Veterans for Trump Blog Posts
Vets for TrumpHere you will find the latest blog posts. Feel free to share your comments supporting Trump here. If you want to carry on like an idiot feel free to follow and comment on X formerly Twitter.
Maskless Double Standard
If you are a great American then you already know this story. I'm posting this so you can reference it for your hypocritical liberal friends. There are so many of these types of things and I just have not had the time over the years to post them all....
Week In Review – Mid July 2022
NPR launches Disinformation Reporting team. Most of us find this hilarious. Almost as funny as the government disinformation idea. By the way, in the olden days' kids, this is what the news was supposed to be, just the facts. Now they have to form a special team! News...
Why People Say We Are Different #IdiotBrushfire
It is not the obvious lies that you need to watch for. It is the things you are inclined to believe without question. How easy is it to agree with someone telling you what you want to hear or what you are inclined to believe? Someone who seems credible passes along...
Musk Pulls Out Of Twitter Deal
Musk backs out of Twitter deal. - Twitter is like a fight club for people who don't want to get hit - Jimmy Failla. To further paraphrase, they loved Musk before he tried to buy Twitter, they hated him while he was buying it, and now they hate him because he is not...
Why J6 Hearings Must Continue
Mac and Mike ask questions about the J6 hearings. What is a hearing supposed to look like? What do they hope to achieve? Why bring in a hearsay witness that was immediately discredited by Secret Service agents that were actually there? Why continue it any longer?...
Vets for Trump – Mac & Mike Discuss the 2nd Amendment
This was recorded on Friday before the shootings over the 2022 July 4th weekend. It seems accidentally timely. Many on the left want to see the 2nd Amendment abolished. I know this will be a never-ending debate so let's all agree on that much. The question is how do...
J6 Hearings – Witch Hunt or Serious Investigation?
If you were a supervisor or manager in the military you know the one thing you had to do to get to the bottom of something was to ask the right questions. It is the same if you are a parent, teacher or investigator. Frankly, you cannot solve a problem until you ask the right questions and get truthful answers.
Satan Responds To Roe v. Wade Overturn
OK, in light of our recent comment string I could not help but share this. I know many of you follow the Bee but who knows, maybe it is new to some. Enjoy!
Comments On Transgender Sports & “Pride” Month
This should be a good Sunday post. One of our liberal commenters, Jon, posted his comment in relation to a previous short post titled On Transgender Sports & “Pride” Month. See the bottom of that post for Jon's first comment and my reply which will put the comment...
Advice 5 Cents
Here is my advice to the average person, both left and right. Take a week or two off from the news and social media. No matter which side you are on you only need to ask yourself one question. Are the thoughts coming from your TV or social media helpful? Maybe you...
On Transgender Sports & “Pride” Month
A few weeks ago I saw an ESPN headline: Former University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas responds to critics: 'Trans women competing in women's sports does not threaten women's sports' Women athletes disagree. This weekend I caught the news that Fédération...
Happy Father’s Day & Juneteenth
Happy fathers day to all of our veteran fathers and even of the civilian world. Fathers are so important to our society and nation. While I grew up without a father I had a fatherly influence in my grandfather that molded my worldview for the better. He was a World...
Greenies Should Watch This TedX Talk
For a long time, I have been talking to my liberal friends and acquaintances about the pollution of electric vehicles. People learn in different ways. The best is video and audio. Add captioning and you have 3 out of the 4 major ways people learn. If that helps you...
Trump Endorsements
Mac and Mike discuss Trump endorsements on Rumble. Should Trump be involved in supporting candidates in a primary? I was surprised at the responses I got traveling from PA to NC the other week. It seems like everyone running as a Republican wanted Trump's endorsement....
Aimee Arrambide – for our liberal readers
I often forget that our liberal readers are likely never exposed to many of the things we are. I know there are many liberals who have subscribed. Only 1 or 2 ever make cogent arguments. With that in mind I thought I would share this segment from a Congressional...
Paying for college debt
There is a lot of talk about forgiving college debt and by now you likely know why many of us think it is a bad idea. It is never forgiven, just paid for by others or we print the money. To me, the answer is simple, at least a partial answer. If someone wants the...
Bishop Evans Fund
If anyone finds a legitimate Go Fund Me or another donation area for the family of Specialist Bishop E. Evans let me know and I'll post the link. You all know the story by now so there is no need for me to go into it. All I can add is shame on Jen Psaki for her...
