points Jon. Looks like Mike and friends have their own little Jones Town cult going here with the myths of FBI deep state moles, spying on Spankys campaign, leftists education system, etc.. Wow tools of Vlad just like Spanky.
Mikes post and the 0 or minimal responses to them are an indication of how little, low or no interest there is from his fan base. Mikes responses … to the few that do respond with a question, is to ignore or redirect their question with a long empty response that fits his pre conceived position. Talk about your Psy Ops.
Here’s hoping Mike and friends have interesting lives in their alternate reality and bless his heart. He’s doing a heck of a job.
Yep, we are just a small group with few comments. Why then are you commenting? If you want to troll go over to FB or Twitter.
I’ve always asked the camera and radio teams that have done interviews with me how they see me. They are almost all leftists. Their consensus is I’m a centrist that leans right. If you were able to get to know me on a more personal level I’d bet your thoughts about who and what I am would change.
I would gladly take on anyone in a debate over politics. However, this weekend I’m heading out to start to build something to help homeless vets. That’s why I got into this in the first place. Trump has done a fantastic job helping vets. However, I don’t believe the government can or should do it all.
I hope you figure out how to spend your time helping our country and the people in it rather than tearing it down. If you do something positive I would be right there to help you.
Mike, I don’t care what people think of you. I don’t care what people think of me.
That’s not the point. The point is how some people accept this vile, disgusting conman, sexual predator that is unfit for office and is violating our Constitution.
Maybe these “great deals” are why they accept him???
The Tax Reform scam… the wealthy and big business are very happy. The rest of us, not so much. Dropping out of the Paris Accords made sense to no one. The threats to our NATO partners. Just what Putin wanted. The threats to our EU partners. Another check mark for Putin. His non participation at the G7 conference. Just keeping Vlad happy. The opening of protected lands to oil, gas, lumber and mining interest. His strong action on reasonable gun control after MSD… not really. Weakening of pollutant run off, clean air and water regulations. His Tariff War is turning Into a bust for our farmers, retailers and industry. His deft handling of the Iran Agreement with us and our European partners did not turn out well. The Helsinki meeting with Vlad for his performance review. After the Helsinki meeting, that wonderful smile on Putins face. Putin is very happy now that Spanky caved to Turkeys demand and withdrew our forces from Syria. Our Kurd allies are now at risk. His Ukraine scheme to stack the National Gas board with his cronies to benefit…. guess who … Vlad.
Hi PJ. I don’t have much time as I have to write up an after-action report related to last weekend’s veteran’s retreat. It is important as we are looking to help the highest at-risk vets. I don’t know how you feel about working with your fellow veterans. Maybe that would be a better use of both of our time. However, I will try to briefly reply to your comments.
There is a lot to unpack in your comments. Judging from the long list of adjectives you open your comments with, it appears there is little to nothing I can say that would appeal to you.
1. I would agree that President Trump’s great success causes many of us to overlook his personality traits. I think we could all do without his defensive Tweets against people that are not involved with running the country. That is a minor thing we are willing to overlook because of his great success.
2. On tax reform, I make two points. First, I’m not rich but I’m doing much better with a $12,000 standard individual tax deduction. The reason the cuts are not permanent is that Democrats in the House would not support that. Second, big business employs people and gives raises based on profits versus taxes and expenses. That is why people are doing better all around. I work with a lot of small businesses that are benefiting and so are their employees. I have a hunch you will not accept this but there is nothing I can say to change your mind.
3. Staying in the Paris Accords did not make sense to us. It will not matter what America does as long as China, India, and others keep polluting. America is doing fine without the accord.
4. NATO needed to and now is ponying up more money to defend themselves. Most folks agree this is a good thing. Not sure how arming Ukraine (unlike Obama) is helping Putin. I’m not sure how the sanctions against Russia by Trump are helping Putin. If you recall, it was Hillary that was trying to hit the “reset button” with Russia as Secretary of State under Obama.
5. Opening up oil and gas is what will keep us independent of the need to fight in foreign wars. To most of us that is a win.
6. Tariffs are the only non-war tools we have to deal with China. There is going to be pain but that is the price we pay for nobody dealing with China in the past. That includes Bush.
7. Iran would have had a nuclear bomb under the old agreement. Better to crush them with sanctions than our military.
8. I and all the vets I have spoken with so far approve of pulling our troops from Syria. Turkey may be in NATO but they buy weapons from Russia in some cases. Russia is aligned with Syria. The Kurds are caught in the middle but they have always been caught in the middle. This is nothing new. There are good and bad Kurds. That is not our fight. I am frustrated with those on the right and the left criticizing President Trump for this. He said he was pulling out a year ago. This should not have been a shock. Also, is it right to protect Syria’s border and not our own?
9. I have no problem with investigating Ukraine National Gas. So far it is questionable regarding what is going on. It’s unclear if Perry’s attempts to replace board members at Naftogaz were coordinated with the Giuliani allies pushing for a similar outcome, and no one has alleged that there is criminal activity in any of these efforts. And it’s unclear what role, if any, Giuliani had in helping his clients push to get gas sales agreements with the state-owned company.