After consulting with fellow veterans I was asked to post something in relation to the Kavanaugh accuser. I want to preface this post with the fact that it is too early to tell what the fallout will be. However, in short order, some verified facts have emerged. I do not believe you will find these things unless you do a specific search on the woman whose name only became public on Sunday.
- Christine Blasey Ford is a Democrat.
- She has donated small amounts to Bernie Sanders.
- She marched in an Anti-Trump march wearing a hat that was an altered version of a Pussy Hat which looked like a brain. Click here for the article from April 2017.
- Her parents appeared before Kavanaugh’s mother who is also a judge.
- Christine’s husband Russel has a LinkedIn page that has not been updated since 2016. Not much is known about Russel.
- She has deleted her Social Media pages.
You can see more details at this web link.
There are a few points that are reported on a fairly wide basis.
- Christine’s husband backs up her story stating that she mentioned Kavanaugh’s name and was concerned he might one day be nominated to the Supreme Court.
- Christine claims she was at a party where Kavanaugh (17 and at the end of his junior year at the time) was stumbling drunk with friend Mark Judge when she was groped.
- Christine does not say if she too was drunk at the time.
- There appears to be evidence that Christine spoke about this incident in a therapy session without stating Kavanaugh’s name at the time.
- The friend and Kavanaugh deny the event.
Now for an opinion.
- I believe both should testify under oath and it must be scheduled before the mid-term elections.
- I would ask if she was also drinking at the alleged party.
- As a person with a degree in psychology, she should be fully aware that memory is not reliable with the passage of time and alcohol. This could be true for either person.
- Worst case, it appears to be an accusation of a single incident from 35 years ago where alcohol was involved and both were juveniles. She admits to telling nobody about the incident after it happened until years later in a therapy session without mentioning a name.
- There is no other allegation of this behavior. There is quite a bit to the contrary from 65 women who worked with Kavanaugh over the years. I have always found these “last minute” accusations of politicians and judges to be suspicious.
- I find two other things stand out. First, she deleted her social media pages. This could be because she did not want to be bothered but it could also mean she is hiding something. Maybe an even more radical left-wing bias than her protest march. The second thing is her husband saying she was afraid he might become a Supreme Court Justice some day. What are the odds of that? This was supposedly back in 2012 when Obama was still President. Plotting for 6 years?
I am really interested in your thoughts and opinions on this subject. Feel free to comment.
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In my opinion she is lying and is probably being paid to do so. She can’t remember whose house she was at, how she got there, when it actually happened or who else was there. Possibly she was drunk and possibly she was groped but by who??? Supposedly she passed a polygraph given by a former FBI agent?? And we obviously can’t trust FBI agents as has been proven with Page and Strzok. Confirm Kavanaugh!
Ms Ford began her QUEST to Stop Judge Kavanaugh in 2012 when the “dims’ thought Romney might win and nominate Judge Kavanaugh!
Her “story” and her 2012 Therapist Notes don’t agree—surpise! This from Ben Shapiro column today:
Why Do Her Therapist’s Notes Conflict With Her Account?
Ford showed her therapist’s notes to The Washington Post. Those notes conflict with her account. The notes don’t include names, instead stating that the alleged perpetrators were “from an elitist boys’ school,” and had since become “highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington.” The notes also state that four boys were involved, not two; she says her therapist got it wrong, and that there were four boys at the party but only two boys involved. Another therapy session the following year includes the charge that Ford underwent a “rape attempt” in “her late teens,” but she was allegedly 15 – not late teens – when this incident occurred. Her husband, who was present for the first therapy session, said Kavanaugh’s name was raised, but the Post account doesn’t say that Kavanaugh was called the alleged perpetrator.
5. She Doesn’t Remember Key Details. According to the Post, she doesn’t remember key details:
She said she believes it occurred in the summer of 1982, when she was 15, around the end of her sophomore year at the all-girls Holton-Arms School in Bethesda. Kavanaugh would have been 17 at the end of his junior year at Georgetown Prep….Ford said she does not remember how the gathering came together the night of the incident. She said she often spent time in the summer at the Columbia Country Club pool in Chevy Chase, where in those pre-cellphone days, teenagers learned about gatherings via word of mouth. She also doesn’t recall who owned the house or how she got there. Ford said she remembers that it was in Montgomery County, not far from the country club, and that no parents were home at the time. Ford named two other teenagers who she said were at the party. Those individuals did not respond to messages on Sunday morning.
Thanks Norm. That 2012 was really bothering me. Something just didn’t smell right and now we know what it was. Apparently, she and maybe her husband had Kavanaugh in the sites then. I think her husband should also appear to testify under oath. I think more is going to be revealed about this that will not go well for either her or her husband and anyone else who might commit perjury.
I had not read about the two other teenagers at the party. We should gather them all and question them. Great catch.
I just saw her attorney. Hmm, far left person from the first looks of her. I’m thinking a lot more is going to be revealed and Brett will be vindicated. We shall see.
When I was in high school and this did NOT happen to you at a party by a fellow classmate it meant you were either ugly or it was a bad party. As a 60-year-old woman now and as with many women I’m here in calling into the radio shows here in Philly today, we look back on the crazy days of those wild parties with fondness not caring one bit !!! I guess Diane Feinstein just fell into the ugly category and finds this appalling. Poor old woman..
This whole thing is NUTS! They were kids when (groping ?) was supposed to have happened. This is Nonsense! Lets confirm Kavanaugh or whatever they call it — even if it takes the Nuclear Option — and get this thing over with.
Hi Fred, Thanks for dropping us a line. It was always going to be a Nuclear Option since we had to resort to that to get Neil Gorsuch approved. Here is a good little article on Wikipedia.
What we have to be concerned with are the liberal Republicans and Red State Democrats who will use this as a way to justify a no vote. Here are the two Liberal Republicans who we believe might not vote for Brett:
Susan Collins, R-Maine
Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska
The Democratic Party is trying to stop or delay it any way they can. Heck, we could not get a single Democrat to vote for the tax cuts in either the House or the Senate. Democrats in the House and Senate just hate working class Americans that much. That’s why the non-business tax cuts were temporary. Democrats could have helped to make them permanent but not a single one would. However, I digress.
The simple truth is we better hope clear thinking Americans come out to vote in the mid-term elections and pray we hold the Senate. That way if Ginsburg retires or passes away we can still appoint another good Supreme Court Justice.