by mkelly | Jul 28, 2019 | 2020, Veterans for Trump, Vets for Trump
Many of us are not only veterans but Christians as well. It was disheartening to hear that banned a veteran group from advertising their organization because they used the word “Christian” in the advertisement. You can click here to read more...
by mkelly | Jun 6, 2019 | Veterans for Trump, Vets for Trump
You have got to see Greg Gutfeld’s opening monologue on The FIVE on FOX News from 6/619. Here it is.
by mkelly | May 29, 2019 | Impeachment, Veterans for Trump, Vets for Trump
Today Robert Mueller spoke for the first time since his report. Here is a link to the full transcript. Sane people agree the conspiracy theory of the Trump campaign working with Russia has long since been put to rest. The only area that seems muddy is the Obstruction...
by mkelly | May 28, 2019 | Vets for Trump
Over the weekend a fellow veteran from my Special Operations Wing Facebook group posted a long list of names of those we lost. Others added more names in the comments section on Facebook. The list evoked the expected emotions but after some reflection, it came to me....
by mkelly | May 9, 2019 | Vets for Trump
I receive email from Concerned Vets for America. This week is the 5th anniversary of the Obama administration Phoenix VA scandal. You can read the CVA article at this link. President Trump signed the Mission Act into law on June 6, 2018. On the civilian side which...
by mkelly | May 7, 2019 | Main Story, Psychology, Vets for Trump
This week, I was in Washington, D.C. as the United States House of Representatives returned to session. I was pleased to start the week discussing issues with some of my colleagues, including Congressmen Guy Reschenthaler (PA-14), Dan Crenshaw (TX-2) and Kevin Hern...