Why do you ignore the proof against Trump?
Follow up to the third question asked by our primary antagonist (Jon) commented on a previous post, Gullibility – Extremism – Disinformation – Cover Ups and Negative Outcomes. His comment was: How many people who voted for Trump regret their vote? Probably a few more...
How many people who voted for Trump regret their vote and Biden corruption
Our primary antagonist (Jon) commented on a previous post, Gullibility - Extremism - Disinformation - Cover Ups and Negative Outcomes. His comment was: How many people who voted for Trump regret their vote? Probably a few more than for Biden. You keep harping on...
What Does Coffee and Fracking Have In Common? Seriously
How cheap energy was killed by Green lies and Russian propaganda. Coffee, now considered a drink that is good for us, faced an angry bunch of winemakers. Interestingly, this anti-coffee propaganda came out of a university. The year was 1671! Below is an excerpt: A...
Gullibility – Extremism – Disinformation – Cover Ups and Negative Outcomes
"There's a sucker born every minute." ~ Source Unknown/Disputed There is no shortage of new victims, or of con men, or of honest men. Americans are bombarded with information on a daily basis. Some of us long for the days before 24-hour news and Social Media. The...
Follow Up To: Dems Get Tough On Russia & More
On March 20th I wrote a post titled Dems Get Tough On Russia & More. That prompted a comment from one of our lefty commentators Jon B. He asked: "Where did that quote from HRC’s spokesperson come from?" Jon is probably accustomed to my meticulous sourcing of what...
Dems Get Tough On Russia & More
The Democrat Party is getting very tough on Russia. Not only have they sanctioned them, following the lead of major U.S. businesses, they now refuse to outsource election rigging to them! A spokesman for Hillary Clinton's campaign said "Between us and the DNC we only...
Ukraine vs Russia – Will Russia Recover?
By now we all know it will take decades for Ukraine to recover if it ever does. The question now is will Russia recover? Vets for Trump, Mac and Mike continue to discuss the war in Ukraine. Has Vladimir Putin slit his own throat? Mac thinks Russia can recover. Mike...
The People’s Convoy
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEFor media inquiries contact:Email: [email protected] Truckers are launching The People’s Convoy, a peaceful and unified transcontinental movement, on February 23 from Adelanto Stadium in Southern California To support the...
Why Our Enemies Will Eat Our Lunch
Did you ever wonder why China, Russian, Iran, North Korea and others will soon be eating our lunch? Look no further for an explanation than this, the near future of woke America. For more hilarious, sad but too close to true, humor visit and subscribe to the Babylon...
Durham Report
Our friends on the left are always being kept in the dark. They did not know about the Hunter and Joe Biden scandal before the election due to a coordinated effort by social and mainstream media. It looks like they are being kept in the dark again on the Durham...
The Interesting Thing About The Canadian Trucker Protest
Make no mistake, we are watching something truly unique in history. Many leftist governments in Europe and leftist states in the US are removing or relaxing their mandates and restrictions over the Wuhan Flu. Mac and I discuss the Canadian trucker protest. Don't get...
Do Our Constitutional Rights Evolve?
The job of the Supreme Court is to interpret the law, not write the law. The older veterans and other older wiser citizens have been trying to explain that to the younger generation for years. Now what Joe Biden said is bringing this into narrow focus. Click here to...
Reaching an Understanding with the Left on Criminals
A murderer stood before a judge waiting to be sentenced. The judge asked if he had anything to say before he ruled. The man said: “Your honor, you know my life story. You know I had no real control over the things that made me what and who I am. I had no real choice...
Anti-Authority and Anti-Government?
This past week Democrat former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard joined with Republicans to express her dismay with the Biden administration's view towards regular Americans. Tulsi did this in January 2021 and January 2022. It is good to see there are still some things...
Just had to share this
I've been a big fan of things like The Babylon Bee, Gutfeld, and other greats like JP Sears who use humor and sarcasm to take down the Communist/Socialist narrative of the left. Here is the latest from the Babylon Bee. It puts things into perspective with song and...
The Decline of Christianity in America Part 2
This is a longer video. I know some have said, "keep them brief". I get it. Sometimes we just cannot keep them brief. We fully understand if you don't have time for a 29-minute video. That is often true for me. I prefer the shorter 5 or 10-minute videos that come to...
