I was talking with a veteran for Trump today from California as well as Vlad Lemets from our organization. The subject of the Socratic method came up. You can read all about it. However, to keep it simple here is the basic way it works. We ask questions that stimulate thought.
One method used is a Socratic Circle. A Socratic Circle is not a debate. The goal of this activity is to have participants work together to construct meaning and arrive at an answer, not for one student or one group to “win the argument”.
During that conversation, the America First slogan came to my mind. So, if we ask the question “If not America First, then what?” it can inspire us. What is the alternative? Logically it could be America Last. Some may think America in the Middle or any shade on a sliding scale.
To further clarify the question, we are not suggesting America Only. Obviously we live in a world made up of many interdependent nations. What does it mean to put America First? What are the ramifications of putting it somewhere other than first? Comments and thoughts are welcome!
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Keep in mind, the following is my opinions and my opinion ONLY:
In order to consider the postulation “If not America First, then what?”, one should first determine what importance America serves on a global scale. What has America done for the WOLD (not just for itself) that probably would not have happened were it not for this country and its citizens? The benevolence and progress that America has brought to the world is too expansive to easily name and essays could be written on the subject(s) but suffice it to say that America has done more in the way of bringing a positive influence to the world in its 244 years than many nations have done in their entire histories (respectively), many of them being over a thousand years in existence. From a yellow fever cure to feeding the hungry to installing freedom in war torn and ravaged countries, America is seen as a beacon to the world and a shining light in the darkness of chaos and disorder.
Now let’s ask, “What would the world do WITHOUT America?” Who would fight the war on terrorism? Who would feed starving cultures in countries like Somalia? Who would push technology to new heights? Dinesh D’Souza produced an awesome movie ‘America: Imagine The World Without Her’. In this piece, he explains how the world would most likely be today had our founding fathers never taken it upon themselves to suffer the discomforts they suffered in forging this nation. The picture he paints is, in a word, disastrous. His documentary shows just one possibility of what the planet would be like if there was no nation to stand for freedom the way ours does. Personally, I found it quite sobering.
America is a dream to so many. The sheer thought itself of coming here and partaking on the bounty we have to offer, can brighten the days and cheer the spirit of so many people living in countries like Mexico, Guatemala, Venezuela, etc. People are literally KILLING themselves to cross into this ‘Eden’. If that’s the case then how could ANYBODY not want to place America first? The only ones who have a problem with the phrase ‘America first’ are those who no longer deserve any part of her. They need to immediately renounce their citizenship and leave this country as those of us who love this country want nothing to do with them. I think I’m correct in assuming that I can speak for the millions of Americans that consider themselves patriots and who love this beautiful, young, vibrant, strong, powerful nation. KAG!!! TRUMP/PENCE2020!!!
Well written Michael and I am in total agreement.
Thank you, sir. I always look forward to your posts as common sense and logic are items that I thoroughly ‘adore’ and gravitate towards. 🙂
A slight bit long, but brilliant and worth every minute…!!!! ?
. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ue5F57dZMU&feature=youtu.be
1.He has packed his administration with former lobbyists and corporate executives. He has installed a former Boeing executive to run the Defense Department; a former pharmaceutical lobbyist to run the Department of Health and Human Services; a former coal lobbyist to run the Environmental Protection Agency, and a former oil lobbyist to run the Department of the Interior. In total, more than 300 lobbyists now work in the Trump administration – many in key positions overseeing the industries they used to lobby for.
Here’s a pro Trump version.
Lobbyists are not always a bad thing. Think VFW. Also, that’s how the left got Obamacare.