President Donald Trump signed into law a new measure allowing VA to expand reduced or no-cost dental care coverage to veterans on Monday.
House Joint Resolution 80 approves a request from the Department of Veterans Affairs to begin a pilot program to increase VA-funded dental care options.
Thanks to Mac McCormack
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I’m curious, will this dental care be offered to those who retired from the Reserves or the National Guard? As it stands, I was under the impression that ALL veterans who retired from active duty status are eligible for full dental automatically.
“Stable Genius” is surrounded by fools.
There’s that fool William H. McRaven, Special Operations commander of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, and the other fools in the U.S. military, who should have brought down bin Laden “a lot sooner,” because “everybody in Pakistan” — all 208 million of them — knew the terrorist leader was living in “a nice mansion.” Trump alone “predicted Osama bin Laden” in 2000 when “nobody really knew who he was.”(Were they waiting for Trump to give them bin Laden’s Zip code plus four?)
Hi Michael. I’m retired active duty and I do not receive dental care. The only ones that do get free dental care have to meet certain VA eligibility requirements. If a Guardsman serves 20 years they receive the same benefits as an active duty member when they reach age 60.
I have always wondered why there is separate dental insurance in both the civilian and veteran communities. Our health begins at our mouth. I understand the extra expense. However, we are not looking at this correctly in my humble view. The same goes for eyecare. If you cannot see properly you might injure yourself or others. Health is health.
Overall healthcare is expensive but Medicare for all is not the answer. Like anything else the quality of homes, cars, food & etc. all depends on how much you have to spend. I’ve always said we can afford to give the 1970’s style of healthcare to everyone. Our technology and abilities have outpaced our ability to pay for more advanced medicine for all people. Everyone cannot afford a mansion or a Maserati.
The last ironic thought I have on this is the same people who demand socialized healthcare for all are the same people who demand we let people kill babies. Sad.
Indeed, it IS sad. My VA has done VERY well with regards to optical care for me. I receive 2 pair of eyeglasses every year and checkups, as well. Only problem is I have absolutely TERRIBLE oral genetics. My gums are recessive and several of my teeth are crooked. I’ve had quite a time dealing with my dental problems over the past several years and it would’ve been nice to have been able to work with the VA in doing so. Still, I’m ECSTATIC about their optical care. My mother had to buy a new set of eyeglasses and it cost her almost $800 for ONE SINGLE PAIR! Healthcare (in my humble opinion) is NOT a ‘right’. It is NOT a responsibility of the government to provide us with healthcare. It is OUR responsibility to do this. BUT…if one has given over 2 decades of their life to the defense of the nation, then I could see them expecting the government to ‘pony up’ and assist them in the latter stages of their life. As for those who do nothing but suck the system dry and sponge off of others, let em’ kick rocks. Heartless or not, that’s how I feel. This welfare state in which we live has GOT to change, starting with people getting off of their asses and finding their OWN healthcare with neither interference nor assistance from the government. Just my ‘two cents’.
that’s because Trump funded him! it was all a long-range plan to become POTUS! If you Trumpzies can listen to “Mike My Pillow-soon-to-be-back-on-crack-and-broke Lindel” drone on about Italian satellites, mind control and the reptile people… Surely you’ll believe what I tell you! I’m a vet who pays for VADIP which is USELESS! SCREW TRUMP AND HIS SUPPORTERS!