by mkelly | Sep 21, 2021 | Conspiracy Theories, Fact Check, Propaganda, Psychological Operations, Veterans for Trump, Vets for Trump
Fact Check: The truth: Most deaths and hospitalizations in the US and UK are from those who have antibodies for COVID through injection or naturally by having had COVID. The vast majority are what we call “breakthrough cases.” Why does the news keep saying...
by mkelly | Sep 15, 2021 | Fact Check, Socialism, Veterans for Trump, Vets for Trump
I have been wanting to explain to simple-minded people why taxing the rich never works for a long time. Please share with your friends who think taxing the rich works. Yesterday AOC made a big splash with her Tax The Rich dress at a rich person event. I will not go...
by mkelly | Aug 17, 2021 | Fact Check, Veterans for Trump, Vets for Trump
A friend sent me the video link below earlier today. You know this Afghanistan debacle has really bothered me. For those who think that Trump would have also neglected those who aided our troops, we will never know. Most Democrats and Republicans agree we have to keep...
by mkelly | Jul 10, 2021 | Fact Check, Vets for Trump
I’m making this quick post for the record. Leftists & easily dupped people keep saying things like “The 600,000 plus deaths are the fault of Trump”. Ridiculous! Facts are stubborn but keep lying to yourself if you must (delusion). If you are on...
by mkelly | Jun 29, 2021 | Fact Check, Veterans for Trump
If you have Fox Nation you may be interested in watching Tucker Carlson’s latest interview with Jodi Shaw. Tucker Carlson Today Episodes (25). Military and Veterans still get 1 year free. You just have to remember to cancel before they bill you. If you stay it...
by mkelly | Oct 29, 2020 | Fact Check, Veterans for Trump, Vets for Trump
Besides the Joe Biden scandal, the thing that bothers me most recently is Biden commercials on COVID response. I’ll bullet point some facts. Neither Joe Biden nor anyone else can prove their response would have been better. If he had a better plan he certainly...