President Trump will be hosting the second State Dinner of his Presidency for Australian Prime Minister Morrison. We were contacted by Sky News to see if Vets for Trump would be willing to make an appearance on the Paul Murray Live show. The producer described Paul as a conservative along the lines of Australia’s Sean Hannity so I agreed. I immediately called a very good friend and fellow Vet for Trump Allen McCormack to also attend. Thankfully Allen was available.
Allen and I are close to the same age with similar time in service and we are both involved with helping veterans. He is on a mission to establish more Veterans Courts and our mutual goal is to work towards reducing veteran suicide and suffering. Our relationship is topped off with a cherry in that we are both very serious about the importance of Christian faith as we seek to serve our brothers and sisters in arms. Suffice it to say we are kinsmen on multiple levels. I am thankful for the many veteran friends like Allen that running this website has brought into my life.
On Sunday Allen and I left our homes at “0 Dark Thirty” bound for FOX News HQ in Washington D.C. to meet with Paul Murray with Sky News Australia. Allen and I got our makeup from some delightful young ladies that work just off the Green Room at FOX News. PS the “Green Room” is not green, just in case you were wondering. Allen mentioned that but you must forgive him, he was Army after all.
Bill Hemmer who was substituting for Chris Wallace for FOX News Sunday appeared to grab a cup of coffee. Brief hellos were exchanged. Allen and I were then escorted to the rooftop where the scene of the Capital and surrounding D.C. area was beautiful. American flags waving from various buildings filled us with a sense of pride. The flags reminded us why we served, who we served and why we support a President who puts America first!
This was our first time on live TV. Having done live radio before but not TV it felt different than the pre-recorded pieces done in the past. It was great! Allen and I can not say enough good about the people behind the scenes. Without them, the entire facade of television would fall apart. Paul Murray put us instantly at ease with his jovial style. He is what I would call a happy warrior!
Paul realizes that Vets for Trump was and is still a very potent force for President Trump. Veterans fought for an America that was fiercely self-reliant, independent and the greatest force for good in the world. This is why the Presidency of Donald Trump resonates with most of us. We are cut from the same cloth. We are not triggered by mere words as we will give it right back to you, we can take a joke and we will kick your ass if you get in our way. Add to that we never get tired of winning and know there are times we need to sacrifice for a greater good.
Thank you, Paul and staff, for your gracious invitation and G’day to all your watchers in Australia!
Click here for the video if receiving this by email. PS the chyron swaps our names so when you see Allen it is me and when you see Mike it is Allen. Also, there is no such rank as a Major Sergeant but that’s OK. It was close enough for government work LOL.
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