China Flu Cases versus Deaths – 1.4 or 0.3 percent?
The main purpose of this post is so you can share it with people who are overly concerned about the China Flu. Since it is all based on facts it will likely get banned on social media. You might have to email it to friends or they will probably never see it. A picture...
Progressive Retired Generals Stoke Flames of War in US military. Fact or Fantasy?
Posted by Mike Kelly for Veterans For America First: Veterans For America First (VFAF) strongly condemns the recent statements made by three retired senior military officers, who represent VetsVote, The Lincoln Project and Bloomberg, that our military is divided and...
The foundational principle of forgiveness runs through all major religions and secular views in psychology. It exists in Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and nowhere is it taught more prominently than in Christianity. If you come from a secular background psychologists...
Thanksgiving – Listen Carefully, Think and Ask Questions
Writing on this blog is different than dealing with people one on one or in small groups. In writing, I am often setting the record straight or emphasizing a point of view. You cannot hear my voice, see my face or read my body language. If you knew me personally you would have a completely different impression. In conversation, I try to listen carefully, think before speaking and ask the right questions with sincerity. By listening I learn new things all the time.
My Fellow Veterans
With that said I want to take a moment to share what Vets for Trump have been doing behind the scenes. A small but dedicated board of directors has been established with the goal of helping our fellow veterans and first responders as well as the nation as a whole. We are just beginning and look forward to a bright future. We have established a 501(c)(3) and a 501(c)(4) Organization.
The Decline of Christianity in America
Mac and I did a shorter 11 minute video on this subject just for VFT. Scroll down for the video. If you like, here is the longer video. From 2001 to 2019 Americans dropped in Christian identity from 85 to 65%. Only 41% of Americans went to church in 2019 (before China...
H. R. 914, a bill that would require the VA to treat dental care as the other medical specialties, was introduced on March 22, but unless it gets a lot more co-sponsors, it will die in committee, as did its predecessor bill in the 116th Congress.S. 3017, Veteran...
Accountability #VetsForTrump
As military members, accountability was at the top of our priority list. Without accountability, the entire military would fall apart. The longer you spend in the military the less you understand the non-military world. We see the incompetence and corruption of our...
Facts On Covid
Fact Check: The truth: Most deaths and hospitalizations in the US and UK are from those who have antibodies for COVID through injection or naturally by having had COVID. The vast majority are what we call "breakthrough cases." Why does the news keep saying otherwise?...
Tax The Rich
I have been wanting to explain to simple-minded people why taxing the rich never works for a long time. Please share with your friends who think taxing the rich works. Yesterday AOC made a big splash with her Tax The Rich dress at a rich person event. I will not go...
Need Your Help – Thinking About China Flu Vaccine
I need your help thinking about the China Flu Vaccine. Last week I heard a newscaster say countries with the highest percentage of vaccinated people are seeing numbers of cases and deaths equal to or worse than last year at the same time. Being a natural skeptic I...
Hard Times
Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. ~ G. Michael Hopf Did 9/11 teach us anything? Friday night on Gutfeld, Terry Schappert pointed out the quote above and other things that resonated...
Northern Alliance Pushes Back
Goooood Mooooorning Afghaaaanistan The Northern Alliance had another night full of success. On the Baghlan front they captured 17 Humvees and destroyed 5 pick-ups and showed others how to disable not to be recaptured by the enemy. The Taliban left behind...
Leave no man behind!
We need your help. The situation in Kabul has dramatically deteriorated and the Taliban has taken complete control of Kabul minus HKAIA. This has caused a mass exodus of local Afghans fearing for their lives under Taliban control. Currently, aid has been set up in the...
FBI Says No Insurrection On January 6th
Though federal officials have arrested more than 570 alleged participants, the FBI at this point believes the violence was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump... ~ Reuters This is not news to those of us...
You’re Fired
I received a brief statement as a Post submitted using our anonymous Post link. It is too short to go out as an entire post. It is time I take down that link. I never get proper articles through there. Instead, I will use the contact form. If you have something you...
No One Left Behind
A friend sent me the video link below earlier today. You know this Afghanistan debacle has really bothered me. For those who think that Trump would have also neglected those who aided our troops, we will never know. Most Democrats and Republicans agree we have to keep...