Plea bargains are at best controversial and at worst corrupt. This is not my opinion but it is of many legal scholars. Just Google it or click here. This comes up in relation to those being persecuted by liberal courts in relation to Trump. Also, if you read carefully these lawsuits do not mention Trump as in the case of Jenna Ellis. Ellis pleaded guilty to a charge that wasn’t in the original indictment and doesn’t include Trump. I am sure this will infuriate leftists and Never Trumpers but let’s examine plea deals.

Factors influencing individuals to accept plea deals despite innocence

  • Pressure from prosecutors and potential consequences of going to trial
  • Limited access to resources and the high cost of mounting a defense
  • Fear of receiving harsher sentences if found guilty at trial
  • Ineffectiveness or lack of trust in the justice system
  • Psychological toll and emotional distress associated with prolonged trials
  • The role of public perception and societal pressure on defendants

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Percentage of plea bargains in federal courts: In any given year, 98% of criminal cases in the federal courts end with a plea bargain — a practice that prizes efficiency over fairness and innocence, according to a new report from the American Bar Association. Source NPR

How plea bargains work: The defendant then appears in court to ratify the deal. At that hearing, the defendant admits guilt, briefly testifies about the facts of crime, and claims he knows what he’s doing in entering the agreement and giving up his rights. A judge accepts the guilty plea and imposes the negotiated sentence, which is typically a fraction of the maximum sentence facing the defendant if the case went to trial. Source Big Think

What percentage of innocent people plead guilty: 18% of known exonerees pleaded guilty to crimes they didn’t commit. These are just known cases. The percentage of innocent people pleading guilty to crimes they did not commit is obviously much higher. Source Guilty Plea Problem dot Org

History of Plea Bargains

Plea bargains, a negotiation process between prosecutors and defendants offering reduced charges or sentences in exchange for a guilty plea, trace their origins back to ancient legal systems. However, their development and prevalence as a fixture of modern criminal justice can be credited to the United States.

Plea bargaining gained traction during the early 19th century as an effective response to overcrowded court dockets and limited resources. The exact time and place these practices emerged are debatable due to their gradual integration into legal systems across different states. Nevertheless, New York’s pioneering adoption of plea bargains in the mid-1800s heralded its widespread acceptance throughout the nation.

Subsequently, various court cases over the following century expanded the constitutional rights and guidelines governing plea negotiations while solidifying their significance within American criminal justice. Since then, plea bargains have become deeply ingrained in the U.S. legal system, provoking ongoing debates about potential flaws, ethical concerns, and imbalances of power that they may present.


There are several significant reasons why individuals might opt for plea deals even when they maintain their innocence. First and foremost, the high costs associated with trial fees and legal representation often act as a deterrent, particularly for those who lack financial resources. Accepting a plea deal can provide financial relief by reducing legal expenses and avoiding the risk of a more severe sentence if found guilty at trial.

Additionally, the lengthy and unpredictable nature of trials can exert overwhelming emotional strain on defendants and their families. The prospect of enduring months or even years in courtrooms coupled with the uncertainty of an acquittal may convince some innocent individuals to accept plea bargains in exchange for lesser sentences as a form of damage control.

Even with faith in their innocence, people might also face considerations such as potential bias from juries, limited access to exculpatory evidence, or skepticism from their own lawyers. All these factors combined contribute to a climate where the pragmatic choice is often to pursue plea bargains rather than endure a potentially costly, lengthy, emotionally exhausting, and uncertain trial process.

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