Yesterday in Baghdad, Iranian Quds Force Commander Qassem Soleimani was killed in a rocket attack. This was a US Defense Department attack on a known and identified international terrorist who was the Commander of a terrorist organization.
(Statement by DoD: At the direction of the President, the U.S. military has taken decisive defensive action to protect U.S. personnel abroad by killing Qasem Soleimani, the head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force, a U.S.-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization.
General Soleimani was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region. General Soleimani and his Quds Force were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American and coalition service members and the wounding of thousands more. He had orchestrated attacks on coalition bases in Iraq over the last several months – including the attack on December 27th – culminating in the death and wounding of additional American and Iraqi personnel. General Soleimani also approved the attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad that took place this week.This strike was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans. The United States will continue to take all necessary action to protect our people and our interests wherever they are around the world.)
Soleimani was the General who Commanded Iran’s Quds (Jerusalem) Force Army of Iran. His history includes the slaughter thousands of innocents in the Syrian Civil War, he actively recruited and supported the Houthis in Yemen, and worse, actively taught and supplied militia fighters in Iraq on the making, placing, and utilization of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) during that war to kill hundreds of US Military, and Thousands more non-military, and most recently overseeing the killing of hundreds of Iraqi protesters demonstrating against Iranian intervention in Iraq.
Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska had this to say: “This is very simple: General Soleimani is dead because he was an evil bastard who murdered Americans,” Sasse said in a statement. “The President made the brave and right call, and Americans should be proud of our servicemembers who got the job done. Tehran is on edge – the mullahs have already slaughtered at least a thousand innocent Iranians – and before they lash out further they should know that the U.S. military can bring any and all of these IRGC butchers to their knees.”
Over the past several months there have been many provocations in the Middle East perpetrated by Iran. Oil Tankers passing through the straits of Hormuz were attacked, Oil Tankers of allies (England and Japan) were seized, a US Drone was shot out of the sky over international waters, Saudi Arabian Oil Fields were attacked, various targets in the region were attacked, and most recently an American citizen (private contractor) was killed, and now, America herself was attacked when the US Embassy in Baghdad was attacked by militia. All of these attacks were attributed to the nation of Iran, or their proxies in the region, and most were gleefully and proudly claimed by the nation of Iran,
In our past in this great nation, President Theodore Roosevelt famously stated, with regard to international affairs, “Walk softly, and carry a big stick”. This is the proper fashion for a leader among nations to behave. Be secure in the knowledge of our strength, but be judicious in the use of that strength. So it is with the nation of Iran as they insistently provoke the international community of nations. We have patiently offered multiple opportunities to work out differences between our nations. Iran chooses a rouge approach.
It is accepted standard protocol that a nations embassy is, in fact, the sovereign soil of the nation itself. Such is the standards agreed among nations. Thus an attack on the US Embassy in Baghdad is a DIRECT ATTACK on SOVEREIGN US soil. How does a nation react to a direct attack on the nation?
It is forced to “fight back”. Simple. Direct. Unavoidable. You attack us, and we MUST defend ourselves. There is no alternative, lest other “bad actors” interpret our inaction as weakness.
Soleimani was indisputably the mastermind behind the attack on our Embassy in Baghdad. Surprisingly, even after his bold attack, he was comfortable and confident enough in his authority and control in the sovereign nation of Iraq, to travel openly to the nation of Iraq to personally oversee the “success” of his plan. Obviously he was a trifle too comfortable and confident, and paid for his hubris with his life.
There are many who support the President in this decision. There are many others however who criticize this action and claim that this anti-terror response will likely cause Iran to retaliate even more forcefully against the US.
Here is the question we must ask ourselves. Are we a world leader or are we one of the several other countries of the planet who must cower lest we offend other, stronger nations? I’m not condoning “Might makes right” mentality, rather I’m simply asking the question, if we truly believe that we stand in the morally righteous position, do we NOT have an OBLIGATION to stand for what is right?
I know, many would argue, right and wrong can be filtered through the lens of your position, as the old saying goes “Where you stand depends on where you sit”. Iran claims the righteous position. Do they have the righteous position?
The United States has basically been at war with the nation of Iran since 1979, when “students” overran our Embassy there and took American hostages. Since 1979 Iran has been directly responsible for the killing of hundreds of our military personal in the middle east, fomenting multiple insurrections throughout the region, responsible for the terror it sponsors against the nation of Israel with literally daily rocket attacks, to include the many provocative actions in the gulf and interruption of oil traffic, and now, finally, the direct attack against the US Embassy.
