(Dallas, TX)— First and foremost, ‘Veterans For America First’ is proud to announce that an entire delegation has been selected to attend a prestigious annual conference- in addition to having multiple Official Ambassadors the headlining, the special event as keynote speakers at this year’s exclusive ‘Faith & Freedoms Conference’ – in Dallas, Texas as between May 13-16, 2021.
The annual ‘Faith ‘N /& Freedoms Conference’ event is co hosted by Hon. Matt Couch and Pastor Brian Gibson and will take place, live, from the historic South Fork Ranch in Dallas/Forth Worth, Texas from May 13-16, 2021, according to the official event flyers posted on social media, and will feature an all-star lineup of 50+ VIP’ and noteworthy speakers, live Christian bands, conservative local food/beverages and like-minded merchandise vendors. Respectfully, please join us in praying for and congratulating Veterans For America First’s President, Vlad Lemets, (who) has been bestowed with the honor to be featured as a prestigious ‘Faith & Freedom Conference’ Keynote Speaker at a private venue near Dallas, Texas as between: Thursday, May 13, 2021 through Sunday, May 16, 2021. Prima facie, the exclusive four-day series of events taking place in beautiful Dallas, Texas- celebrating America’s God-fearing, Church-going family of Patriots, within carrying-out the #FaithNFreedoms Conferences’ mission of ‘teaching the principles of Christ, Country and the Constitution’ live and in-person to all attendees, daily.
#FaithNFreedoms Conference: May 13-16, 2021 in Dallas, TX
At this year’s #FaithNFreedoms Dallas Conference, the Nations Top Pastors and Christian Political Influencers in America come together for a weekend speaking on the principles of Christ, Country, and the Constitution. According to the ‘Faith & Freedoms Conference’ event website, there are over 50+ Speakers, VIPs, Influencers, Public Figures, Pastors, current and former Politicians, Conservative Entertainers and notable Media Pundits.
Moreover, in addition to Latinos For America First President Bianca Gracia, other featured #Faith&Freedoms (Dallas, TX) 2021 Conference, keynote speakers include (but are not limited to): special appearances by all of the following- a live Q/A Session with ‘Cat Turd’- a premiere, first-time appearance by this social media prodigy, exclusive to ‘Faith & Freedoms Conference’. Additional #FaithNFreedoms (Dallas) Conference Headliners and Key Note Speakers included in this year’s all-star lineup of ‘Who’s Who’ in Conservative circles also include: Hon. Pastor Greg Locke, US Navy SEAL & Vets for Child Rescue Founder Craig Sawyer (and Veterns For Trump/America First Official Ambassador), Pastor Brian Gibson (co-host), Robby Starbuck, Hon. (Co-Host) Matt Couch,, Mike Yoder, George Papadopoulos, Buzz Patterson, Dr. Cordie Williams, Mindy Robinson, Gary Sheffield, Jr, Pastor Mark Burns, Nicole Nogrady, Eric Matheny, Col Rob Maness, Doni Anthony, Pastor Dave Scarlett of His Glory TV, UFC Hall of Famer Pat Miletich, Ed Butowsky, Chuck Callesto, Rachel Hamm, Eric Wnuck President of We The People Pack, Chris Lippe, Juanita Broaddrick, Bobby Jeffries, Kambree Nelson, Bob Lancia, Keith Lee,Dr. Jason Alexander Roberge, Kyle Becker, Tony Shaffer, Karlyn Borysenko, Aja Smith, Jeff Dornik, Patrick Howley, DB Fugate, CJaye from the Deplorable Choir, Michael Johns, Landon Starbuck, and Dr. Willie Montague, and many, many more TBA.Please take note that more up-to-date information about this special event and for additional details/to purchase individual ticket sales (both daily and weekly packages available) can be found online, at the official ‘Faith & Freedoms Conference’ website at: www.FNFTickets.com
Media Contact: Press Secretary, Kristie Tertel, [email protected]
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