Trump Administration Accomplishments
- Almost 4 million jobs created
- More Americans now employed than ever before
- 400,000 manufacturing jobs created
- Economic growth last quarter was 4.2%
- New unemployment claims recently hit 49 year low
- Median household income hit highest level ever recorded
- African-American unemployment achieved lowest rate ever
- Hispanic-American unemployment is at the lowest rate ever recorded
- Asian-American unemployment is at the lowest rate ever recorded
- Women’s unemployment reached lowest rate in 65 years
- Youth unemployment reached lowest rate in nearly 50 years
- Lowest unemployment rate ever for those without a high school diploma
- Veteran’s unemployment reached lowest rate in 20 years
- Almost 3.9 million lifted off food stamps
- The Pledge to America’s Workers led to employers committing to train more than 4 million Americans
- 95 % of U.S. Manufacturers are optimistic
- Retail sales surged last month, up 6% over last year
- Signed biggest package of tax cuts and reforms in history
- As a result, small business will have the lowest top marginal rate in
- more than 80 years
- Helped U. S. Win bid for 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles
- Helped win U. S.- Mexico-Canada’s united bid for 2026 World Cup
- Opened ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines
- A record number of regulations eliminated
- Enacted regulatory relief for community banks and credit unions
- Obamacare individual mandate penalty is gone
- More affordable healthcare plan options available through association plans and short term plans
- Medicare program was notified to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs high-dose opioid perscriptions by 26
- Signed Right-To-Try legislation
- Secured $6 billion in new funding to fight the opioid epidemic
- Reduced high-dose opioid prescriptions by 16%
- Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act, expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in clinics and same-day urgent primary and mental health care
- Increased coal exports by 60% and oil production reached all-time high
- The U. S. Is now a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957
- More Americans employed now than ever recorded before in our history
There is much more. For a complete list of all see:
Democrat Party Accomplishments
- Try to cancel all of the above
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Awesome post, Mr. Blanset! There are so many times that I have been asked “Just exactly WHAT has this President done that’s so great for this country?” Whenever ANYONE is asked that, it’s nice to know that there’s a site they can go to to find the answer to that question! Thank you for providing that for us all, good sir! Cheers and MAGA!!! Trump/Pence2020!!!
Here’s some of Spanky’s real “records” that you can add to your list.
-Congressional, Federal, State and Local criminal and civil investigations of a sitting President, his family and toadies… 30 and counting. – most administration officials exposed for fraud, corruption or criminal acts. – most administration or campaign officials under indictment, convicted or plead guilty. – most Russians attending an inauguration. Record amount of foreign donations to an inauguration committee. – amount spent on an inauguration $ 107 million(more than 4x any inauguration). – amount of inauguration money unaccounted for $ 80-90 million. – surge in hate crimes against minority’s and religious organizations. – record number of people held in immigration facilities in violation of Federal law. – record number of Human Rights violations in above facilities. family members and cronies with questionable “security clearance” in positions that jeopardize our National Security. – growth of our National Debt… that Republicans used to hate(now they’re quiet about it). – number of open positions filled by “Acting” appointees. – number of Ambassador positions that are not filled. – number of “executive orders” issued…. that Republicans used to hate(not a problem now). Record number of dictators as friends… that he is attempting to emulate. And best of all Record number of days playing golf(224 days / 2186 hours as of 10/26). At a cost of 340 million per Forbes. And where does some of that 340 mill go… in his pocket.
LOL! It must be mighty difficult for you and the rest of the nevrTrump retards to deal with the fact that President Trump is gonna be a TWO TERM President. I bet you’re all just pissing your panties knowing that he’s more of a man than any of you will EVER be. Oh and BTW, you provide ZERO proof of ANY of your asinine comments but hey…we friends of logic have come to expect that kind of reaction from you and your ilk. Keep on doing your best to sound relevant. As for the rest of us, we can’t hear you. The Trump Train overpowers anything and everything you all say. 😉
Imagine being so stupid that when you look at Spanky, this treasonous, traitorous,
Totally corrupt, self-serving, ignorant clown, this racists semi-literate moron, sexually
Assaulting, pathologically lying, feeble minded, morally bankrupt, constitutionally
Illiterate simpleton, this bloated nitwit with his cotton candy hair, radioactive tinted skin
And obese dishevelment and think “Now that is a guy I admire and he’s a great example
For our children”
LMAO! Hilarious! You feel better now? I hope so. Wouldn’t want you going and shooting up a school or anything. Oh and BTW, the girl scouts isn’t considered military service so you prolly shouldn’t be telling everyone of your ‘3 years’. ROFL! ><