The Sunk Cost Fallacy

The Sunk Cost Fallacy

The sunk cost fallacy is a common decision-making trap we all fall into from time to time. It describes our tendency to cling to a project, dating relationship, or even a friendship simply because we’ve already invested time, money, or effort into it. Even when...
J6: A True Timeline

J6: A True Timeline

A fellow veteran for Trump, Joe, sent me a link to this J6: A True Timeline video. If you get this in your email you will likely have to visit the website and click the link. YouTube requires you to go to the video on their website and consent before viewing. Here is...
Karl Priest Unshackled

Karl Priest Unshackled

One of our fellow veterans sent me his life story as told by the Christian group Unshackled. It starts out with an old fashioned sounding theme in the background. Then I recalled I used to listen to this program on the radio. I did not think I would listen to the...