When is enough, enough? In the 1990’s, Iranian students protested in the streets, and the US did nothing as Soleimani and his Quds Force brutalized the protestors in a bloody crackdown against them. That was a domestic issue. What Iran has done throughout the region is NOT “domestic”, rather it is international, and provocative, and dangerous! Can our allies in the region “depend” on the power and influence of a United States that does “NOTHING” when they are DIRECTLY attacked?
In the coming days and weeks this action will be debated endlessly. The sides will be divided by partisan politics, much as the impeachment trial was partisan. Based on your politics, you will be “for” or “against” this decision.
I must be honest with you when I say that I do NOT know if this was the “right” or “wrong” decision. I do NOT know because I do NOT have all the information available to me that the President and the National Security Team had when they made the decision to conduct the operation.
I will offer this opinion. I believe General Soleimani’s death is well deserved for a man responsible for the deaths of so many others. I am particularly aware of the hundreds of my Brothers/Sisters who have died BECAUSE of his actions, whether directly or indirectly. As the Warrior Ethos demands, You kill my Brother, you do not get to live. That is JUSTICE in the military that I joined/served. I take pride in my oath, I love my Brother-in-Arms, and I make no apology for either of those statements.
What I do know is this, before Iran attacks the United States again, they will look at this retaliation and try to determine what the ramifications of their next aggressive act of terror or war will bring in retribution to them.
I think that is a good thing for them to consider before they act again. What do YOU think?
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I am with you brother. He should have been put down long ago. The next guy to go will be Ismail Qaani. I’m betting he is saying “oh shit” (اه لعنتی)as of this posting.
Another example of Trump thinking himself above the law. There has been an executive order against assasination since 1976. Somebody didn’t bother to rescind it first.
I heard someone on TV last night say something rather profound. He said “There are many dictators and bad actors out there who will no longer be able to sleep soundly.” That’s a good thing…isn’t it?
So assassinating senior government officials is fair game?
Well Jon, you offer an interesting comment. Perhaps a unique perspective. Well maybe not completely unique since I’ve seen comments along this line of thinking from several broadcast and online sources.
The World has become a complicated place Jon. As the World gets complicated, so do the answers to what once may have been uncomplicated questions.
When I was a young man, Armies wore uniforms. On the battlefield, battlefield being somewhat clearly defined, enemies and friends were fairly easy to discern. You knew who the good guys were, and who the bad guys were. Likewise, “senior government officials” (your words) were easily identifiable, and they were nowhere near the “battlefield”!
When you ask your question, in the manner and place that you asked, one must assume that you are referring to General Soleimani, Iranian Quds Force Commander. So first I must take exception to your definition of “senior government officials”. You certainly must agree that he was the military commander of a military unit, i.e.”Quds Commander”. If you dispute this, then clearly we have nothing to discuss since that would be simply untrue.
Establishing that Soleimani was a military Commander, then you must also agree that General Soleimani and the Quds Forces have been designated as a Terrorist and Terrorist organization. In fact, it could realistically be called the primary terrorist organization in the Middle East, superior to and offering assistance to several other terrorist organizations in the region.
General Soleimani was an Iranian Terrorist General of the Iranian Terrorist military Quds Forces who was in a foreign land (Iraq) conducting and overseeing military operations against a third nations Embassy (USA) without authority or provocation. So how would you define that action? A “high government official” conducting official duties? Or would you agree that what I outlined was a terrorist planning and conducting terror activities?
Thus your simple question is somewhat elusive, and perhaps could be better stated in this fashion:
“So killing a known terrorist on foreign soil while engaged in hostile actions against YOUR nation is fair game”?
So Jon, stated in the correct manner, using common English words to give a complete and accurate picture of the situation, I ill leave the answer to your rhetorical question with you.
But I would ask that you open yourself to a more expansive world view. There is reality. There is TRUTH. Your unique perspective of the situation is not necessarily the completely accurate world view in a very complicated world.
First I realized that most of the widely watched Media/ News publications all their reporters to be activists rather than journalists. Now I look and see the Democratic Party House and Senate elected officials putting their political party above national security of our country. Yes, we need to have a credible use of force to deal with spontaneous acts of violence against US interests in foreign affairs. The reasons being to deter acts of terror/war crimes against the United States! Yet the Democrats want to object to any type of the use of force and limit the power of the executive branch in dealing with Foreign governments This is a prime role of the president’s branch of government and that’s according to the Constitution. When I was a kid I learned this in the Chicago Public School system, an old Democratic locality’. We were
God Fearing Democrats who worshiped the beliefs of The late President John F Kennedy. Now we have a majority of Democrats who are destroying Kennedy principles and pushing for the early stages of Communism. Thank God we have President Trump.
LTC Michael Goose Bogmenko Ret. USAR
Outstanding article!
Clearly this is massive roadside TRUTHBOMB for anyone unable to distinguish fact from fiction.