No need to read this. I’m simply posting for the record. There is a time and place for everything. Sometimes it comes too late. It is both funny and sad that after 2 years and 9 months of letting millions of illegal immigrants enter America, the Dems found the solution. A wall! But we’ll call it a physical barrier.
After years of assuring us that “the border is secure” and you shouldn’t believe your lying eyes Alejandro Mayorkas said:
So far the USA has spent $113 Billion on Ukraine and that is according to CNN!
At the start of 2023, the net cost of illegal immigration for the United States – at the federal, state, and local levels – was at least $150.7 billion. That was the number in March 2023 according to Faiir. That is an annual number that has been increasing every year. It does not include the overwhelming agony in our Emergency Rooms, schools, and other intangibles like crime that comes at a cost to American lives and wellness.
The cost of a wall doesn’t seem so high now does it? So, that’s it for tonight. Just wanted to say Trump was right again. You can hate his personality but at least admit he was thinking correctly and setting policies that could have saved you tons of cash. Remember, the government doesn’t make money. It takes our money and spends it. I can’t believe I had to say that but I mentioned that to a 30 year old and they were shocked. Sad. Just proves our failing schools are a joke.
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BWAHAHA! (Bidim)
Two years ago at Thanksgiving, my husband’s two daughters, husbands and 4 children were gathered at our home to celebrate. Somehow the subject of politics came up and WW II and how it started. We mentioned Pearl Harbor and “The Day that Will Live in Infamy” speech. All we got was blank stares from everyone. That was when I speculated that these people clearly had not learned any history about World War II. What is World War II they asked. I just threw up my hands in defeat. We are talking about 40 year old adults and their children and not a one had even the faintest clue what we were talking about!!!!! So I am not surprised they have no concept of the dangers of the flood of people coming across the southern border and how dangerous it is to let our enemies just walk into the country, unannounced and unchallenged!!!! Amazing stuff. And not a one of them even considers the possibility of being armed in case of threats/danger. I weep.
Thank you for your comment, Judith. One of our main responsibilities is to educate the younger generation, including our children and grandchildren. Unfortunately, many important subjects are no longer being taught in schools, and even when they are, they often lack the necessary emphasis to truly resonate with students.
Speaking of our generation, we grew up watching all kinds of War Movies, didn’t we? What we didn’t learn in school we learned from movies. It’s also interesting how the “war on terror,” as we refer to it, seems to have dominated the collective consciousness for some individuals, almost like it consumed all the available oxygen. Few people remember the other conflicts like Granada, Panama, Bosnia, Kosovo, Somalia and even the first Gulf War. I was involved with all those plus Afghanistan in one way or another except Somalia. My grandfather was in WW II and I was glad to hear his stories when I got older.
My 11-year-old granddaughter recently found out that I served in the military for 23 years. She never saw me in uniform, but she became curious after stumbling upon a picture. I guess it’s partly because of our slogan, “The quiet professionals of Special Operations.” I only mention it only when talking to people about veteran issues. Otherwise you may never know I served as I’ve been retired since 2002.
I wish you and yours all the very best and thank you for your comment.