Fact Check:
The truth: Most deaths and hospitalizations in the US and UK are from those who have antibodies for COVID through injection or naturally by having had COVID. The vast majority are what we call “breakthrough cases.” Why does the news keep saying otherwise? I don’t have a clue and I am not a conspiracy nut by any stretch. All links are to Government sources and those generally considered credible by most people.
The Data:
According to United Kingdom Government Data:
In England, it is estimated that over 9 in 10 adults, or 93.6% of the adult population (95% credible interval: 92.5% to 94.5%) would have tested positive for antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, the specific virus that causes coronavirus (COVID-19), on a blood test in the week beginning 23 August 2021, suggesting they had the infection in the past or have been vaccinated.
This is a direct quote and here is the link to their data. If you go to that link each region of the UK is broken down with similar numbers. Yet cases are still relatively high. See this link.
In America, the CDC says 83% of us had antibodies before the Delta Variant hit, according to this Newsweek article. The article is dated 3 Sep 21. That means 17% did not have antibodies. The numbers of people with antibodies are likely now much higher. Yet, the numbers are still relatively high for people being diagnosed with COVID in the US. See this link. The CDC reports 87% of deaths in America are from those 65 and older and are “breakthrough cases.” See the table on this page of the CDC website. Scroll down to the table.
The simple conclusion is: Most cases are “breakthrough cases” in both the UK and the US. Most people have antibodies from getting the virus or from the shot.
Side Note:
According to Science.org an Israeli study found natural immunity is much better than vaccination:
The new analysis relies on the database of Maccabi Healthcare Services, which enrolls about 2.5 million Israelis. The study, led by Tal Patalon and Sivan Gazit at KSM, the system’s research and innovation arm, found in two analyses that never-infected people who were vaccinated in January and February were, in June, July, and the first half of August, six to 13 times more likely to get infected than unvaccinated people who were previously infected with the coronavirus. In one analysis, comparing more than 32,000 people in the health system, the risk of developing symptomatic COVID-19 was 27 times higher among the vaccinated, and the risk of hospitalization eight times higher.
I am very open to explanations or corrections. Feel free to comment below.
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The following is a copy-and-paste from a friend:
“Be vigilant and take D3 10,000 IU, Vit C 1000-2000 mg, Zinc 50-100 mg preventative. Do not get sick with this thing. For all the hype and the lies going around regarding the vax, I am certain this ‘variant’ is a direct result of the vax. As they continue boosters and opening borders, this is going to continue exactly what it was designed for in my opinion; gain of function, meaning unlike naturally occurring ‘variants’, instead of becoming more infectious but weaker, it is building resistance against the jab, again in my opinion. Otherwise, there isn’t a single naturally occurring example someone can give for why a vax would: not protect the unvaxd, not protect the vaxd, not prevent spread to or from either group, or prevent hospitalizations. The other data will never be known because of how highly politicized.”
Not sure you come to a precise point. But, some free comments….hence you may perceive their value.
The Administration and their flunkies, or leaders (??), in the press certainly seem dead set on ignoring the fact that many people have natural immunity. And there seems to be some consensus that natural immunity is best. It makes them seem even more clueless than they actually are, if that is possible. It certainly lends credability to anyone wanting to start a conspiracy theory.
I think we know older people will generally not be as protected by shots, and maybe natural immunity, simply because our systems are overall weaker. And we definitely know that if older folks get Covid in any form they are more likely to have an ….uh…unfavorable outcome whether they were “protected” or not. Interestingly there are few references to overweight (fat) people of any age being way more vunerable, and older folks tend towards the heavy side.
I do think that having some sort of immunity will improve your odds of not getting a fatal or serious illness. What is needed is a quick and simple antibody test so no one has a “need” for redundant shots.
My small personal sample has two of my vaccinated friends at the coffee shop contracting, Covid. The old (74) overweight man had a couple days of a bad cold. His overweight wife to whom he past it on had almost no problems. I would have bet that they were both gonners. The forty-ish woman, who was the original carrier, had 2-3 days of bad cold. Her children were sick for a weekgunners vaccinated boyfriend got it and was walking wounded for a few days. The lady had sat with us and given me a hug, but I never got sick, and tested negative. I kinda felt left out, but with my luck it would have killed me…and perhaps I already have contracted the stuff and don’t know.
I just hope all those Latin Americans, Hatians, and God knows who else have natural immunity. Honestly, to me, forcing American citizens to get vaccinated while turning a blind eye to tens of thousands of potential vectors strolling across the border is the big issue.
I am puzzled by the CDC article where they indicate that wearing a mask will protect you. Perhaps a high quality mask (N5?) will, but it was always my understanding that wearing a simple mask only helped other people, and only by slowing down the outflow of air when I breath, limiting, somewhat, the distance the virus might go. Viruses can easily pass both ways through a simple cloth mask, of course, so me wearing one only helps others a bit.
By the way. Why is Fauci still employed? We know that at the minimum he was involved in funding Wuhan. And that is not necessarily a problem so much as that he kinda forgot to mention it on Day-1.
I suppose the precise point is at the top:
The truth: Most deaths and hospitalizations in the US and UK are from those who have antibodies for COVID through injection or naturally by having had COVID.
The media and even CDC on some pages of their website both support and deny this at the same time. It is conflicting if you ask me. It defies the law of non-contradiction.
I agree wholeheartedly there should be antibody testing before giving shots. That is the key and they keep ignoring it. As you said, most agree that natural immunity is significantly stronger than the vaccine.
Not to the point, but, this lady does some good commentaries.
She and her lawyer partner do a talk show on WNIS in Viirginia Beach 9 -10:00 AM. They have a on-line connection. A lot of Virginia issues but also general commentary. WNIS is right wing talk station….shows run from logical to a little off the edge.
And while I am typing….I am not a big mask fanatic, but I hate it when some redneck SOB gets mad at people wearing a mask, or a restaurant refuses service. People wearing masks are usually genuinely afraid, and if a mask gets them out in the world, I am for it. It does not hurt non-mask wearers.
Making 2-year-olds wear a mask is beyond idiotic.