by mkelly | Nov 6, 2023 | Vets for Trump
For decades, the left has cunningly employed victimhood as a tactic to rally support for their radical agendas. It has proven to be quite effective. They have managed to secure the backing of so many victim groups they became the majority. Ironically, in their quest...
by mkelly | Nov 4, 2023 | Vets for Trump
It seems the chief complaints about Speaker Mike Johnson are about his strong Christian faith and belief that American leaders should put the interest of American citizens first. How sad is it that the main arguments from the Democrats boil down to this? I never...
by mkelly | Nov 1, 2023 | Veterans for Trump
In the realm of American politics, the two main contenders for the presidency, Donald Trump and Joe Biden, possess distinct qualities that set them apart in terms of intellect and comprehension. This post will briefly explore the intellectual virtues exhibited by...
by mkelly | Oct 30, 2023 | Propaganda, Veterans for Trump
One of the lies of the Biden administration that keeps getting repeated is the number of jobs they created. Every time you hear they created more jobs than any other administration you know it is a lie. All we heard for years from WAPO and others was about Trump and...
by mkelly | Oct 27, 2023 | Veterans for Trump
I recently added a question to post comments. If Trump wins the primary who will you vote for in the general election? The options are Trump, Biden and Other or not voting If you say Biden then your comments here do not matter and I would say you are incorrigible. If...